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miss denise

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Everything posted by miss denise

  1. I wondered if Victoria and Steven strategically agreed to not nominate together so they could both get advantages. But I'd be surprised for someone to only let their partner get an advantage while they get nothing.
  2. Dynamic duo. Wow, the twist is so interesting and shocking. I'm very curious to see the advantages.
  3. I normally just backspace or you can click in the upper left corner (where it lets you "Click and drag to move" as shown below) of the media you embedded, as this essentially selects the video/image/etc. With the embedded media selected, then try to backspace.
  4. There have been a couple questions recently about how to remove attachments, so I thought I would go ahead and post this here. If you choose to upload a image to your post, but then want to remove it - simply scroll down to under the text box and click the little trash can in the bottom right corner of the uploaded image. You can also view all your uploaded attachments by clicking your username at the top right of the screen, and going to "My Attachments."
  5. Nominations The Bimbettes (Beauty and the Beast) Cass Hamada (Big Hero 6) Fred (Big Hero 6) Robert Callaghan (Big Hero 6) The Witch (Brave) Francis (A Bug's Life) Hopper (A Bug's Life) The Queen (A Bug's Life) Winston Deavor (Incredibles 2) Riley’s Parents (Inside Out) Miss Spider (James and the Giant Peach) Mr. Earthworm (James and the Giant Peach) Kaa (The Jungle Book) Captain Gantu (Lilo & Stitch) Celia Mae (Monsters, Inc.) Henry J. Waternoose (Monsters, Inc.) Randall Boggs (Monsters, Inc.) Chi-Fu (Mulan) Chien-Po (Mulan) Yao (Mulan) Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas) Lock, Shock, and Barrel (The Nightmare Before Christmas) The Manticore (Onward) Kocoum (Pocahontas) Nakoma (Pocahontas) Louis (The Princess and The Frog) Mr. Snoops (The Rescuers) Sir Hiss (Robin Hood) Andy's Mom (Toy Story) Gabby Gabby (Toy Story) John Silver (Treasure Planet) Auto (WALL-E)
  6. Tonight's live stream with Jesse AND Hunter! Ugh, this bromance and their love for each other melts my heart. Such a fun video to watch. I learned that Jesse's favorite of his own performances were "Fix You" and "Kiss From a Rose"... and that his song for the smackdown was “Toxic” by Britney Spears. They shared so much more fun stuff about TMS too. Jesse joked that the "Friends" music video will be him and Hunter streaking down the beach off into the sunset. Also, mentioned that Hunter is tinkering with a song, "Lemonade", from Jesse's upcoming album, which will likely be the last track on the album. They want to write and a record a song together too. YES PLEASE. Jesse called Hunter's song, "Wanted", a country version of "Beautiful Soul", and joked how he feels like Hunter is always singing it to him and he likes to have a bath and play it on repeat. . Hunter also said a few girls he dated when he was younger all had Jesse posters on their walls. I love that. I love everything.
  7. Tonight's live stream of Hunter AND Jesse! I learned so much insight about The Masked Singer and of course, adore their praise and love for each other so much. Hunter said his favorite of his own performances from the show was “Never Gonna Give You Up”, which I think he’s said before. Jesse mentioned that Hunter played some of his new music for him and one of them, "Roses", made him cry. He said the upcoming album is some of Hunter's best work. Jesse also gave Hunter one of his own songs, "Lemonade", from his upcoming album to work on... so Hunter is doing something with that song, but they hope to actually write and record a song together still! Jesse also said he got into country music around the time Hunter made his debut, and he became a stronger writer from listening to Hunter, who he said was so far beyond his years. He also called "Wanted" a perfect song and like a country version of "Beautiful Soul." There's so much else in there too. Worth the watch for sure. I'm so happy.
  8. Umm Hunter and Jesse did a live stream together tonight for nearly an hour. I AM NOT OKAY. This is a thing that actually happened. Wow, I learned so much, but I'll just list some interesting points that relate to The Masked Singer in this thread. - Hunter saw Turtle perform on the show before he filmed anything for the show.... so that gives a little insight into the recording time frame. - Hunter again mentioned not being able to watch or hear fellow competitors, but also said something about after everyone was revealed at the finale, so I guess they did get to know who everyone was then. And obviously Jesse and Hunter hung out that night at Jesse's house (from the piano videos). - The house Hunter rented in LA to film TMS was right down the street from where Jesse actually lives.... So they were neighbors and Jesse noticed the suspicious car pulling up all the time to that house too. Crazy! - Jesse said Astronaut deserved to be in the finale and wanted it to be Turtle, Astronaut, and Frog at the end. - Jesse wanted to do "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" but couldn't since it was already put down for Astronaut. Likewise, Hunter wanted to do "There's Nothing Holding Me Back" and "Fix You", but they were already committed to Turtle. Jesse then joked about all the other songs he wanted to do and continued by naming everything Hunter sang on the show. - Jesse’s smackdown song would have been “Toxic” by Britney Spears. I so wonder how that would sound. - Jesse was scared of Frog and worried if it would come to a point that he'd (Turtle) have to rap on the show. - Hunter has Jesse listed in his phone contacts as the turtle emoji. - Another costume Jesse looked at besides the Turtle was a bat, which he did NOT want. - Jesse's favorite of his own performances were "Fix You" and "Kiss From a Rose." Hunter’s favorite of his own was “Never Gonna Give You Up.” - The show is, of course, edited down, and Jesse mentioned how Ken would always go on for about 20 minutes. And so much more. But those are some fun facts concerning the show.
