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Best Headvoice/Falsetto in TVUSA history


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So, let's just put aside the fact that there's some debate as to whether falsetto and headvoice are the same thing..


if you want, You can categorize contestants that use one or the other separately. But I don't want to turn this into a debate, either way I think most of us here know what the register sounds like.


Back to the main topic. 


Obviously there's some degree of subjectivity here. There's the technical stuff, like power, range and how easily you can navigate it. But there's also the tonal quality. Which contestant do you think has the "best" headvoice/falsetto in the shows history?


I'm gonna add a poll to this thread if theres enough names mentioned, reacting to posts will help me know which contestants are the most popular, the ones I can add to the poll

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The 2 that immediately come to mind for me are.



Chris Blue

Maybe not the most pleasant tone due to its sharp quality, but the range and power is probably the best I've heard from a male singer on the show.


Makenzie Thomas

Don't think there's been a more effortless user of headvoice. Ridiculous agility, great range and a pleasant tone to go along with it. She'd probably be my pick overall.





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6 minutes ago, Hamza Tufail said:

From the recent seasons, Morgan stands out to me. She had a very crystal clear, high range, head voice.

Definitely the best of the country singers I'd say. She used it for "moments" but I almost wished she performed a song on the show where she primarily used headvoice.



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