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Everything posted by bswanson

  1. GO Queen Taylor now she adds best director to her list of many accomplaihments
  2. hope she does, but it doesnt look like shes going, and if what I read is true, only winners attened, so if someone isnt there they arent winning, then again with many staying home she could win, but i wonder if she would accept from home
  3. true, but still no reason to put his knee on him for that long, no way they should be aquiited. the violence does need to stop though, even victims familes always call for peace and peaceful protests.
  4. Cruel summer I think would have been a single if it werent for covid, I think it would have come out at start of Loverfest
  5. also once she re-records then Scott will lose even more on the deal lol.
  6. lol dominationg as usual. doing this well on the new label. proof she is where she is today cause of her and not Scott. its her writitng and her connection with the fans. Scooter should def just sell her stuff back to her
  7. ^ she better win both are great videos
  8. oh yeah. love the fact that Taylor usually has the highest selling album still.
  9. well it was a surprise album and its not in stores. so i can see why its lower than lover
  10. was at one and some tables are let empty in between people with signs saying closed for socail distancing
  11. lol how is there a difference. 100 people protesting or 100 people at a gathering. how can anyone think this makes sense?
  12. yeah I can see Texas and Flordia their Govoners never really took it serious. but Cali did one of the first to shut down, the spikes there are kinda surprising
  13. I hope is before he cheats 2020. "I hope he cheats" lol. Carrie is such an infulence on her.
  14. no cause there are many good cops out there look at the ones marching with the protesters. however the bad cops out there actully need to be held accoutble if the killing or brutailty is unjsut. cause just firing isnt enough they just get jobs elsewhere. If more were held accoutable that deserve to be we wouldnt get what get got now. I mean to the ones that want it defunded I ask then who would you call if you were in trouble or your life is in danger.
  15. that poll is right, yes we need to stop the looters and ones causing trouble but when you see the vids of cops going after the peaceful ones that are doing nothing wrong that is just as bad. and what Trump did for the photo op is terrible, pepper spraying the peaceful crowd so he could take a pic
  16. yeah they should be ficusing on the looters and the ones causing damage not the ones doing it peacefully.
  17. ^^ yes but the protest at the park in DC was peacful and Trump attakced them, sent out the cops and fired tear gas and rubber bullets. thats just as wong and the riots, they have a right to protest peacefully
  18. ^^ now thats wrong if they are protesting peacefully they have the right to do so. if they were protesting something that helped Trump he wouldnt have a problem with it.
  19. yeah I mean just like everything there are bad cops and good cops. dont pait them with a broad brush. many of the cops have said they have condoned the action of this cop and the ones with him that did nothing.
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