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Posts posted by KelseyW

  1. 17 hours ago, Adam_S said:

    Good riddance imo. I lost respect for her after her pettiness towards Heather Russel- who somehow mysteriously never made it to the live shows (neither did Olivia Grace from that season surprisingly). I HATE how Katie always puts on that fake ass country accent anytime a country singer comes on. She just seems so fake and conceited at this point. But interestingly, many people don't even seem to agree with me. So to each their own!

    Wrong forum??? lol



    Off topic. Kind of... lol


    It's Katy's last season. Give me my darn Hanson theme week and mentorship I've wanted for eons...


    It's an off year of not much touring and music making for them. They could be available in April at least. Before their Hanson Day fan club celebration in May.


    For the naive to Hanson's music. Their songbook is vast. Yes they actually aren't just pop/rock they have bluesy/soul/country/rock/singer songwriter vibes too!

    Katy's a big fan of theirs even having them appear in her Last Friday Night music video...

    I refuse to have Disney night and some other stale themes. Bring back ARTIST, SINGER/BAND mentorship theme weeks!


  3. 16 hours ago, frederick said:

    Finally. Time for new judges. Keep Lionel, get rid of Luke too.

    Katy x Luke friendship fan here. lol


    It won't be the same without her, but Gaga or P!nk are the only ones risqué and funny and kind enough imo. 

  4. 1 hour ago, sublymonal said:

    Actually enjoyed this episode. Everyone we saw, except Triston, was in their 20s. I’m here for a slightly older cast. I mean… that happened last time we were on Season 7 and we all remember how that went :wub:

    28ish is NOT old... lol


    Idols one gripe with me is their age limit. It should be raised to 40 and lowered to 18! 

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  5. 7 hours ago, mytake1 said:


    There are 21 Idol winners and if Chayce is the 14th to debut a song on the Hot 100, it means 7 of the winners did not.

    It's not to spit on his success or anything. But AI has a LONG way to go when it comes to giving a crap about their winners success in music entertainment.

    Like wooo ABC Idol is racking em in.


    Maddie- Independent...  Gabby is the center topic of discussion online. Big whoop.


    Laine? HAHA. A certified loser in my book!

    Sam. Well I won't even go there. But she's trying at least.


    Chayce has been doing about as good as Noah would be if he had hits.

    Then there's Iam. Also not signed. Others preferred to be talked about but he has a huge online and in person fanbase.

    Did I sum it up? Can't we just be happy for Chayce?


    For the FOX days... For example. I love Kris Allen. Huge fan.


    Adam losing to him will always be a thorn in my side because Adam has a record deal and Kris is currently indie.

    It's the 15th anniversary of his win. But ooh Adam fronts Queen and puts out a covers album in 2023 and crickets from anyone online on the subject of the Kris/Haley Reinhart Thunderclouds collab!

    If I sound unhinged it's because the American Idol fandom has ALWAYS been a mixed bag. Kinda like following Harry Potter or Pokémon...


    Meaning. There will be those nostalgic for Kelly, Carrie, Jennifer Hudson and Daughtry levels of success.


    And those who just won't shut up about the OG judges no matter how they faltered in their last seasons of judging on Idol and how wacky they were and what Idol stood for. (Not that ABC Idol doesn't have joke auditioners but they at least aren't ripping mentally ill peoples hearts out like Nigel's show did....)

    @mytake1 I love ya. But really let's just take one for the team here. Normally I agree with your standings on the show, but that's salt in the musical wound if you can't be happy for someone without complaining about the eff ups of Idol.


    Sorry not in the mood for another season of millions of views on Youtube only for the winner to not get a record out by this spring... Not an EP online only a physical CD when was the last time an ABC American Idol winner put out one? MADDIE in a small store in IOWA her home state??? DING DING DING. You'd be right.

    END RANT. 1000 points to you if you put up with my rambling... lol :( 


    jack black just worship the band GIF




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