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Everything posted by *Lily

  1. Aidan Fogarty Aidan Fogarty appeared on the most recent season of DWTS Ireland, where he went on to be one of the finalists in the competition. I didn't completely follow this season, I watched some of the dances of the stars I knew more about (Yewande, Sinead) as well as ones who seemed like ones to watch and did well (Lottie, Grainne). So my knowledge of Aidan isn't too great compared to other stars in the season, however I do remember hearing that he was kinda the outsider of the competition when it came to the final four and looking at his scores I can see that. I think next to stars like Fr. Ray, he obviously was by no means the worst And overall he did ok with his scores! But the top three of that season all topped the leaderboard at some point whereas Aidan seemed to have that sort of middle-of-the-road journey with his scores. I will aim on coming back to this with some links to dances and I can comment more on them, but just having a look it seems like ballroom was particularly his forte, scoring highly particularly in dances such as the Tango, the American Smooth and the Viennese Waltz. I'll hope to elaborate more on Aidan's journey when I get a chance to but as for now, he was one of the DWTS Ireland contestants I know less of and so kinda made this an easier cut for me at this point in the game.
  2. Lmao RIGHT. I am fully ready to stop watching but also...I like the idea of seeing three of these people leave back to back
  3. .....hold up did someone say Dr. Will?
  4. Not David being the last person in my draft!!
  5. Girl got a 2 and a half minute speech and delivered EVERY. SECOND. of it. Da’Vonne exits the season and so do I.
  6. I think tonight’s probably where I step out from the season. Haven’t watched this week yet but I was sticking around for Day and in the likelihood that she goes..there’s just nobody left who really excites me or who I’m rooting for Hope she has another iconic exit and interview though and I look forward to her being Queen of the Jury House once more!
  7. Third cut will be Tip Of My Tongue To summarise: Someone Don't You Wanna Stay w/ Jason Aldean Tip Of My Tongue
  8. Two of my thoughts were here so I’ll name those as my first two And I’ll post the third in a moment. Cut: Someone Don’t You Wanna Stay
  9. Hmm...idk what to go for here I’ll have some listens this evening and post my cuts then.
  10. Lmao NO idea how to go about this I have an idea but not 100%. ....so my inbox is open!
  11. 1. Skai & Alan (=) 2. Jeannie & Brandon (=) 3. Justina & Sasha (=) 4. Chrishell & Gleb (+2) 5. Johnny & Britt (-1) 6. Kaitlyn & Artem (+2) 7. Jesse & Sharna (-2) 8, Anne & Keo (-1) 9. AJ & Cheryl (=) 10. Nelly & Daniella (+1) 11. Nev & Jenna (+1) 12. Vernon & Peta (-2) 13. Monica & Val (=) 14. Charles & Emma (=) 15. Carole & Pasha (=)
  12. Week 2 rankings: 1. Kaitlyn & Artem - Foxtrot: Even with an injury... stand-out dance of the night! 2. Justina & Sasha - Foxtrot: Lovely to watch! I love how much she is enjoying the experience and she has such an infectious smile. 3. Nev & Jenna - Cha-Cha: Pleasantly surprised by this dance! I wasn't sure what Nev would be like in Latin, but I enjoyed this routine. 4. Jeannie & Brandon - Cha-Cha: Yayy really liked this dance! Whoops at them accidentally playing the booing sound effect at the start of the dance This is SUCH a fun partnership though and she had all the fun this dance needed. 5. AJ & Cheryl - Foxtrot: LMAO he is SO expressive I think he knows how to sell the dance and it was really entertaining. I think when they clean things up a little more they'll be great contenders. 6. Johnny & Britt - Tango: Obviously he knows how to sell it! I love these two as a pair. I thought sometimes it got a little wonky especially in the frame but a nice number. 7. Skai & Alan - Samba: I was nervous to watch this routine after seeing the scores/hearing about the stumble... but I still really liked it! The mistake was obviously very noticeable, and I think she was in her head a little afterwards. Saying that, I think she was able to pick it back up pretty well and sold it well. 8. Chrishell & Gleb - Rumba: Yay glad that Chrishell improved this week! This felt like it had much more Contemporary influence in Gleb's choreography, but I definitely feel like we saw less nerves and more emotion from Chrishell this week. 9. Jesse & Sharna - Foxtrot: I feel like he'll be good in a Paso Doble or something where his expressions will be a lot more fitting I thought this was promising and an improvement on last week, but definitely still needs work. 10. Nelly & Daniella - Cha-Cha: Really enjoying Daniella as a pro this season, I think she's giving Nelly fun choreography! He seems to be really enjoying himself but also still seems to find some of the moves a little awkward... that solo hip action section was very 'go on girl, give us nothing!'