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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Alaska was the tenth winner overall, and her finale was August 2016. Since then, the following winners have happened: Sasha Velour Not Shangela Trixie Mattel Aquaria Monét X Change Trinity the Tuck Yvie Oddly The Vivienne Jaida Essence Hall Shea Couleé Priyanka Plus the two Drag Race Thailand winners.
  2. Half of the seasons you watched have occurred since 2017, so you can’t possibly overwhelm us with too much Drag Race compared to RuPaul.
  3. I didn’t say they did. Carly was my second favourite in S7 so I wasn’t here for that result, but given the caliber of performances Jason was churning out, Brooke outlasting Carly wasn’t the most upsetting part of that Top 5. And if we wanna complain about people with underwhelming Idol runs still being in this rankdown, Carrie Underwood is right there...
  4. It’s hard for me to prefer a season where someone gets outed against their will at tribal council tbh
  5. Every Breath You Take and I Am I Said would like a word. I also liked her Andrew Lloyd Webber performance well enough given the circumstances.
  6. Yet I’m the one who’s lost 3 of my top 7 already.
  7. Well, great. Now I'm angry all over again.
  8. UO, but Without You was my least favourite Carly performance
  9. The producers to Syesha that night:
  10. lol this reminds me of how every week, they nitpicked her until they finally realized Brooke & Jason were literally imploding every week for the final few weeks and suddenly were like YOU'RE SO GREAT, YOU'VE MADE SO MANY GREAT STRIDES, IT'D BE A REAL SHAME IF YOU WERE TO BE ELIMINATED AND NOT GET VOTES for the Top 5 and Top 4, only to then saddle her with the penguin song as if she had any chance at overtaking one of the Davids in the Top 3 vote.
  11. When the conversation has turned to SYesha and @*Wallace still isn't making an appearance in this thread...
  12. Also Independence Day was Carriebot's best Idol performance.
  13. Allison has the best Alone in a live/voting show, but I still prefer Carly's overall.
  14. I could be mistaken, but I'm almost positive Nigel revealed this was the case (or strongly hinted at it) at one point when he was sharing ~Idol voting trivia~ on his Twitter (after either S12 or S15). He said the #1 every week from Top 10 onward went to either Cook or Archie except for Neil Diamond week.
  15. I also think Syesha's decision to do a Dolly Parton-Whitney Houston hybrid for IWALY would up being a misfire, particularly when she followed it with I Believe the next week. She should've just done the Dolly version the whole way through.
  16. Live footage of Syesha preparing for the Top 5 after she'd landed in the B3/B2 for the sixth time in eight weeks:
  17. I know the live performance was kind of a mess, but Carly's studio recording of The Show Must Go On? We were FED.
  18. I'm still not over that Carly/Syesha B2.
  19. Season 5 was also hated when it was airing even though everyone loves it nowadays. I still think it's one of the worst seasons, oops. S7 did have some pretty terrible themes that the decision to make themed semi-finals wasn't even the worst of it. re: the second Beatles week, iirc, they were originally set to do "Current iTunes Top 200" or whatever but were having issues clearing songs/licensing them for iTunes, so they changed it to a Beatles week redux at the last minute. That inadvertently meant S7's themes went 80s (T16)/Beatles (T12)/Beatles (T11)/80s (T10, with Archie being the exception in 1990).
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