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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. Lindsey Graham. “Once you see the strings….”
  2. There is zero benefit for him to sign. Everybody probably told him that, including Blake. That sounds like it’s going to be a good song. Their voices blend well.
  3. This likely means he hasn’t signed with Republic. I doubt they would give him the freedom to record a song with Morgan.
  4. Given that Bryce is recording a song with Morgan, I’m going to speculate that he hasn’t signed with Republic.
  5. If anyone thinks Trump will walk back his support for the vaccines, you may want to check out what he said about it tonight. If he wins the nomination, the entire GOP will have to fall in line, regardless of new findings over the next 1-2 years, because he’s not budging on this.
  6. This story is a little weird, honestly, considering it’s Biden aides finding the docs. Why didn’t they just turn them all in at once? Drip, drip, drip….
  7. Drudge has taken a left turn as of late, but these are the current Biden headlines. They must have gotten the memo.
  8. Uh, oh….here we go. I have a feeling this is just the beginning. Remember…millions of people were told that had to get the vaccine, or lose their jobs.
  9. Here’s more on the Coast Guard asking DeSantis for help, and both Biden and his Press Sec calling it a “political stunt” when he obliged. I don’t think I have to explain to anyone here that Biden is in charge of the Coast Guard.
  10. Last week, DeSantis declared is state of emergency, and activated the National Guard to respond to the growing number of illegals arriving in Florida via boats. Biden’s Press Secretary called it a “political stunt.” As it turns out, the Coast Guard asked the state of Florida for help.
  11. Have a little dignity, Kari. This is basically fan art.
  12. It’s not as though the Democrats have a deep bench, but they may have decided they’d rather take their chances with someone else. Can you imagine Biden in a debate right now, let alone 2+ years from now?
  13. Joe is getting close to announcing his candidacy for re-election, so I’m betting on #1, without the Kamala part. This could have easily been swept under the rug. Whether it will work, remains to be seen. Hopefully, fellow Democrats will turn up the heat in the coming days and weeks.
  14. —- Kari is 53 years old. That’s quite a reversal of values and beliefs at that age. How does that happen? I can assure you there is no way I will ever become a liberal.
  15. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Swap out Trump for DeSantis….11 point swing.
  16. There’s a clip of a new song on her story. Sounds like a banger. https://instagram.com/stories/morganmyleslive/3013624763315617732?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Also…she’s starting to announce several upcoming shows. One she announced in Vermont just a couple days ago is almost sold out already. There are several more announced today, and I’m guessing there will be a lot more.
  17. This is my biggest beef with Congressional and Senate Republicans. They love to grandstand, but there are no results to show for it. Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Kennedy, McCarthy, etc…they all talk tough on Hannity’s show, but it ends the minute the camera stops rolling, and Hannity doesn’t hold them accountable, despite his tough talk.
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