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Who do you think won the battle?


Who do you think won the battle  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Peedy vs The Joy Reunion

  2. 2. Samuel vs KJ

  3. 3. David vs Chavon

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David/Chavon and Peedy/TJR seem like clear cuts for most of IDF. 


Samuel/KJ is pretty divided. Comments in the discussion thread favored him, then more comments favoring her appeared, then she was winning the poll, now he is winning, and so lol. They both did great, and props for doing so with the song choice, I dont blame IDF for struggling.

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Peedy easily won against TJR. Peedy showed more than in his audition and TJR was very disappointing, as their audition was much better than this


David clearly beat Chavon as well for me

Samuel vs KJ was a close one, but I would probably pick Samuel because of his uniqueness. Though out of all the contestants that got eliminated, KJ was the only contestant that gave a performance worthy of a steal


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