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  1. 4u and Far from the Same are my favorites from the new songs. Been meaning to ask if anyone is subscribed to her fan club and has listened to her demos or podcast episodes she posts on there? I didn’t want to pay the subscription fee but I was curious if she’s said anything interesting on the podcast. Also is the full Danielle album going to be available on CD soon? I thought she said something about selling limited quantities of it at one of her album release shows but I haven’t seen anything about it being available elsewhere.
  2. I honestly think it’s a really creative and smart decision to market this album as sort of a 2-parter. It fits in with the kind of story she’s trying to tell but from a marketing perspective it also probably will increase its streams and “double dip” because it sort of extends its shelf life from the original release. People may skip right to the new songs but most will probably listen all the way through, thereby giving more streams overall to the same album. It can help it chart multiple weeks instead of being a one and done had the whole album been released at once as normal.
  3. She was on a podcast today, it's a pretty good listen. She talks quite a bit about her last relationship and how that inspired the album, as well as her new, healthier relationship. She also discusses getting started before/on The Voice and where she's at now, how she decided to go independent, etc.
  4. After listening a few times this is my current ranking: You Could Windows Wedding or a Funeral Broken Boy Wake Me Up Real Ones Thats Why You Love Me She posted something today hinting there’s more to come? She sang a new song. A comment said something about an Epilogue so perhaps a deluxe edition of sorts is to come called Epilogue or something similar that tells the story of her “now.” I think “Danielle” does tell a story from start to finish. “Wake Me Up” and “Windows” are like her falling in love, then “Broken Boy” is her realizing the relationship is not as perfect as she thought. “You Could” is her trying to make it work, then the relationship finally dies for good in “Wedding or a Funeral.” She closes with “Real Ones” and “That’s Why You Love Me” to represent her family, friends, fans, and new love that got her through to where she is now. The Epilogue edition will likely describe her new relationship and healing from the previous one.
  5. I listened to the album yesterday while driving so I couldn’t pay as close attention to the songs but I think overall the album is ok. I really like “You Could” as well. I think that seems to be the overall consensus for fan favorite. I am surprised it’s being billed as a pop album and wonder why she went fully pop this time. I would say “Wedding or a Funeral” has slight country influences but that’s about it. I have always liked her pop stuff so I’m not bothered about it. That being said, it is noticeably a different sound for her. I think the album would feel a little bit more satisfying if there were a few extra songs to round it out. 7 is such an odd number, I understand with it being an independent release she probably had to limit the tracks. It just doesn’t really feel like a complete album though with so few songs and only 4 of them were new, at that. Especially waiting almost 7 years between albums, this didn’t really seem worth quite that long of a wait for basically 4 songs. We know she has other influences in her music besides country, as others said she started exploring it way back on IDBWM. We don’t know the reasons why she decided to go independent but maybe if she wasn’t having much success in country (chart-wise), she thought she’d try pop. The fact it’s charting in the top 10 pop albums on iTunes is a good sign. Lot of songs on here that I could see becoming big through TikTok and maybe that’s what she’s hoping for. She’s seemed to hint over the years her frustrations at being in the business so long and still never having a #1 song or anything. I wonder if she thought taking a big leap like going indie and putting out a pop record might be a big risk that’d end up paying off for her. She probably thought why not try something different and see what happens. Maybe after she’s explored the pop/R&B genre she’ll go back to country. She has said country will always be part of her roots.
  6. Dalton finally released a new album! It just came out, a project with King Honeybee called Rockaway Pond, you can find it on streaming. The album contains 10 songs, 2 of which we were familiar with before, “Open Book” and “Pax Americana.” The rest are new. Interestingly “Velvet Jacket” is not on here. I haven’t listened yet but I plan to!
