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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. Luke is right, every time she performs, she gives it her all, which is super commendable. I'm a big fan of her. And I haven't forgotten the hollywood week duets debacle -- she handled herself so gracefully and it makes me even prouder to be a #Nutstan!
  2. also i enjoy Noah's energy a lot but her advice about not going around the stage as much for this song made no sense this is not the kind of song to stay still
  3. Nutsa is giving a strong performance! it's hard to call it stellar because there have been so many other incredible covers of this song on The Voice, but what she's doing is undeniably impressive
  4. oh i see they were airing her earlier in the night so they could push for their Claritin ad instead typical American Idol
  5. grace potter and the nocturnals, highly recommend. my favorite from them is "stars"
  6. the NERVE of american idol to air an Allegra allergy medicine ad after montaging Allegra last season. where was her air time then!
  7. ohh i see. i mean actually Jessie J might even be too big. Ariana is a great fit because her voice is similarly a bit thin but insanely agile. i wonder if she could do something like yebba ? might be too niche for this audience though... ugh i want her to go far so bad, she's insanely good! i suppose if she could flip songs like she did with her audition, that would be super cool too. but going for the big 3's songs isn't going to be good for her long-term imo.
  8. SCREAMING that is so funny speaking of which i think i need to add Emma, she's SO good.
  9. Noah has a really nice voice. (Cyrus btw i'm not a Noah Thompson stan )
  10. yup summed up my thoughts, she did an excellent job. the only problem was the whistle part which she replaced with an over-raspy belt, but otherwise i was really impressed! i want to see her go the pop powerhouse route w/ more Ariana, Jessie J type stuff, rather than Celine, Mariah.
  11. oh if you wanna go there i have such a good response regarding Mr. profile picture.. but unfortunately i will not make fun of him.. anyway Olivia is a legend
  12. ok so strong performance but she dodged the whistle so that's unfortunate
  13. yeah im stressed for her, she's a legend but there's a reason no one ever sings this song on singing competition songs... i'm manifesting she has her Nailyah moment though!
  14. so excited for Olivia to perform ! insane song and honestly i respect her for it. contestnats on american idol taking on "emotions" and "lovin' you" adds so much more excited compared to contestants on the voice singing "if i ain't got you" and "lay me down" for the 15th time
  15. malik started out ok but got pitchy... i want to make a pun about him "not going crying to [his] mama" when he gets eliminated but it doesn't work so y'all can just laugh react as if i said something funny
  16. don't worry me and my 12000 posts are here to resurrect the thread!
  17. i'm going to report you to istersay if you keep saying things like that! /j (an accent mark on the "e" does wonders btw)
  18. just woke up, heard Hannah and she was good w/ some issues. knowing she was sick im really impressed and she handled the conversation about it gracefully, not using it as an excuse. i'm a fan of her personality and her singing has been good! this is what i've been waiting for from megan since season 18 of the voice !!!! i always thought to myself, she sounds good, but i know she can belt bigger than this. and this performance she hit so many insane high belts !!!! it was super exciting to see and im so proud of her.
  19. it sucks bc she’s one of my favorites in the competition. it’s ok though, that’s a tough song and hopefully she’ll bounce back!
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