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Zoey last won the day on March 24 2022

Zoey had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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    Jason Derülo's pantz
  • Interests
    Australian Idol 3: Natalie Zahra, Emily Williams
    Australian Idol 4: Lavina Williams
    Australian Idol 5: Lana Krost, Carl Riseley
    Australian Idol 6: Madam Parker
    Australian Idol 7: Sabrina Batshon, Scott Newnham
    Survivor Borneo: Sue
    Survivor Marquesas: Kathy
    Survivor The Amazon: Jenna, Heidi
    Survivor Pearl Islands: Darrah, Tijuana, Burton, JF
    Survivor Vanuatu: Eliza, Ami, Julie, John K
    Survivor Palau: Ibrehem, Wanda, Angie, Steph
    Survivor Guatemala: Cindy, Lydia, Blake
    Survivor Cook Islands: Becky, Cristina
    Survivor Panama: Danielle, Cirie
    Survivor Fiji: Cassandra, Michelle, Stacy
    Survivor China: Sherea, Courtney
    Survivor Micronesia: Eliza, Parvati, Cirie, Ami, Natalie
    Survivor Gabon: Crystal, Ken, Sugar
    Survivor Tocantins: Taj, Stephen, Sierra
    Survivor Samoa: Natalie, Laura. Monica, Liz
    Survivor Heroes vs. Villains: Courtney, Parvati, Sandra, Sugar
    Survivor Nicaragua: Kelly, Fabio, Kelly B, Jane
    Survivor Redeption: Natalie, Andrea
    Survivor South Pacific: Sophie, Edna
    SYTYCD 1: Destini
    SYTYCD 2: Travis, Natalie, Allison
    SYTYCD 3: Lauren, Jaimie
    SYTYCD 4: Katee, Kherington, Courtney
    SYTYCD 5: Kupono, Jeanine, Ade
    SYTYCD 6: Victor, Karen, Noelle
    SYTYCD 7: Billy, Cristina, Robert, Jose
    SYTYCD 8: Tadd, Jordan, Jess, Clarice, Missy

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  1. 4 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Betty Yirsaw - [X][X][X][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][X][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][X][][][] Danielle Reyes - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X]- OUT Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][X][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - OUT Sarah Hanlon - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][X][][][][] Betty ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round
  2. 3 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Betty Yirsaw - [X][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][X][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][X][][][] Danielle Reyes - [X][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X]- OUT Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - OUT Sarah Hanlon - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][][][][][] Betty ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  3. 2 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][X][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][X][][][] Danielle Reyes - [X][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - OUT Sarah Hanlon - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  4. 1 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][X][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - OUT Sarah Hanlon - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  5. 5 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Sarah Hanlon - [X][X][X][X][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  6. 4 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Sarah Hanlon - [X][X][X][][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  7. 3 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [X][X][X][][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  8. 2 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][X][][][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [X][][][][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  9. 1 Head of Household: #2 Alison Irwin - [X][X][][][][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][][][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][][][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][][][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  10. Player 393 | “Jackie” - Squid Game: The Challenge Jackie was one of the 456 players who competed on the hit show Squid Game: The Challenge. Jackie was the shows first deaf contestant or at least the only one who received any airtime during the show. Jackie seemed like a nice girl and her narrative seemed quite fitting amongst some of the ego-maniacs but she wasn’t one of the most memorable ones for me due to the fact there were so many people to try and keep an eye on. It was pretty obvious who was going far with the edit and unfortunately she didn’t seem to get a lead actress edit. I seem to remember one older guy not believing her about being deaf which was her storyline whilst competing which is a shame considering she went in to break barriers but I suppose that’s the way reality television works. Jackie was eliminated during the Glass Bridge challenge which had no strategy to it and was purely pot luck but that’s what makes the show so great. Saving Tom Sandoval - Special Forces.
  11. George Mladenov Aurora Matrix Annabel Croft & Johannes Radebe
  12. 01. Tristan 02. Will 03. Emmy 04. Jack 05. Abi
  13. 3 House 1: Eviction Vote, Options: Jordan or Nicole Allison Irwin - [Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][Jordan] - JORDAN Karen Singbell - [Nicole][Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][][][] Taylor Hale - [Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][][][][][][] Alison - Jordan ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. in their box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever
  14. 2 House 1: Eviction Vote, Options: Jordan or Nicole Allison Irwin - [Jordan][Jordan][][][][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][Jordan] - JORDAN Karen Singbell - [Nicole][Jordan][][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][][][] Taylor Hale - [Jordan][Jordan][Jordan][][][][][][] Alison - Jordan ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. in their box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
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