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Everything posted by season1

  1. I voted for my favorites and those with performances I like. I limited myself to two per team max so even though I like Anna, Pete edged her a bit on Team Blake. K: Zae J: Pia N: Rachel and Andrew B: Cam and Pete
  2. Rachel's performance video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NBCTheVoice/videos/144898264277528 If you have FB, watch, like and share the video. And while rewatching/listening to Rachel's performances, continue to vote for Rachel. https://voice.vote.nbc.com/
  3. Added the studio and performance videos on the OP. While listening/watching again, continue to vote for Cam https://voice.vote.nbc.com/
  4. Added the studio and performance videos to the OP. Here's Andrew's tweet RE voting:
  5. Just noticed that Rachel's fan thread finally got HOT!
  6. Great performance to close the show tonight:
  7. I love Zae's song and voice. Vote for Zae (and Zae's friend Rachel) here: https://voice.vote.nbc.com/
  8. @Bk1234 shared this on the previous page -- It is possible that she's singing to her dad and it got her emotional towards the end.
  9. VOTE FOR RACHEL Y'ALL! She has to be in the semis next week. Like Nick said, can't wait to hear what she'll sing next. https://voice.vote.nbc.com/
  10. I was nervous for her, and I'm glad and relieved after her great performance. Rachel's performance is my favorite performance tonight. I hope Nick stays true to his words tonight but we still have to vote for Rachel so she will get the PV. BTW, I added you to the list because you said you're "HERE FOR IT" *** Added! I'm surprised that you're not on the list already.
  11. Andrew did what he can with the song he was given. He tried to have fun while performing. To vote for Andrew: https://voice.vote.nbc.com/
  12. Cam closed the show tonight and he did great! Time to vote: https://voice.vote.nbc.com/
  13. Awesome performance from Rachel tonight. Now it's our turn to send her to the Top 9! https://voice.vote.nbc.com/
  14. The two performances I love tonight are Rachel's beautiful interpretation of "Rainbow" and Pete's performance of the song from Deadpool (yea I know it's Pat Benatar's "We Belong" but I will always associate it with Deadpool).
  15. Savanna performed the best in the 4WKO but I guess the more popular song choice won. At least we get Savanna's superior studio version.
  16. The PV and CS results of this poll is the mirror of a similar poll this weekend The WC results are pretty much the same with Andrew dominating.
  17. At first glance, she looked like a floating head (her clothes blended into the background)
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