. 11. Vernon & Peta - Paso Doble: At the moment, he's one of the people I'm kinda forgetting about. Idk why since I really like him! Just not standing out too much for me in this bunch. I thought this was an improvement though! 12. Anne & Keo - Foxtrot: Aww this was a cute number. I wasn't really a fan of the song for the style, and I feel like there were times where she maybe lost some of the focus? Saying that, I think she has a great ballroom figure and I look forward to seeing more from her. 13. Monica & Val - Jive: This was cute, but I felt like she was a little in her head. As I can imagine so since like she said on IG, it's been a draining week. Some of the kicks and flicks felt a little low-energy. 14. Carole & Pasha - Viennese Waltz: Pasha's clearly a great teacher. By no means great but an improvement on last week. 15. Charles & Emma - Cha-Cha: I will say, for someone who's so out of their element I do think he does a great job at feeling the dance and enjoying himself. Emma's clearly such a great cheerleader too! It was still pretty rough but a fun dance for him to go out on.
  13. Nev Schullman & Jenna Johnson - "Dynamite" (Cha-Cha): 7 Skai Jackson & Alan Bersten - "Miss Independent" (Samba): 6 Johnny Weir & Britt Stewart - "Poker Face" (Tango): 6 Justina Machado & Sasha Farber - "When You Believe" (Foxtrot): 7 Monica Aldama & Val Chmerkovskiy - "Shake It Off" (Jive): 6 AJ McLean & Cheryl Burke - "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?" (Foxtrot): 7 Anne Heche & Keo Motsepe - "Counting Stars" (Foxtrot): 6 Nelly & Daniella Karigach - "Let's Groove" (Cha-Cha): 6 Chrishell Stause & Gleb Savchenko - "This Is Me" (Rumba): 6 Charles Oakley & Emma Slater - "Never Too Much" (Cha-Cha): 4 Jesse Metcalfe & Sharna Burgess - "Dreams" (Foxtrot): 6 Jeannie Mai & Brandon Armstrong - "Roses" (Cha-Cha): 7 Carole Baskin & Pasha Pashkov - "What's New Pussycat?" (Viennese Waltz): 5 Vernon Davis & Peta Murgatroyd - "We Found Love" (Paso Doble): 6 Kaitlyn Bristowe & Artem Chigvintsev - "I Hope You Dance" (Foxtrot): 8
  14. Yeah I'm watching it now and it's bugging me She's spent a lot of time telling the judges to keep it short, which I get because of how fast-paced the show is, but then she's asking for really elaborate answers from the stars? Particularly with AJ when she asked like 3 extra questions on his relationship with his wife... girl he's crying!
  15. Ahh really hope everything is ok with Kaitlyn. Feel so bad for her that she’s been waiting to do the show for so long and gets injured so early in!
  16. I feel like this is so common of them too They love to start off with harsher scoring but they never stick to it! As soon as someone gets a 7, it feels like the gates open for lots of good scores
  17. I thought I replied to this! Thanks Wally!
  18. Still need to catch up on the show! But hmm Carole being bottom 2 confirmed suspicions for me. I just don’t think she has the voting base that usual outlasters have had. Who would have seen her winning a judges’ vote though?! Charles is almost certainly the only person she could beat though. I’m guessing we’ll see her gone next week. Seeing the rest of the scores, too...Skai scoring joint-lowest, next to Charles and under Carole? Really judges? I’ve only seen Skai’s dance so can’t comment yet too much, but I still think she recovered pretty well and I’d be surprised if I liked Charles or Carole more.
  19. My penultimate pick will be “The Trouble with Love Is”.
  20. Lol wait I lied just because I got a notification saying Skai’s dance had been uploaded. I’ll have to rewatch when I see the show in full tomorrow but...I think she recovered fairly well? She looked a little uneasy afterwards but I don’t think she did a bad job getting back into it. But hmm will have to see again tomorrow and see the critiques too.
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