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Everything posted by KelseyW

  1. OH how I could talk about one of my personal fave albums covers from an Idol alumni for DAYZZZ.
  2. Hmm... After Casey Bishop losing... And Leah Marlene losing... Can I just get a rocker girl who deserves the win???
  3. I wouldn't mind an all around musician and songwriter type who HAPPENED to like country and rock. As long as she isn't blonde haired and white. lol jkjkjk
  4. No Pittsburgh, but maybe West Virginia is where I should travel to my first Haley solo show and first Haley show since 2011?
  5. Allegra is signed though right? Or at least has 19's support... Also she got to tour and had good promo... More than Leah got who finished how many places higher than her in 3rd?? Anyway. Idol seasons only suck if there's no one to follow after the show. Casey and Leah are two epic girls in a row that should've won their seasons. IMO I hope we can get some out of the box Asian girl to win. Like a rocker.
  6. Youtube Spotify Fan List: 1. Idol Maniac 2. jamescasaki 3. chrisaba 4. KelseyW 5. RTV 6. wgm 7.
  7. Adam Lambert is releasing a covers album...
  8. Not many big Christmas albums out besides Backstreet Boys... Compared to last year where there was Kelly Clarkson's second, Norah Jones, and Rob Thomas! Still waiting for a certain Idol alumni to make an EP or LP of Christmas covers and originals...
  9. AHHHHH. That's perfect! I loved that whole neon light vibe. THANK YOU!!
  10. You can VOTE for three hopefuls on the AI official website! www.americanidol.com
  11. Thinking of asking for an American Idol season 21 promo one mainly cause I love the neon red and blue logo... I'm sorry.
  12. SIGH. EARLY. lol He was a little rough but I heard more soulful vocal tone potential in him than the other two.
  13. Congrats Lauren!! The season 10 AI Top 3 is officially taken! lol Haley Reinhart recently got engaged to her longtime boyfriend as well this year!
  14. HOLY JSHIFHEHWEJIOGEIOW. Good god I hope she's ok! She had/has cancer and I've followed her since 2016. I hope this is good for her!
  15. I hate that stupid platinum ticket bs... lol It's the lamest "twist" they've ever come up with. And even though she made Top 2/runner up. I don't think Huntergirl was all that and a bag o chips.
  16. More THE VOMIT rejects? K. I am kidding. I don't care if you are from AGT or TV. I just want fresh faces/fresh talent...
  17. Getting kinda sick of these gits... lol
  18. Congrats to Scotty and Gabi! Welcome to the world little Avery!
  19. AWESOME. OMG. I want a play by play of your fan experience. Haha.
  20. I think most subscription boxes like that can be hit or miss, but it seems Loot Crate has gone downhill. I never bought it but I've bought an item from their boxes. Had to resort to eBay for a Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood floor rug. lol I hope they get back to you and you get the right item!!
  21. Aren't you a Ravenclaw? How do they mess that up???
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