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Everything posted by CufaFanvoice26

  1. Hmm the sources said that Marisa was a little pitchy. Kelsie, idk, maybe Madeline was just better. I read somewhere that Madeline cried during her performance so..
  2. Yes! This is the one I'm most exited about! The sources said it was a fantastic battle, and the song is incredible!
  3. Hmm.. They've shown Casme vs Rio in two promos by now, I hope It's not getting motaged.
  4. Yep, that is, we still need to see much more of Desz to make those comparisons, but it's not so crazy to think that way either.
  5. Personally, it's the one I've enjoyed the most so far lol
  6. Idk if it's unpopular or not, but I really liked Eli vs Madeline, I saw it again on Youtube, and although the songchoice was a little weird, I didn't dislike it at all, I don't know why it had so many dislikes on yt, more than Payton vs JusJon lol
  7. I would be soooo maaad. We had Jusjon vs Payton, but probably not this...
  8. I hope not The sources said that the battle was excellent, plus the song is one of my favorites!
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