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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. @Spurrioushas seen her live a few times. Let’s see what he has to say about that.
  2. From the spoiler thread: “Morgan re: her song this week: “if you’ve seen me in concert, you’ve probably already heard me sing this song”” Link to story of Morgan taking about it: “…so in my wheelhouse…” https://instagram.com/stories/morganmyleslive/2979592862006995221?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  3. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/11/25/trump-dined-at-mar-a-lago-with-white-nationalist-holocaust-denier-nick-fuentes-alongside-kanye-west/
  4. Good thing there aren’t many live rounds this season. I happen to think Kique is a consistent enough singer to handle the workload. His problem is lack of appeal with the viewers.
  5. I supported James David Carter, but that didn’t go well. I wanted to support Kenzie, but he didn’t rise to the occasion when the lights were the brightest. I like a lot of male country singers outside of the show (mostly classic, not the current crap). On the show, I have a difficult time supporting them because of the huge advantage they have with the audience. I tend to support underdogs.
  6. Maybe Bryce, but Brayden doesn’t have the range.
  7. Exactly, and if the teens don’t perform up to standards, they usually make an early exit. The same can’t often be said about the male country singers who manage to make it to the voting rounds. Maybe we should give them their own show too.
  8. Right, not enough demand for one of the major networks. Contestants like Parijita, Haley, Chevel, Carter do not belong on a kids show. They would obviously dominate. I’ve never watched a kids version of the show, and don’t ever intend to.
  9. Ratings would drop for the main show, and if there was enough demand for a Voice kids show, we would already have one.
  10. Contestants very likely to deliver a good to great performance every week: : Morgan, Omar, Kim, Bodie, Justin Could go either way, depending on song choice: Parijita, Rowan, Kique What you see is what you get: Bryce, Brayden. To be fair, the average age of the first group is 32, and they all have a lot of performing experience. The average age of the second two groups is 18. This is the most teenagers we’ve had in the top 10 for quite some time.
  11. That’s what I was talking about. As long as it appears on the list of songs requested, at least once, it’s fair game for TPTB. There will likely be some attempts to thin the herd on two of the teams.
  12. PSA: Nobody should attempt to sing ABBA on the show, ever again.
  13. Yeah….just to be clear, I have nothing against Rowan. Her performances, up to that point, were good enough to justify a top 13 position.
  14. Of the four in the bottom, I think Devix should have gone through, but the season is too short, and his style too niche for this audience. Kique’s problem is similar. They couldn’t overcome the viewers who automatically vote for all of Blake’s team, no matter what. Brayden could have belched into the mic for 2 minutes, and still have been safe.
  15. It is definitely getting out of hand. Rowan making it through after that (worst performance if the season, tbh) is one of the most egregious things we’ve seen.
  16. I rewatched it, because I was a bit distracted the other night. It was so short, I have to wonder if the topic is too deep to adequately address in that setting. I don’t think background stories move the needle much, in most cases. I did not know she toured with Reba….
  17. OK, I’m convinced now. I just mentioned in the spoiler thread, this screams semi-final show closer. Whatever she does, I will support it, even though I have my own preferences.
  18. She already has a killer cover of “Girl Crush.” That screams semi-final show closer to me.
  19. I would say, “Sanctuary” and “Therapy” are her most “Stapleton-like” songs, and fit what you’re describing, and they also happen to be my favorite songs on the album.
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