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Everything posted by ButterflyEffect

  1. I have to say I've never seen hair dye run like that before.
  2. I have seen Keean Bexte posted here as a legitimate source for right-wing news. Maybe they should stick to subtle lies that people might be able to believe. When you post crap that can easily be debunked you delegitimize literally everything else you say. Add Keean Bexte to the "do not read and believe they're reporting the truth" list.
  3. I thought about blocking them and their misinformation a long time ago, but every once in a while the irony of their posts does cause me to expel an audible chuckle. The occasional laugh does outweigh the number of head-scratching moments.
  4. There come's a time when those within the government need to fight for President-elect Biden to be given the information required to prepare him for transition. Well Trump was given that information when he was President-elect well before final certifications. As was every other President-elect. Just because Trump and his goonies are throwing a tantrum doesn't mean that the norm has to change. Let the Trump snowflakes fight for their participation ribbon while the actual adults try and do their jobs.
  5. Way lower. There are around 2.5 million third party votes tallied so far in 2020. In 2016 there were around 7 million.
  6. I love that where Trump went to university was used as proof of his IQ. When others go to nice, Ivy league schools, the first comment is usually "yeah well with enough money you can pay your way into and through any school". But for Trump it's clearly a sign of his intelligence. It's not like his father couldn't have done exactly the same thing that disvalues so many others Ivy League education.
  7. I already know how this is going to play out. It'd be one thing if once the lawsuits and recounts were completed that everyone screaming about fraud were to say "okay we believe the results are legitimate". That won't happen though. Instead the tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists that Trump somehow turned a number of Republicans into are going to scream about this being a coverup to get him out of office. There is no way that the folks who believe that there was widespread fraud will step back from that ledge when it's proven that there was no widespread fraud. Just like how there are still people who believe in Pizzagate, 9/11 inside job, etc.
  8. Lmao this thread. I swear if psterina's account wasn't from 2012 I would actually think they were a Russian bot. They certainly type like one. But who needs outside influence to spread misinformation when you can get your own citizens to do it? Maybe the Russians really did win this one.
  9. I know right? It's f*cking hilarious. Media also called Arizona for Biden yesterday. Just wait for the reasons why that shouldn't be allowed. It's coming.
  10. Get out of here with your logic and reasoning.
  11. Lmao. If you're going to complain at least know how your own electoral system works. Heck, a bunch of states are still counting.
  12. "non-radioactive isotope watermarks" lmao it's cute when people who likely would drown in a glass of water pretend to understand chemistry. Also, the director for the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency already debunked this. https://ca.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27N0GN
  13. BRB, making a YouTube video about this DEFINITIVE PROOF of ELECTORAL FRAUD in Florida. People looking for this type of stuff will eat it up without question.
  14. I don't live in your country. I enjoy watching you clowns though, you've been a great source of entertainment for the past four years. Am I a tool? Yeah, maybe I'm a tool today. But you? You'll be stupid forever.
  15. Fetishes stretch far and wide. Oompa Loompa fetish? Orange juice fetish? I don't judge. To each their own...lmao.
  16. So the opposite of what your leader is doing.
  17. Lmao for real. If you were going to cheat you'd think they'd do a better job at it. No senate, losing ground in the house, no "landslide" as was projected. Also lol that Trump is out golfing right now. A fitting conclusion.
  18. Trump was a beatable candidate and I think there were many different molds of Democratic personalities which would have taken him down. However none of the options presented to the party were overly strong....of those, Biden was clearly the best choice. Bernie is too polarizing of a candidate to be doing as well as Biden is. Centre-leaning moderates would likely rather vote Trump (the poison you know) rather than the "radical far left" of Bernie. Nothing in Bernie Sanders platform is overly crazy from a worldwide perspective, but the United States lags well behind the rest of the world. Millennials and Gen Z'ers may like what Bernie is saying, but you'd never get your parents on board. Guess which group makes up the majority of the vote in the USA? Maybe in 15 years you guys will be ready to think outside the American box. Until then Biden is the best you get.
  19. Glad everyone came back, I was starting to think the Republicans on here were being a little quiet today.
  20. Not only that, Trumps lawyer admitted in court yesterday that their observers were allowed into polling stations in Philly, but instead they were upset about how close they were allowed to those who were counting the polls. Hey, if you want to give Trump's team a victory out of all this....they were allowed to get closer. But that also let the Democrats and Independents get closer too. Everyone wins?
  21. And Biden has the lead in PA. It's pretty much a formality now. Expect a call within a few hours.
  22. I mean PA tried to fix this issue after they had trouble counting primary votes back in the summer. Republican lawmakers didn't want to allow it, so here we are. They really need to fix this though, you're asking a lot of people to be able to process and then count and tabulate nearly 7 million votes in a quick manner. I'm frustrated too, I feel like I'm stuck in purgatory watching this unfold, but I don't really blame the people who are doing their best to count and report.
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