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Everything posted by seamaidencora

  1. Nope she was better then Bailey..why not try to remove competition
  2. Madaline top female country for me, enjoying this.. like Tayrn but now no reason to vote for her in 4KO
  3. I hear you but it don't matter, also Payge was leaked KO.. and john's up to this point was kinda stacked. She had a lot of one chair turns as well.. which as a coach, I like about her.. Love chloe, so if she hadn't..
  4. To be honest it don't matter after her steal.. he has PV and she will pick between her two top runners IE: Payge
  5. Think it was a whole 6 seconds for James to be off with this song
  6. I really like chloe, but lauren picked hard song which could have hurt her, let's see what chloe does with her song choice
  7. I prefer lauren from rehearsals, but let's see what the moment brings
  8. Yup, and both on team blake now.. I know he told Kelly to stick with starting team members.. but if it comes down to CS.. . Sid all day
  9. I don't know why this was leaked KO.. Sure they are both lovely people, but meh
  10. Yup, I agree with many on your list. I hope if Ryan doesn't win 4wayK Larriah does.. Sid is so good.. I read spoilers, but don't want to spoil thread with opinions yet..
  11. I'm not sure what you mean? You want to see what I look like? www.instagram.com/1viciousgirl That's me.. still don't see how what I look like changes who I am, or what abilities I have. Don't post there often really only when I have something to say.. enjoy
  12. You know ppl defending Gwen stealing Ben cause he is country and that is main demo for show was smart, but Kelly saving Ryan was cause he is Pretty.... So you can be a snowflake killer, just not a pretty one!! Ok sorry vent over...
  13. Yep country mafia coming now... That was not a smart steal, just wasn't
  14. They are mediocre, and isn't it hard to get duos/ trios to finale?
  15. Payge was good, but honestly Ryan nailed his song too...I would have stolen.
  16. I muted Casme... Not the right song!! She sooo over sang that...If that song was liver it would bounce after she was done cooking it!!
  17. Sadly is human nature, don't let it get to you! Highschool never ends.. You seem to always have to be mid level. If your the least attractive your easy pickens.. if your the most attractive.. ppl gang up to take you down a peg.. I just love his voice and he deserved that save, period.
  18. I agree.. Think imho Larriah won that battle, but Gwen used her save correctly.. Carter I think wouldn't fair well in 4wb.
  19. Weakest - Gwen Strongest - Kelly or John Blake's team is very ... Not bad, what is the word " greyscale"
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