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Everything posted by ButterflyEffect

  1. The Liberals can still ride the post-pandemic momentum well into 2021 and likely snag a majority (or a strong minority), which is definitely why it would benefit them from calling an election sooner rather than later. Another minority government for them may be a problem though, 1-2 years down the line the Conservatives will be asking very tough questions regarding the deficit that could very much sway enough public opinion their way. A majority government by the Liberals would at least keep them afloat no matter how many questions about the deficit get asked in the House.
  2. My bad, I apologize. There are some genuine trolls who frequent this board & thread; I can never be so sure when another might jump out of the shadows. I can break down this answer into two parts. The first being that a vaccine will not work for someone who has already been infected with COVID. Unlike getting a headache, and then taking Tylenol to cure it, or giving a flu shot to someone who already has influenza, giving a vaccine to someone who is already sick won't do anything. The vaccine helps the immune system trigger a response to effectively fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus should you get infected further down the line, but giving the vaccine to someone who is already sick won't do anything since the immune system is already fighting the virus, though in that instance the immune system doesn't recognize the virus enough to effectively fight it. People are still dying because there really isn't anything you can do to help those who are already sick other than the treatments which we have been using for the past year. Secondly, the vaccine is still in the early stages of roll-out. Right now, vaccine priorities are for front-line workers (doctors, nurses, etc.), and in the USA that process only started a little less than 3 weeks ago. As of two days ago, 2.1 million Americans were given the first dose of the vaccine, which is a paltry 0.6% of the American population. You've probably heard a lot of talk about "herd immunity" throughout the pandemic, and realistically mass vaccination is the only way to reach herd immunity, which for a virus like SARS-CoV-2, will require approximately 70% of the population to be immune to the virus to achieve that goal. So, there's still a very long way to go there. Compounding that as well, as the vaccine is a 2-shot program. After the first shot, it takes around a week for the immune system to build immunity to the virus, but the 1st vaccine only achieves around 50% immunity (hence if 100 people only received the 1st vaccine, and they were all placed in a room with the virus, 50 of them would still get sick). At 28 days the second, booster shot is given, which improves the immunity to around 95% (100 people in a room exposed to the virus, only 5 of them will get sick, statistically anyway). No one has received the second shot yet, as far as I know. It's a slow roll, we won't start seeing drastic improvements for a few more months, once mass-vaccination among the general population starts taking place. But as I've said before, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Things should be looking pretty good by the summer I would imagine.
  3. Uhhh....what? Is this a troll question? EDIT: I'll tone back my comment since there is a chance that this is an actual genuine question.
  4. There does seem to be an odd practice of vote-splitting in the USA which is sort of odd. Vote Biden at the top of the ticket, but then vote Republican down-ticket as "checks". The governing system doesn't really work that way, checks just lead to lame-duck Presidencies. My prediction for GA runoffs? 1 Republican win, 1 Democrat win. That's basically a "check" outside a general election. Gun to the back of my head I would guess that Perdue holds over Ossoff, and Warnock wins over Loeffler. I haven't been paying attention to polling for it, since polling for this type of race tends to be pretty poor.
  5. Me waiting for this groundbreaking evidence that has been posted about in this thread for well over a month that's going to win a court case and change everything.
  6. I agree, it's going to be a lot of fun. Especially once Biden takes office. I wonder, once this is all over with, would Biden have the balls to push treason charges against Trump and Co.
  7. Everyone has coping mechanisms. Turns out the MAGA coping mechanism was to create alternate truths to convince themselves they didn't lose. It's okay though. In 2016, the Democrat coping mechanism was to tell themselves that the Dem party would have won had they just let Bernie win the nomination.
  8. Jesus freaking christ you truly are something. I told myself I wouldn't engage with your bullshit anymore, I should have listened to myself. And post-passout: That's the same freaking person. Maybe you need to lift your tinfoil hat up a little, I think it's obstructing your vision.
  9. I'm fine. I'm thankful for governance which took swift and strong action at the beginning of the pandemic, and continued to take a hardline approach towards controlling the spread of the vaccine, much to the point now that life is somewhat back to normal where I live. Sure, we wear masks. Sure, there are limits for people in stores or restaurants, but we are able to still go out and do those things while having a very small infection rate (~ 1 new case a day for the entire province of ~ 520,000 people). Plus, nearly a year into the pandemic and there have still been no cases of community spread of the virus. I know other areas aren't as lucky as we are. The end is near though.
  10. Have you ever considered fact checking anything you post? https://www.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/2020/12/did-you-hear-a-nurse-died-after-covid-19-vaccine-its-not-true.html
  11. Also, no one wants to feel like crap during Christmas. I heard a few drinks of bourbon instantly kills the COVID virus
  12. I had a family member who caught COVID while travelling home for the holidays. His symptoms were very minor too, a slight sore throat and that was about it. While a friend of my family a few hours away wasn't so lucky; they were almost hospitalized before they started to show improvement. Luck of the draw I guess if you're a 50+'er.
  13. Information on the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) Program: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html
  14. I don't get the delay. If a lockdown is needed, why wait until the day after the busiest day of the year? When families are most likely to gather?
  15. lol no, I didn't miss it. Unable to perform daily activities can encompass literally anything if you're feeling ill. A fever can sideline you, as can simply a sore/stiff arm, if daily activities include anything involving physical activity. Unable to work falls under the same category, especially considering fevers are officially a "stay home" symptom thanks to the current COVID pandemic. And of course, "required doctor/hospital care" ranges from people who voluntarily seek care who may not need it, to those who do need it (e.g. anaphylactic reactions). The double asterisks groups ALL the above together; it is NOT a singular group of people who "could not perform daily activities AND could not work, AND required medical care". For what it's worth, updated data is showing a lower, 1.5% of Americans, who develop adverse effects to the vaccine. That's even better than the numbers presented in the CDC presentation you linked, though is still within the range of expected adverse reactions. This vaccine is safe for the vast majority of people who receive it.
  16. 2.8% of vaccinated individuals suffering from adverse effects (eg. soreness, fatigue, fever) is pretty standard. I was generally unwell after this years flu shot, though those symptoms only lasted less than 24 hours post-vaccination.
  17. Absolutely, I'm anticipating it at any point from the spring onward. We'll likely be having a provincial election in the spring as well.
  18. NDP have been above 19% in five consecutive polls from various agencies. I suspect it isn't a blip in the data; It's likely real. Looks like they're taking small chunks of Green and Liberal voters. Conservative party still flatlined at just their base support. Soon they're going to start wondering if they made a mistake with O'Toole.
  19. Mfw I've triggered Nut yet again. For what it's worth, I wasn't the one who had you suspended. In fact, I had a great reply to your post that the mods felt necessary to delete. If you think you're "winning the argument" by coming here solely to throw personal insults towards those not on your side then I don't know what to tell you. Other than..... lmao your party lost the election.
  20. I haven't watched a single video posted in this thread. However, your comment does suggest that you haven't learned much from your moderator-mandated time out from last month.
  21. You can call it a lie when it's the opposite of what the brainwashed idiots on YouTube are posting about.
  22. If the media doesn't decide who wins the Presidential election, then does the Electoral College decide it? Or are we gonna move these goalposts too?
  23. Think we can sneak in one more Wisconsin loss? Man, Trump has a worse record than the New York Jets. Yeesh.
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