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DWTS New Zealand


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Why not add another international version into the mix? :haha: DWTS New Zealand will be back for season 9 this year (I haven't seen anything about exactly when it will start though).


Yesterday, they revealed that Laura Daniel, last year's runner up, will be joining the judging panel this season. Also on the judging panel are Camilla Sacre-Dallerup and Julz Tocker. Laura was Shae Mountain's partner on season 8.



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Hopefully Laura will be the harsh judge. As much as I like Camilla & Julz as people, they were pretty bad as judges from what I saw last season.


One of the contestants (kids TV presenter Walter Neilands) seemed to treat his Week 1 dance as a joke and the judges were way too nice to him despite the fact that he was as bad as DL Hughley. That was frustrating to watch as whilst I don't agree with tearing into bad dancers who try, those who don't try definitely ought to be called out on it. I would have loved to have seen Len's reaction to him.

Edited by DWTSFan2001
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I can't really imagine a past contestant being a harsh judge..... and Laura doesn't have the proper ballroom experience as Camila and Julz, but we'll seee.


Anywho I usually follow this series through wiki, but haven't properly watched. Hoping the new NZ season starts after Ireland's finishes because it will be really hard watching so many seasons at once. :dead:  And I would actually like to watch this.

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On 2/14/2020 at 5:29 PM, *Wallace said:

I can't really imagine a past contestant being a harsh judge

Neither, but she surely can't be any worse than last year's judges?


Far from the only issue with this show though. Last year, one of the pros (Melissa) apparently only trained with her celeb for a few hours in the morning and then went off to her regular day job leaving her celeb (Walter) on his own for the rest of the day. If the pro isn't fully committed to the partnership, how on earth is the celeb supposed to improve? Especially since he was a fairly poor dancer and likely needed more training time with his pro to have any chance of improving.

Edited by DWTSFan2001
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Ooh aww I was gonna say with DWTSIrl being done and DWTSAU ending soon, I was going to try to watch this. But understand that it won't continue on and i know it's for the best. :( I'm sure they had a celeb cast? Hopefully they can continue the season at a later time when it's safe to do so.

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