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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. Wow, she has a knack for finding opportunities in totally unexpected places. That’s why despite the difficulties for women in country music, she shouldn’t be underestimated. Diversifying is very smart. Thanks for posting.
  2. Here’s a link to a video of her performance of “Be Cowboy” at AT&T stadium. Needless to say, she killed it.
  3. This may seem like a minor thing on the surface, but here we have a woman who hadn’t been to a concert in 48 years (and it was Elvis, of all people)...yet she showed up for Chevel. Pretty cool! That must make Chevel feel good. She had her deal at AT&T stadium last night, and a couple other shows on the side. Now, she’s in Nashville...hopefully working on getting that album released.
  4. I have no idea. I didn’t think about that. If it is, I’m not sure why she would be there now? Maybe it’s a throw back picture.
  5. She seem like a likely candidate for pimping. I still can’t get past the mumbling. I noticed she just dyed her hair blonde..... Is it OK to post this?
  6. Yeah, I agree 17-8-4 is more likely. They’ll probably do something like The Voice of Holland just did with their T12. One PV and one coach pick per team. That first cutdown is going to be a painful one.
  7. ....and “Valerie” for her instant save song. Or, reverse it. Which one to lead with? Tough call. I just know she needs something really good and appealing to 60 year old rural people. LOL. EDIT: Actually, there probably won’t be an instant save in the playoffs anyway. I think Neon Moon would be the better choice for the PO, to appeal to as many viewers as possible (the song has potential crossover appeal) and especially Blake’s fans.
  8. I don’t know what made me think of it, but I was reminded that this was Maelyn’s instant save song. Pretty sure Joanna would do well with it, and it’s already been approved by TPTB/songwriters.
  9. So many people focus on high notes, but there have been very few females on the show who can also go low like her, and they’re usually much older. As for “doesn’t matter much,” that’s been my stance for the last couple seasons. Unless they win, it doesn’t matter much where they finish. Winning only matters for the $100K, and a temporary increase in gigs. Either way, they’re going to have to make it on their own, and it could take several years (and it won’t be because they were on The Voice). Might as well go for the win, and get out of the Republic contract.
  10. Here are the Google trend performance peaks for the 4 who got the PV. I doubt it means much, but Ayoub has the big lead here, followed by Emma. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 7-d&geo=NL&q=Emma Boertien,Sophia Kruithof,Kes van den Broek,Ayoub Maach I haven't been paying much attention, and don't care who wins, but I think Emma gained so much momentum with her blind, and now she's demonstrated that she wasn't dependent on autotune.....I'm going to predict she takes it.
  11. It also says “not paid.” Awesome. I’m sure she’ll have people beating down the door to get that gig. Side note: I like the old emoticons better.
  12. She does dabble in it a little. She did a cover of “You’re still the one” recently (plus it was on her Lives Options playlist along with Tennessee Whisky). I’ve also noticed other country songs in some of her playlists, and Angel From Montgomery Is countyish (depending on how it’s sung).. For the most part though, her musical tastes appear to be out of the mainstream (not that there’s anything wrong with that). She did this cover of “Family is Family” five years ago. She was probably 14. I know she’s a big Kacey fan. With only 3 weeks of lives, we’re not really going to get much insight into who these people are as artists. The format is garbage.
  13. How did In the hell did he get a job as a teacher after this? He would have been 20 years old, so I’m assuming the teaching job came after this incident. In October 2007, he was charged with criminal sexual assault in Saline County, Illinois, according to Courier & Press archives. Two years later, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor battery and was sentenced to two years probation and fined $11,840.
  14. Rather than 17-8-4, I could see them doing 17-12-4, for viewer retention reasons. Either way sucks, IMO. The only question in my mind is whether it will be a straight vote from the T17, like the T20 they did in the last Spring season, or whether it will be standard playoff format. Since she called it a “playoff,” it’s more than likely the latter. I’m not at all excited for this.
  15. True...plus, they wouldn’t call it a KO if it was done during the first live show. It would basically be a “comeback” if that were the case.
  16. 17-8-4 It’s not clear, but I’ll bet the 4-way KO performances already happened, so we’ll be voting on taped performances, and the winner will be revealed during the first week of lives. That way, they don’t have to fly all 4 of them back to LA. Just a guess...
  17. ^ Not that I’m expecting it, but she could be a very good country singer if she wanted to...one with lots of range and power, but also the ability to do singer-songwriter style country, like Kacey.
  18. Here’s the “Be Cowboy” video for PBR, except I don’t know if it’s the official video, or whether Chevel even knows about it. It’s on a page called “New Mexico Music Company,” and I don’t think she’s mentioned it on her social media. She’s performing at a PBR event on Sunday. Also...she recently got braces, and the orthodontist has been using her in their marketing.
  19. Before watching that, I was expecting that there was more to the story...that the voter was out of line in some way....nope! Biden was out of line there, especially putting his hand on the guy’s chest, and poking him with his finger. Joe still hasn’t learned to keep his hands to himself.
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