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Everything posted by #jeah

  1. Like nominating CMBYN when someone asks you not to??
  2. BRADLEY KLEIHEGE (Ghost Island) PIC I like Bradley, but I’ve been trying to get rid of him for awhile so now is definitely a good spot for him to go lol. He was iconic and messy and definitely one of the best characters on his season. Bradley was on Naviti and was in the majority, despite being bossy and annoying and having the animosity of all of his tribe mates. He and Kellyn ran things at the beginning. I remember during the tribe swap he ended up on Malolo I think? And he was obnoxious and complained about everything. I think he said something iconic like “I hate the sand here.” Ultimately he was voted out right before the merge. Anyways out he goes, I’ll add a picture later but I’m in a rush. saving: Robb
  3. This sentence would have been nice to see about 9 years ago.
  4. the only Rated R song I don’t like is Mad House tbh. The Last Song is cheesy but cute
  5. It’s super underrated. I love the spoken word part at the end!
  6. Lemme Get That slays. I like Question Existing. The title track, I guess you could argue for
  7. Push Up On Me, Say It, and Sell Me Candy are the only three “filler” tracks on GGGB wdym (and I like PUOM and SMC).
  8. Tina was second place in the last rankdown iirc
  9. JENN LYON (Palau) Jenn I don't really have the energy to give her the write up that she deserves, but here goes. Jenn was part of the Koror tribe that steamrolled its way to the merge virtually intact (besides Willard). Jenn then did a really good job laying low and not painting a huge target on her back, despite getting into a bit of a showmance with Gregg. It's been awhile since I watched Palau and tbh Jenn wasn't one of the most memorable contestants that season (imo Tom, Ian, Katie, Stephenie, Caryn, Janu, and Bobby Jon are all more memorable than her), but I do recall that she was extremely likable and was probably a threat to win. She ended up having to make fire against someone in the Final 4 (was it Katie) and is the first contestant ever from Survivor to be voted out at the final four due to losing the fire-making challenge. Now that's unfortunately a season-regular thing. Ugh. Jenn unfortunately passed away from breast cancer in 2010, thus becoming the first former Survivor contestant ever to pass away. Super sad as it seems she was a wonderful person and she left us far too soon. This is a good spot for her in the rankdown though, as she is not one of the most memorable players ever and, well, this is an easy cut out of the nominations provided. Saving: Kim
  10. @sublymonal I just voted but I need to change something....can I resubmit?
  11. Literally no one is allowed to complain about What's My Name not advancing (besides Victoria) when you all had the chance to do it yourselves!
  12. So now we just depend on Vicky to pick What’s My Name
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