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Top 12 Week:


Top 12 Group: 10/10 - Luther killed this. A perfect group routine.


Virginia/Lord Finn: 5/10 - Wow she was just really…not in her element here. That’s all I am going to say. LOL. He was incredible though. A better partner for Lord Finn and this could have been very good.


Jordan/Waverly: 8.5/10 - Quite loved this actually. I was super impressed with the way the props were handled and just thought there was some beautiful imagery throughout. 


Anna/Beau: 6.5/10 - Just fine. They killed it. The choreography itself left something to be desired.


Essence/Thiago: 8/10 - Okay aside from costuming and the stage props, I thought this was fantastic. I actually like Tessandra’s choreo and thought Essence was a star.


Ralyn/Carter: 6.5/10 - Really passable. Executed well, but the choreography was fairly simple.


Alexis/Keaton: 10/10 - Really a perfect routine.

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Top 12 Week Again:


Top 12 Group: 10/10 - SYTYCD has pretty much nailed group routines for quite some time now. No exception here. Amazing. 


Ralyn/Carter: 8.5/10 - Almost perfect. What holds it back is that I do not buy the emotion from Carter whatsoever. The choreography and the dancing though, pretty incredible.


Alexis/Keaton: 8.5/10 - Alexis devoured. If it weren’t for Keaton very noticeably almost losing himself in the fast pace, the routine would be scored higher.


Virginia/Lord Finn: 6.5/10 - Virginia was phenomenal in her dancing. Again, a routine held back by one-half of the partnership. The choreography is also not as inventive as Jaci has been before.


Jordan/Waverly: 4/10 - This was a bus routine if I’ve ever seen one.


Anna/Beau: 10/10 - I adore this routine. I wish the lighting was not SO AWFUL but what can you do. The dancing was phenomenal. 


Essence/Thiago: 8/10 - Essence is amazing. This would have been scored perfectly if not for Thiago being not very good.

Edited by Deeee
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12 hours ago, Deeee said:

Virginia/Lord Finn: 6.5/10 - Virginia was phenomenal in her dancing. Again, a routine held back by one-half of the partnership. The choreography is also not as inventive as Jaci has been before.

okay so this season i felt went heavy on the background trauma dumping for each routine and i was re-reading my comments and these were their stories:



Virginia/Lord Finn - Contemporary (Jaci Royal): I can't believe the audience didn't hear like "I was homeless" and "I was taken advantage of by a dance teacher when I was 15" and didn't throw them votes.


just completely glossed right over both those facts.

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On 1/31/2023 at 10:47 AM, kritaaay said:

Stop I should also watch this season with you but where are you watching it


Youtube. The account linked to this video has the entire season with video packages, etc.! Please watch with me.



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On 1/31/2023 at 10:24 AM, totes4totes said:

omg i just remembered Top 10 was "around the world" themed. cannot wait for your take on the TRAVESTY of that week


I already saw a thumbnail for one routine and screamed from the overt racism. So I already know it is about to be a mess.

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On 1/31/2023 at 10:32 AM, totes4totes said:

okay so this season i felt went heavy on the background trauma dumping for each routine and i was re-reading my comments and these were their stories:


just completely glossed right over both those facts.


OMG. I have not been watching the video packages. Should I be?


Now it makes the criticisms the judges gave that routine really in bad taste...

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31 minutes ago, Deeee said:


Youtube. The account linked to this video has the entire season with video packages, etc.! Please watch with me.



I did see some scattered routines from this channel but somehow thought some episodes in the middle were missing! Glad they are not, I will watch.

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2 hours ago, kritaaay said:

I did see some scattered routines from this channel but somehow thought some episodes in the middle were missing! Glad they are not, I will watch.

give me reviews and catch-up, we’ll watch the rest simultaneously!

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Top 10 Week: Pretty awful week to be honest.


Carter/Anna: 2/10 - Hardly any Salsa contents. No sex appeal. No chemistry. Labored tricks. To trick heavy. Etc. etc.


Essence/Waverly: 6/10 - Essence is a superstar! I will always defer to @kritaaay on costuming, content, etc. But the routine itself was entertaining and Essence is great. Waverly did not entertain me quite the same though.


Jordan/Beau: 7.5/10 - The clear standout of the night. Almost wanted to give this an 8. But there might have been too much Contemporary content in there for me. I was genuinely impressed by both parties involved, however. 


