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Battle 3

Would Steal Artist Battle Team
55% Sophia Niall
40% Calla Gwen
57% Mac Reba


*Sophia was from the west coast feed. The rest from the episode thread


Top Overall

Would Steal Artist Battle Team
76% Tanner Niall
66% Jacquie Gwen
65% Jackson Reba
63% Ephraim John
59% Willie John
57% Mac Reba
55% Sophia Niall
46% CORii Reba
42% Juliette Gwen
40% Calla Gwen
36% Olivia Niall
28% Angelina Reba
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Battles 4


Would Steal Artist Battle Team
45% Al Reba
42% Joslynn Gwen
38% Reid Niall
64% AZÁN John
44% LVNDR Niall
63% Elizabeth John



Top Overall

Would Steal Artist Battle Team
76% Tanner Niall
66% Jacquie Gwen
65% Jackson Reba
64% AZÁN John
63% Ephraim John
63% Elizabeth John
59% Willie John
57% Mac Reba
55% Sophia Niall
46% CORii Reba
45% Al Reba
44% LVNDR Niall
42% Juliette Gwen
42% Joslynn Gwen
40% Calla Gwen
38% Reid Niall
36% Olivia Niall
28% Angelina Reba
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Would Steal Artist Battle Team
72% Dylan Reba
61% Eli Gwen
61% Claudia B. John


Top Overall

Would Steal Artist Battle Team
76% Tanner Niall
72% Dylan Reba
66% Jacquie Gwen
65% Jackson Reba
64% AZÁN John
63% Ephraim John
63% Elizabeth John
61% Eli Gwen
61% Claudia B. John
59% Willie John
57% Mac Reba
55% Sophia Niall
46% CORii Reba
45% Al Reba
44% LVNDR Niall
42% Juliette Gwen
42% Joslynn Gwen
40% Calla Gwen
38% Reid Niall
36% Olivia Niall
28% Angelina Reba
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Would Steal Artist Battle Team
35% Brailey Niall
42% Crystal Reba
53% Brandon Gwen


Top Overall

Would Steal Artist Battle Team
76% Tanner Niall
72% Dylan Reba
66% Jacquie Gwen
65% Jackson Reba
64% AZÁN John
63% Ephraim John
63% Elizabeth John
61% Eli Gwen
61% Claudia B. John
59% Willie John
57% Mac Reba
55% Sophia Niall
53% Brandon Gwen
46% CORii Reba
45% Al Reba
44% LVNDR Niall
42% Juliette Gwen
42% Joslynn Gwen
42% Crystal Reba
40% Calla Gwen
38% Reid Niall
36% Olivia Niall
35% Brailey Niall
28% Angelina Reba
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% App Vote Artist Team
42% Jacquie Reba
12% Alison Reba
46% Tom Reba
9% Caleb John
52% Kaylee John
40% Mara John



Top Overall

% App Vote Artist Team
52% Kaylee John
46% Tom Reba
42% Jacquie Reba
40% Mara John
12% Alison Reba
9% Caleb John
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% App Vote Artist Team
17% AZÁN Niall
58% Nini Niall
25% Olivia Niall
49% Tanner Gwen
16% Chechi Gwen
35% Rudi Gwen


Top Overall

% App Vote Artist Team
58% Nini Niall
52% Kaylee John
49% Tanner Gwen
46% Tom Reba
42% Jacquie Reba
40% Mara John
35% Rudi Gwen
25% Olivia Niall
17% AZÁN Niall
16% Chechi Gwen
12% Alison Reba
9% Caleb John
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% App Vote Artist Team
19% Deejay John
45% Lila John
36% Stee John
77% BIAS* Gwen
16% Jenna* Gwen
7% Jason* Gwen
14% Claudia B Niall
54% Huntley Niall
32% Noah Niall
22% Ms Monét Reba
67% Ruby Reba
11% Rachele Reba
17% CORii Gwen
23% Kara Gwen
60% Kristen Gwen

*Montage they only shown BIAS


Top Overall *Montage they only shown BIAS

% App Vote Artist Team
77% BIAS* Gwen
67% Ruby Reba
60% Kristen Gwen
58% Nini Niall
54% Huntley Niall
52% Kaylee John
49% Tanner Gwen
46% Tom Reba
45% Lila John
42% Jacquie Reba
40% Mara John
36% Stee John
35% Rudi Gwen
32% Noah Niall
25% Olivia Niall
23% Kara Gwen
22% Ms Monét Reba
19% Deejay John
17% AZÁN Niall
17% CORii Gwen
16% Chechi Gwen
16% Jenna* Gwen
14% Claudia B Niall
12% Alison Reba
11% Rachele Reba
9% Caleb John
7% Jason* Gwen
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% App Vote Artist Team
39% Mac John
40% Taylor John
21% Brandon John
81% Jordan * Reba
12% Caitlin * Reba
7% Elizabeth * Reba
35% Alexa Niall
35% Julia Niall
30% Lennon Niall

