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The Voice is moving to NYC next season


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1 hour ago, Cranberrys said:

A little birdie told me.  The Kelly Clarkson Show is also moving to NYC next season.  What a coincidence.

posts about it in the season 24 thread



20 hours ago, Raquel01 said:

wow! Any truth to this?(From Tumblr) 



" I live in LA and I’ve attended The Voice tapings a bunch over the years. I have a friend that works on the crew there which is where this info is coming from. Before the knockouts filmed the entire Voice crew was told the show was reformatting and moving to NY for the fall season. I guess it didn’t go well at all because that means that most people on the crew will lose their jobs. There were a lot of mad employees that felt the producers weren’t being loyal to the staff, crew, and employees that have been with the show since the beginning in LA. My friend said the crew feels like Blake was the reason the show didn’t move earlier because he wouldn’t have wanted to film in NY but now that he’s leaving, the show is to. They don’t blame him at all but just realize that he’s probably the reason it stayed in LA the last few years. "



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