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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. She posted some photos and a reminder to watch it on TV tonight. I have my DVR set. https://www.instagram.com/p/B527lv_FU6v/?igshid=tbsn7evmmyk8
  2. That’s the one at the Capitol. The National Christmas Tree lighting is the one at the White House...the one that’s on TV tonight. The clips I posted are from that. I got confused by it too the other day.
  3. They’re going to skip Marybeth‘s duet, because America wouldn’t be able to handle the slayage twice in a two hour show.
  4. Open: Marybeth Close: Katie Stream: Jake “stream the tar out of it” Hoot
  5. Kat has something on her story with MB, but I don’t know if that means they’re paired. The duets don’t count for votes, so I don’t know how much they matter anyway. In a close vote, it might sway a few people.
  6. I was really hoping to get some meltdowns, but I think it’s going to be Katie, Ricky and Jake, with Rose winning the instant save. I might change my mind if someone really bombs tonight.
  7. I’m just ranking what I think of the song choices here. I don’t really care who advances, so there’s no bias. 1. Ricky - The best song choice, and he’ll kill it. He might be the frontrunner after tonight. 2. Jake - Smart choice with potential crossover appeal. Don’t butcher it, though. 3. Rose - I feel like I’ve heard enough versions of this, but the audience likes this song. It’s better than the typical diva song contestants like her usually get. 4. Katie - I hate this song, but I guess it will appeal to her target audience? She’ll probably perform it very well, and have a new pair of funky glasses. 5. Kat - Zzzzzzz. She needed a Christian song to have a good chance. 6. Hello Sunday - I didn’t even listen, but it can’t be worse than the two below it. 7. Marybeth - Everyone will be comparing her performance with Carrie’s version. This almost never works. 8. Will - GTFO
  8. Well, I’m listening to his studio right now, and I’m not optimistic for him.
  9. It’s really difficult to impress the audience with a Carrie cover. Especially this one that everyone knows.
  10. I just grabbed these from Facebook, if anyone is interested. Facebook mentions on this morning’s post. Positive mentions only. Jake 59 (Lots of Hoot! Or, Hoot ! Hoot Hoot!) Katie 50 (A little polarizing) Ricky 50 (No negative comments) Rose 23 (mostly positive) Will 20 (He appears first in the video. That might have skewed it?) These 3 better hope they have a hidden fanbase: Kat 6 Marybeth 5 Hello Sunday 1
  11. I don’t see any possible way Ricky doesn’t get PV with that.
  12. It must take a little longer to load a bus into iTunes.
  13. Facebook mentions on this morning’s post. Positive mentions only. Jake 59 (Lots of Hoot! Or, Hoot ! Hoot Hoot!) Katie 50 (A little polarizing) Ricky 50 (No negative comments) Rose 23 (mostly positive) Will 20 (He appears first in the video. That might have skewed it?) These 3 better hope they have a hidden fanbase: Kat 6 Marybeth 5 Hello Sunday 1
  14. They did fine last season (how hard was it to predict that outcome?), but completely flopped S14 and S15.
  15. Of those, HS in the finals would be by far the most shocking one to me, closely followed by no TB in the finals.
  16. A big reason Blake had 6 in the top 13 and 3 in the finale is because he’s by far the most popular coach. I doubt they want their star sitting on the sidelines in the finale.
  17. Aliyah had frontrunner type social media numbers the last few weeks, but most of IDF dismissed it. Plus, they put her in the pimp spot with a Christian song and elaborate staging. They knew what they were doing.
  18. I think you’re on to something. That theory sounds as good as any.
  19. Open the bloodbath like Brynn did? Are we sure that wouldn’t actually help her?
  20. I liked her performance more than some of the others too, but it just means she flopped more than the flops you’re referring to in some way, whether it was song choice, or whatever. For some reason, the audience just hasn’t taken to her. There isn’t always an obvious answer to these questions.
  21. He says that every week. It has nothing to do with the song.
  22. Stream the “tar” out of it. Jake understands marketing. He says the same thing over and over and over again, on all of his accounts.
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