* Montage


Top Overall


% App Vote Artist Team
81% Jordan * Reba
77% BIAS* Gwen
67% Ruby Reba
60% Kristen Gwen
58% Nini Niall
54% Huntley Niall
52% Kaylee John
49% Tanner Gwen
46% Tom Reba
45% Lila John
42% Jacquie Reba
40% Mara John
40% Taylor John
39% Mac John
36% Stee John
35% Rudi Gwen
35% Alexa Niall
35% Julia Niall
32% Noah Niall
30% Lennon Niall
25% Olivia Niall
23% Kara Gwen
22% Ms Monét Reba
21% Brandon John
19% Deejay John
17% AZÁN Niall
17% CORii Gwen
16% Chechi Gwen
16% Jenna* Gwen
14% Claudia B Niall
12% Alison Reba
12% Caitlin * Reba
11% Rachele Reba
9% Caleb John
7% Jason* Gwen
7% Elizabeth * Reba
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Playoff Team Reba

App Vote Artist
94% Ruby
86% Jacquie
84% Jordan
70% Noah
59% Ms Monét


Team Gwen

App Vote Artist
78% BIAS
72% Rudi
69% Tanner
68% Stee
67% Kara
66% Lennon



Top Overall

App Vote Artist Team
94% Ruby Reba
92% Huntley Niall
86% Jacquie Reba
84% Jordan Reba
83% Mara Niall
78% BIAS Gwen
76% Nini Niall
72% Rudi Gwen
70% Noah Reba
70% Alexa Niall
69% Tanner Gwen
69% Julia Niall
68% Stee Gwen
67% Kara Gwen
66% Lennon Gwen
63% Claudia B Niall
59% Ms Monét Reba
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1 hour ago, Dany said:

Playoff Team Reba


App Vote Artist
94% Ruby
86% Jacquie
84% Jordan
70% Noah
59% Ms Monét


Team Gwen


App Vote Artist
78% BIAS
72% Rudi
69% Tanner
68% Stee
67% Kara
66% Lennon



Top Overall


App Vote Artist Team
94% Ruby Reba
92% Huntley Niall
86% Jacquie Reba
84% Jordan Reba
83% Mara Niall
78% BIAS Gwen
76% Nini Niall
72% Rudi Gwen
70% Noah Reba
70% Alexa Niall
69% Tanner Gwen
69% Julia Niall
68% Stee Gwen
67% Kara Gwen
66% Lennon Gwen
63% Claudia B Niall
59% Ms Monét Reba

So everyone who scored above 75 was getting through so far... feels like things are gonna change tomorrow though...

Edited by indodol
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John Playoffs


App Vote Artist
86% Kristen
82% Lila
79% Mac
78% Kaylee
67% Taylor
59% Azán



Top Overall

App Vote Artist Team
94% Ruby Reba
92% Huntley Niall
86% Kristen John
86% Jacquie Reba
84% Jordan Reba
83% Mara Niall
82% Lila John
79% Mac John
78% Kaylee John
78% BIAS Gwen
76% Nini Niall
72% Rudi Gwen
70% Noah Reba
70% Alexa Niall
69% Tanner Gwen
69% Julia Niall
68% Stee Gwen
67% Taylor John
67% Kara Gwen
66% Lennon Gwen
63% Claudia B Niall
59% Azán John
59% Ms Monét Reba
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1. Ruby - 94%
2. Huntley - 92%
3. Jacquie - 86%
4. Jordan - 84%
5. Mara - 83%
6. Lila - 82%
7. Mac - 79%
8. Bias - 78%
9. Nini - 76%
10. Tanner - 69%
11. Kara - 67%
12. Azan - 59%


Averaged with Blinds, KOS, and Playoffs 

1. Jordan - 80.3

2.  Huntley - 78.6 

3. Nini - 74.6

4. Ruby - 74.3 

5. Mara - 71.3

6. Mac - 67.6

7. BIAS - 67.3

8. Jacquie - 66  

9.Lila - 65

10. Tanner - 59

11. Kara - 42.3

12. AZAN - 38.6

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