  7. Wow wild how I was just randomly thinking about him and revisited this thread only to see there’s a couple new, recent posts! It’s funny how last fall he had said his band would be releasing new music yet it hasn’t happened yet. I’m still always interested in seeing what he does musically but yeah, I think he must not care about making it big or anything anymore. Sad because he gained so much exposure from Idol and so many fans, but it seems like after the release of Nobodys Home he started to peter out. Maybe it just wasn’t for him. I’m sure whatever he’s doing now (teaching at SOR, recording music on the side?) he’s happy.
  8. I went back through her recent releases to see at what point the copyright changed. The last single to have Big Machine Label Group was The Day That I’m Over You which was released in September 2023. All her singles in 2024 started with the DB Records/Danielle Bradbery appears courtesy of Big Machine Records. So this is a rather recent development.
  9. It was confirmed by a country music website that this will be an independent release. That must be why the tracklist is shorter than a standard album. I wonder what contributed to her deciding to go indie rather than sign with another label if she was not happy with BMLG.
  10. So is it only 7 songs or are there more and that graphic is just cut off? I did notice how she seemed to be releasing more music more quickly. Maybe BMLG is just a distributor now or they help pay for the recording sessions but she has the help of this other label now? Very strange. I’m excited she is finally putting out another album, it’s been way too long! Although it’s a shame some of the recent singles won’t be on here so they don’t really have like a proper home. But on the bright side, it looks like we are getting many new, unheard songs. I kind of wish she had gone with a different title for the album as it’s so similar to her debut, maybe Simone would have been better if she wanted to go with something personal. I love the cover though, I think it’s her best one yet!
  11. I hope they’ll release this song! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C25SVOhuXG5/?igsh=emozbzk4Z2liMmg1
  12. Not saying those aren't all valid points, but I'm just confused why music releases are so scattered with her. And why they take forever to put out a new album from her. I think she herself has alluded to being frustrated with them from time to time. Maybe other labels aren't interested in her, in which case, yeah she's better off staying where she is than having no label at all. But a lot of her fans are very frustrated with the lack of music. She has a solid fanbase and she puts out good songs. She's clearly talented. Yeah, there's lots of factors that make a person successful or not, and radio still doesn't want to bite on female artists so that will probably always work against her. But I'd like to see more than just a random single every few months. She's never invited to perform on the major award shows either.
  13. But that's what I'm saying. Only 2 albums in a 10-year career is honestly deplorable. She could have easily released 3-4 albums by now. I'm just saying another label could potentially be better than where she's at now and I'm not sure why they're not exploring that. Lauren Alaina was with the same label for 10 years and she finally switched over to a new one because she felt it was time for a change. They have been doing very well for her. I'm not the only one to notice her label doesn't really do much to support her. Most fans are usually wondering when a new album is going to be out. The fact she hasn't released a proper studio album since 2017 is appalling. Yes, the pandemic slowed things down but her last release was simply a compilation album they threw together because they didn't want to invest in a new project. It is pretty clear to most people they're not that invested in her. We don't have to pretend like her label is great. They aren't. She could probably fare better somewhere else but for whatever reason they are choosing not to go that route. It is pretty common after a while for an artist to change labels, especially when things aren't working where they currently are. Scotty McCreery had enormous success once he left the label he signed with after Idol.
  14. So I just came across an article about another country Big Machine artist and reality show alumna, Laci Kaye Booth, and how she was dropped from the label last year after her EP went nowhere. She also said she didn’t get a lot of creative control and attributed it to being a woman in the industry. This is not the first instance I’ve heard of BMLG dropping an artist after not really doing anything to support them, and not the first time they’ve been accused of not allowing creative control. I’ve often wondered what is actually going on over there concerning Danielle. They seem to just take forever to release anything and they don’t seem to want to invest much in either pushing singles to radio, or investing in full albums from her. It’s really bizarre why they continue to keep her on but they don’t seem terribly invested in pushing her. Like I said, what others have seemed to experience there seems similar to her situation. The fact it’s happened to more than one person isn’t really promising. I wonder why she continues to stay there. The whole thing is just bizarre.
  15. Dalton says new album coming soon! https://www.instagram.com/p/CwYhIUVORDp/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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