Ralyn/Keaton: 3/10 - Keaton just looks...out of place in this routine. LMFAO. Distractingly so. IDK. The choreography was boring. Ralyn danced it very well. This way this show handles this genre feels very racist. Not much else to say tbh. 


Alexis/Thiago: 3/10 - What a snooze. How boring. Why are all Broadway routines so stuffy and old-school in their take on Broadway? The choreography was bland. It was also hard to watch because of those sh*t-colored costumes. Just a mess.


Elimination: Unfair of Jordan to leave. Thiago leaving is fine by me. 

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Top 8 Week:


Ralyn/Beau 1950's Jazz: 2/10 - Wow the choreographers, producers, and costumers really said let's take two young vibrant people and make them dance a super old style of choreography and dressed in 50's clothing. Because that will surely be interesting! This was awful.


Essence/Keaton 1970's Disco: 3/10 - There were so many mistakes in this routine lol. There were also lifts/tricks that lasted way too long, many of which felt labored. Not good. But Essence is still a fun performer!


Anna/Waverly 1980's Pop-Jazz: 1/10 - OMG not this basic, horrible ass routine. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. The costuming, styling, etc. is also so horrendous it was like a horror show.


Alexis/Carter 1990's Contemporary: 8/10 - How dumb does this show think we are? A 90's Contemporary routine? Robert was born in 1990!!!! A mess. This week and this theme is awful. Nothing 90's about this except for the song choice. Overall, really well-danced on the part of Alexis. I feel absolutely nothing from Carter however, though he was a good partner. 


Waverly Contemporary Solo: 1/10 - Yikes. This was awful and had no substantive content.


Anna Contemporary Solo: 6/10 - I am not sure that I really care for her style of dance tbh. But the solo was fine, I guess.


Carter Latin Solo: 3/10 - Nothing impressive, exciting, etc. 


Alexis Latin Solo: 7/10 - Nothing super creative, but a good solo overall.


Beau's Jazz Solo: 5/10 - Pretty generic stuff. Meh.


Ralyn Contemporary Solo: 7.5/10  - All the ingredients are there, but she still has maturing to do because the performance is still lacking. Solid choreo and dancing though.


Keaton Contemporary Solo: 5/10  - Pretty generic stuff. Meh.


Essence Hip-Hop Solo: 6.5/10 - At least she has personality, but this solo did not do much for me.


Elimination: I could care less. LMFAO.

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That routine was actually not bad at all! Costuming-wise 100% a step up from Nakul's stuff, choreo-wise I thought Essence outshined and they both lost energy towards the end. Ironically I thought the Bollywood routine later in the season (which Nakul did! Incredibly!) was actually better.

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Top 6 Week:


Top 6 Group: 8.5/10 - Very interesting and very cool. One of my favorite songs of all-time. People are used and highlighted appropriately. The prop is a bit weird - works sometimes and sometimes does not work. 


Carter/Bailey Hip-Hop: 5/10 - OMFG why does Hip-Hop have to be so corny and such a travesty on this show??? Only awarding this points for Bailey's talent. 


Alexis/Amy Jazz: 8/10 - Let me just say how happy it makes me to see Ellenore thriving. Truly one of the greats. This piece is really cool. I fear that they look way too similar for me to really rave about this routine, but there are just some really cool movements and imagery here. 


Keaton/Ezra Jive: 5/10 - IDK how to feel about this routine. It felt like it lasted 10 years and not in a good way. Also very dumb of Sasha and Emma to not make this routine hot and gay and sexy. Ezra is not straight so this storyline is absolutely stupid nonsense anyways!!! There was hardly any Jive, the routine was mostly Keaton chewing scenery and silly little tricks. What little content there was did not appeal to me, just gonna say I find Keaton to not be the best. 


Essence/Koine Contemporary: 8.25/10 - Leave it to Essence to produce the best routine of the evening. Really love this. I also love that Slow Me Down is still thriving in the SYTYCD world all these years later! Though this is a lesser version of "Slow Me Down" for sure. Great dancing, nice choreography. Awful styling as usual though.


