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Everything posted by Deeee

  1. Kleo loves her dog treats that we refer to as cookies! Kleo has turned every closet in the house into a personal nook. Her beds are located on the floors of our closets. She is terrified of water. She begs me for Cheez-Its!
  2. Baby Kleo taking a nap in the car:
  3. Kleo seeing something absolutely terrifying whilst on a walk:
  4. Kleo wrapped in a blanket and cuddling with a very large Yoshi:
  5. Here is Kleo with a swollen lip after a bee sting!
  6. Here is her on Halloween in her witch costume. That we could only keep on for pictures and pictures were only possible by using treats against her. LOL.
  7. And way too trusting of Tony. Funnily enough, how anybody trusts Tony is beyond me considering he comes across like a slimy guy! LOL
  8. Sugar is easily Top 10 favorite for me so far.
  9. The way she got played was absolutely hilarious. I knew she was doomed, she was way too overconfident.
  10. I did not expect you being a Gabon fan. Taste!
  11. Should I spam the thread with pictures of my beauty?
  12. Aras in Panama is an incredible contestant. Aras in Blood vs. Water is almost non-existent. Even with the very dark storyline that existed between him and Vytas. I just feel like the storyline never really went anywhere. There was obviously competition between them and many years of resentment, but it always got chalked up to "we love each other at the end of the day." Of course. But it made for boring television because the storyline could never go anywhere. Especially given how closely the two worked together in the game. Aras showed strategic chops and was seemingly the biggest threat in the game, but was never the center of attention. SJDS is when I meet Natalie Anderson, right? Very excited to meet her! Ahhh yes juicy tea! Love it. Sucks that RC did not get a second chance to compete, but happy that Candice/John happened since they got sh*t popping at RI. Essentially, she was booted for not being part of any of the pre-game alliances. Got it.
  13. Gabon is the antithesis of a reality television competition show and that is why we absolutely adore it! When you take Gabon for what it is, you recognize it as one of the wildest rides the series has to offer!
  14. UGH. Dogs really are incredible.
  15. Gabon is incredible television. I don't understand how one could dislike the season.
  16. My giant dog is best friends with my siblings' cat.
  17. Gabon is top-tier television. Crystal Cox is top-tier television. A perfect finalist.
  18. All these cute kitties. Makes me feel like the only dog person on IDF.
  19. I know. Very excited. The wait has been far too long. The speculation world has been far too draining. My expectations are low because I fear it will be a Gen VIII Pokémon, which would be unnecessary. But likely.
  20. What is that supposed to mean? I think calling anybody "unclean" is extremely offensive, but especially pointing that language at a Black woman feels very gross. Her freckles make her unique and beautiful. Not "unclean." Yikes.
  21. No, not at all. LOL. I just could not tell if you were serious or this was just your usual brand of thirsting over white men.
  23. And I don't want to be a part of it anymore
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