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Posts posted by m1key

  1. i'm not sure i fully agree with Julia lacking an artistic identity. i think she has this soul-folk fusion thing going on, which is really cool and unique! the combination of her powerhouse vocals with the folk/country vibes shined best on "Need A Favor", "Something in the Orange", and "Over the Rainbow" imo. 


    unfortunately, given how fast paced the format is once the competition hits live shows, her alternating between soul and folk/country songs came across as jarring and confusing. i'm interested to hear what music she makes post-show.


    i also disagree about McKenna not having a moment - it was "Both Sides Now" imo. however, in retrospect, i will admit it is less memorable compared to other "moments" that contestants had. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, QueenKalie said:

    I don't think IDF overrated her because most of IDF only thought one girl, maybe 2 existed.

    agreed. of the girls in the Top 10 this is how i'd rank how well they were received


    1. Abi
    2. McKenna

    3. Mia

    4. Julia (she didn't really have any hardcore stans but she also didn't really have any haters) 

    5. KB

    6. Emmy

  3. i have a bunch of alumni songs in my summer playlist so far!

    - Laci Kaye Booth: The Loneliest Girl in the World, Neon & Off, Sometimes

    - Iam Tongi: Cool Down, Don't Let Go, Why Kiki?

    - Allegra Miles: Sunny, Caffeine Crash, Money Talk

    - Abi Carter: This Isn't Over

    - Emmy Russel: Redemption

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, KelseyW said:

    Also. HI MIA. lol


    Would've been there but I'm not into country and can't fly from Pennsylvania. lol Sounds like it was a blast though!! :wub:

    this is why i wish they still did a tour (or even a limited engagement at major cities would work at this point). looks like a fun experience but a trip to Nashville is not in the budget for me especially when i have no interest in CMA fest lmao

    • Haha 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Elliott said:

    Phil. :wub: It was low key hilarious watching this place predict Josh and. Jessica being the breakout stars from that season while I was constantly shaded for being a Phil Stan. not just cuz I apparently look like him.

    people on IDF thought Joshua would be a breakout star? i get Jessica, but where exactly was Joshua going to fit in the 2012 music industry lol. amazing vocalist and contestant but i never thought he was destined for mainstream success (though hindsight is 20/20 i suppose).

  6. 10 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

    Plus, the song isn’t even good. 

    I could see taking two years if she was out doing a bunch of shows, and grinding. It always seems to take way longer than expected to get music released. 

    personally, i thought the song was a fun bop, but you can tell it was written with TikTok in mind which is sorta cringe. sadly, i do agree with you though that she didn't/doesn't take her career seriously enough to go anywhere (or at least that's how it appears on the surface). 


    also her drawing flowers on The Book of Mormon to try and aestheticize it made me cringe 😵‍💫

    • Haha 1
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/C72196duGEL/?igsh=YTBsYm1hNTFkOHI4


    Kenedi Anderson has announced she is going on an 18 month mission for the Church of Latter Day Saints 


    tbh i always had a feeling she dropped out of Idol due to something related to her being Mormon and this would make sense with that (in the sense that she maybe never wanted to become *too* involved in the industry).


    happy for that she is exploring her religious aspirations but sad that her career is probably officially going to go nowhere now... 

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Mathacoo200315 said:

    Now there’s gonna be so many coaches in the rotation after this I have so many questions…


    1. Will Adam and Gwen reunite for Season 28???

    2. Will Reba return???

    3. Is Snoop a one and done?

    4. What room does this all leave for Niall and Ariana in the upcoming years’ lineups?? 😭 

    im dead at how we just got the new coach announcement and you're already on to the next seasons :dead:

    • Haha 4

    here's a post-season interview with Showrunner Megan Michaels Wolflick. summary below of important info. 

    - she thinks it's exciting that both a girl and Platinum Ticket winner won. she's more excited now than she has ever been about the show and says there could be lot of momentum gained after this. 

    - she indirectly dragged The Voice multiple times: "it's [Idol] a show about the finalists, it's not a show about celebrities." she said that the new judge isn't going to change this. 

    - she thinks that Katy may come back to the show in the future, but is excited that a new era is beginning.

    - the new judge is not finalized but news is coming "soon" 

    - Idol was once again the #1 most social entertainment series on television this season.

    - fun fact: Jack and Julia were among the last 3 auditions of the season during filming

    - she called McKenna's audition the "Iam Moment" of this year.

    - she think the Idol Arena format worked and wants to do it again

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, NGL2008 said:

    What did it say? Such a tragic life they've had, even with this year's redemption performance.

    they were hospitalized for an unknown reason and were making comments about constantly going through struggles

    • Sad 2
  11. i don't agree that Iam/Haven are country but i do get what AngelaKD is saying - they both had religious elements included in their packages during their time on the show which could appeal to a Nashville and country crowd.


    i personally don't think it's that deep that Abi isn't attending. she just finished a week long press tour in New York, which included various interviews as well as partering with the social media teams of multiple New York sports teams. sis could just be tired and want a break!


    some of these posts are giving me the vibe that certain poster(s) are just waiting for the chance to call her a flop to try and prove some point that the IDF it girl flops once again. 

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