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Everything posted by indii

  1. God the other 3 steals better be super strong if Frank just lost
  2. I finally get to say I told you so to everybody on here who’s been saying Olivia has a super weak voice
  3. I’d 1000% pick Olivia even though I loved Frank too The KO’s have been so strong so far
  5. I think she’s like 90% making it through honestly unless she somehow loses to Kamalei, I know Chance isn’t the most reliable when it comss to making the right choice but that would be a whole other level lmao
  6. Frank’s best performance so far easily, such a good song choice for him
  7. Anya winning the KO that (presumably) is going to close out the night could be HUGE for her momentum, expecting a breakout performance from her Think she might separate herself as D+S’s frontrunner after this
  8. I was disappointed for maybe 30 seconds until Frank and Olivia showed up on screen together lol I’m so relieved
  9. The battles changed everyones perspective on this season pretty drastically lmao
  10. These are my final predictions for how the KO's will go. I don't care if Nathan goes on Instagram tomorrow & tells us that he's getting sent home & not getting stolen I'm not changing this. Week 1: J: Val vs. Nathan (steal) R: Tae vs. Asher (steal) D&S: Olivia vs. Kyle (steal) (yes I have 3 KO steals in one episode) D&S: Karen vs. Ducote CtR: Serenity vs. Dani CtR: RLetto vs. Alyssa Week 2: J: Zoe vs. Jackie (steal) J: Gene vs. Mafe R: Josh vs. Ashley R: J&J vs. Zeya D&S: Anya vs. Frank CtR: Maddi vs. Kamalei
  11. I feel a lot better about the artist who's been pimped as Chance's frontrunner & has been leaked for both of her performances making it to the playoffs over the person who got their battle montaged
  12. To be fair I've also been saying I think Maddi makes it past the KO's over Dani so we should be aligned here
  13. If Nathan doesn’t get stolen & I’ve just been yapping for the last week for no reason I’m just going to delete my account on here
  14. Honestly after further thinking on it I think I’ll just stick to my guns…he’s getting stolen whether it means Kyle is tricking us & he’s not on Monday or he doesn’t actually get stolen or there’s 3 steals in this episode or Val/Nathan just aren’t on this week. I’m still confident he’s getting stolen idc
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