  9. There was lots of amazing talent, as usual!
  10. The new season of World of Dance premiered last night! The show hasn't been on since the board malfunction, so looks like we need a new thread here.
  11. Love this behind the scenes video Jesse shared. And I found the Instagram of the dog from the audience wearing the Turtle mask.
  12. Remaining: Enrique and Luisa Rivera (Coco) Vixen (The Fox and the Hound) Mr. Big (Zootopia) Alpha, Beta, Gamma (Up)
  13. GO-4 GO-4 is the secondary antagonist from WALL-E and he is a small white robot who can be recognized from the glowing red police light as his head. He serves as Captain B. McCrea's first mate on the Axiom and helps Auto carry out Directive A-113. Neither him nor Auto are sentient beings and are only able to following directions and not think for themselves. GO-4 has various beeps and sounds he uses to communicate, and is also able to deliver coffee to superiors. That's fun. His name actually comes from the term "gopher", meaning a personal assistant sent to "go for" (GO-4) things. In trying to help Auto take down the Captain, GO-4 was accidentally kicked, sent flying through a window, and ultimately crashed near a swimming pool. That's not fun. There is really not much else I can say about him. Most of the WALL-E characters don't stand out for me to have any feelings about, but some of them are cute. Saving: Jenny Foxworth
  14. Grand Councilwoman Grand Councilwoman is... a Grand Councilwoman. She is the Grey leader of the Galactic Federation from Lilo & Stitch and is the most powerful figure in the galaxy. She is so powerful that she doesn't even have a name, or won't tell us, and calls herself Grand Councilwoman. She is also referred to as "Your Majesty" and "Your Highness" by others. She is first seen in the courtroom scene during Jumba's trial, where she sentences Experiment 626 (STITCH) to life in exile on a desert asteroid and Jumba to prison. Rude. Stitch is able to escape, of course, but when GRAND COUNCILWOMAN sees he is going to land in Hawaii, her idea is to gas the island. Even more rude. Nobody shall hurt Stitch or Hawaii. Pleakley is able to put a stop to this, and Grand Councilwoman realizes she needs someone who understands Stitch, such as Jumba, to capture him quietly. She therefore sends Jumba and Pleakley on a mission to bring Stitch back. She is impatient and is always asking Pleakley why Stitch hasn't been caught yet, and eventually sends Captain Gantu to do it instead, before arriving with her guards to try for herself. She finally took some action instead of telling everyone else what to do, and upon learning that Stitch has formed a family with Lilo and Nani on Earth, she allows him to stay and protects the family under the Galactic Alliance. YAY for good things. Grand Councilwoman also appears in Stitch! The Movie, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, Leroy and Stitch, and Stitch! the anime series. She has a presence in this world, but is not one of my favorite characters, and it was hard to choose who to cut. Saving: Toby
  15. Remaining: Enrique and Luisa Rivera (Coco) Vixen (The Fox and the Hound) Go Go Tomago (Big Hero 6) Mr. Big (Zootopia) Maximus (Tangled) Alpha, Beta, Gamma (Up)
  16. Cut Grand Councilwoman (Lilo and Stitch) & GO-4 (Wall-E)
  17. Save Toby (The Great Mouse Detective) & Jenny Foxworth (Oliver + Company) Cut Go Go Tomago (Big Hero 6) & GO-4 (Wall-E)
  18. When the ranker before you nominates half the same characters you were going to nominate...
  19. The show is back! Lots of amazing talent tonight.... I personally loved the PIGS , the Salsa dancers, and the magician!
  20. Eudora I tried to wait so people could get their preferred saves in before I made a second cut, but I need to do this before going to bed. The only reason I'm choosing to cut Eudora is because Victoria cut her husband, James, and I want to keep the couple together. Hopefully nobody is bothered by this cut, as I have been trying to cut minor characters over more prominent ones when I have no preference. Anyway, Eudora is Tiana's mother and, sadly, the widow of James in The Princess and the Frog. RIP James. So sad. Eudora is known as "the finest seamstress in all of New Orleans" and makes most of the dresses for Mr. La Bouff's daughters. Eudora is a wonderful mother to Tiana. She only wants the best for her and is always there for her. She wants Tiana to be happy, and is very supportive of her dreams of opening her own restaurant, however; she also worries about Tiana working too hard. Disney Wiki even says about Eudora, "Dislikes: Tiana's workaholic ways." She also has high hopes for Tiana to get married and make her a grandmother, which is... a thing that can put too much pressure on grown children. BUT she is still supportive of Tiana's career dreams, so yay for that. Saving: Roquefort
  21. Save Roquefort (The Aristocats) Cut Eudora (The Princess and the Frog)
  22. I liked all three songs, but preferred the other two over the "winning" one. Love that they chose to record them all and wonder when we'll get to hear the others .
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