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Everything posted by Gmm99

  1. It's certainly a double-edged sword. It can help and hurt candidates.
  2. Only his loyalists. The base is getting smaller by the day. For the candidates, it's best to just mention Trump once and move on at least I think. Don't accept endorsements or anything.
  3. Noah's studio of his "Stay" cover is OUT now!!!
  4. The GOP would have stood a better chance if they rejected and allowed Trump to fade into obscurity. He himself should have just stayed away from politics in general but clearly he didn't. I have said this before, and I'll repeat it again. Just looking at these candidates...I really want a split congress at this point. If the GOP still has a "wave," that will be despite their horrible campaign strategies. And will be undeserved.
  5. I'll just insert a comment from the article that was mentioned in the tweet you posted... "But now it’s time for him to fade away. He is unelectable and is only hurting the party and therefore the country at this point. The honorable think for him to do would be to bow out of the 2024 race and only support candidates where he carried over 60%." Obviously not the full comment (that viewer thought Trump did a good job), but case in point. There are more similar comments to that. Trump ain't an honorable man at this point though.
  6. The red wave was on the horizon...but holy hell did the GOP put in some AWFUL candidates -- a lot of them who Trump endorsed. And it looks like they aren't doing well with the independents at all. That group of voters at the end of the day are ones that the GOP needs to win over. Putting in Trump-endorsed candidates like Oz and Walker is not a very good idea (even Kevin McCarty too). The GOP should have let Trump fade into obscurity for the midterms, but they clearly aren't. Add the overturning of Roe v. Wade as part of the reason too. I don't know how long it will last, but it became a factor (at least for now).
  7. Doesn't help that a lot of the GOP nominees aren't particularly good at all + Trump is still getting involved with politics through endorsements. Still months until November but yeah...the senate has been extremely iffy to flip for the longest time now.
  8. Found this article on the electoral college...this is going to get ugly. Democrats Close To Changing Laws On Popular Vote (thefederalist.com) A notable quote: " The commonly heard sentiment during election cycles is “every vote matters.” However, what is not fair is that if the president is elected based on a plurality, then the minority would not have a chance of having their candidate elected. Only the concerns and interests of more heavily populated areas, such as the East and West coast cities, would be represented. Interests of the minority and less populated areas would naturally be set aside and of little interest to future presidential candidates. Worse, the executive would be beholden and accountable solely to the majority. This condition was not the intent of our founders. Their intent was to ensure that the nation’s highest executive, as well as the executive branch, represented the interests of all Americans regardless of political affiliation. A future president would need to appeal to those concerned about not just national but also regional issues. Further, the Electoral College provided a means to disburse and decentralize power. State electors are elected just days before and are unknown until just prior to an election to prevent undue influence to stay true to the people’s votes in their states. Our founders framed it so as to prevent collusion and cabalist (their word) behavior, preclude violence, and thwart involvement of foreign powers."
  9. Thoughts on this? MorningConsult's poll today shows Independent voters soaring for Democrats.
  10. Oh boy. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/27/politics/schumer-manchin-deal-build-back-better/index.html
  11. At the end of the day though, Trump still went along with it. No matter how "unenthusiastic" he was. His response to COVID was probably one of the reasons why he lost a lot of independent voters in the last few months going into the 2020 General election. That's what at least I think.
  12. As of now, do you think Trump will run in 2024?
  13. WHO declares monkeypox outbreak to be public health emergency of international concern - ABC News (go.com) Okay in all seriousness...do you know anyone -- not just your friends / family but those in social media, who actually got Monkeypox?
  14. And that's even with the executive orders that he did in the past two weeks.
  15. At this point...I'm fairly certain that this is just Biden's stunt to get the American people worried about the virus again and forget about inflation, and other economic / social issues made worse by his administration. Because again, midterms.
  16. Biden has been appearing to do more executive actions than recently...last minute ditch for the midterms?
  17. Trump-Backed Senate Candidates Are Struggling in Winnable Races (businessinsider.com) "I think the Trumpsters are loud, and they think we're going back to Trump," the RNC member continued. "And I could be wrong, but my gut is that we need independent voters to win, and we're not going to get the independents if we run Trump people." That bolded text right there is just reiterating my thoughts on "Trump-endorsed" candidates. I don't think independents gotten over their "Trump-fatigue" yet. Doesn't help that two (Walker and Oz) of the three mentioned in the article are piss-poor candidates from what I've heard.
  18. Biden preparing executive action on climate after Manchin sinks legislative approach - CNNPolitics
  19. New Covid-19 vaccines aim to put the brakes on virus spread - CNN Yeah...they are really trying to tell us that the vaccines are the only way of stopping the spread.
  20. Like the thumbnail in the video claims: Rust Belt Strategy? I think this is a smart move.
  21. From a Civiqs poll (Another Biden approval update):
  22. Amid ‘high’ COVID activity and mask mandate looming, LA County posts nearly 9,000 new infections – Daily News Los Angeles County is said to reinstate mask mandates on July 29th.
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