Beau/Lex Contemporary: 5.5/10 - This might be the first Talia Favia routine that just...is okay? I wonder how much of that loss of quality though is due to Beau not being the most technically-gifted Contemporary dancer? But then neither was Mark V. or Slavik or Comfort...the choreography felt like that of a very generic SYTYCD routine about addiction.


Ralyn/Comfort Hip-Hop: 4/10 - No this was not good. I am really sad. The outfits, styling, and staging were just horrendous. And Luther made a very bad choice in simplifying the choreography like he did because it just highlighted that Ralyn could not keep up with Comfort at all. 


Elimination: No elimination...I would have eliminated four of them tbh.

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Top 6 Perform Again - Head 2 Head


Alexis, Essence, Ralyn Hip-Hop: 2/10 - WOAH. This was awful. The lighting and costumes were so bad I don't even know what to say. And again, SYTYCD is the place where Hip-Hop goes to die. These concepts and themes are killing me!!! Essence did the best she could.


Keaton, Carter, Beau Broadway: 4/10 - YAWN. Again, this show insists on being antiquated as hell. Boring, just boring. 


Ralyn, Carter, Beau Contemporary: 6.5/10 - Leave it to a white man to come and choreograph a routine containing two children + two gay men for a piece about a heterosexual love triangle...Gotta love SYTYCD forcing itself to be as straight as possible LOL. There were really pretty moments in here and incredible work from Ralyn, so it gets a 6.5.


Essence, Alexis, Keaton Jazz: 6/10 - Essence tried her best, but she was noticeably off and messing up in parts. There was a cool toss in the air moment with Keaton and Alexis, but just found this to be boring as hell. All these young kids are being asked to dance a Smooth Jazz to a song from the 30's. I'm so tired.


Carter Jive Solo: 5.5/10 - Meh. Glad to see the Proud Mary Jive is still alive.


Alexis Paso Doble/Cha-Cha Solo: 8/10 - Really good solo. Solid song choice. She was fierce here.


Essence Hip-Hop Solo: 8.5/10 - Oh my god finally some good Hip-Hop content again. Bless you, Essence. 


Ralyn Contemporary Solo: 6/10 - Generic contemporary solo.


Beau Jazz Solo: 3/10 - Really sloppily danced and generic solo.


Keaton Contemporary Solo: 6.5/10 - Pretty generic contemporary solo, but with some pizzazz.


EliminationAbout time they started cutting these contestants!!!! The right choices were made, but I fear I don't really care for anybody other than Essence.

Edited by Deeee
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Top 3 Week:


Alexis/Keaton Bollywood: 7.5/10 - Wow color me surprised, but this felt like a fun, fresh, fast-paced Bollywood that was performed well by both dancers. 


Essence/Alexis Contemporary: 8/10 - Okay this was really gorgeous. Nothing spectacular or innovative, but Essence performed the hell out of this and Alexis is clearly a fantastic dancer. Set to a fantastic song as well. I liked this.


Keaton/Audrey Contemporary: 9/10 - Finally Keaton has a good dance again! Though I do think Audrey absolutely overshadowed him, my she has actually grown a lot as a dancer. This was stunning though and both of them impressed me with the lifts and intensity of the movements. Why is Robert choreographing dances to old school ballads only? Strange. 


Alexis/Kiki Argentine Tango: 8/10 - Really solid routine. Maybe some moments were a bit messy, but seems they danced most of the season in a really short period of time. So she is likely exhausted. But I thought her legs were incredible and razor-sharp, the lighting was good. Kiki is fantastic as always. 


Essence/Robert Hip-Hop: 9/10 - Wow, Essence again delivering fantastic Hip-Hop content. Really love her. And thank whoever decided to bring back the criminally robbed Robert to dance this routine with Essence. Could have been better minus the dorky concept and props, but luckily they weren't a huge hindrance to the quality of the dance. Both of them killed it.


Essence/Keaton Jazz: 7/10 - Yay for more Ellenore, nay for those costumes. This dance was good and entertaining, but nothing wowed me. I loved the style of the choreography, but they both seemed too exhausted to really devour this piece. Also why is District 78 still a thing? WHO ARE THEY?


Elimination: Essence leaving is rough. Truly a fan of hers.

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Top 2 Week:


Alexis/Carter Samba: 8.5/10 - Not the best Samba ever, but really good and a lot of fun. For a finale, I'll take it.


Keaton/Anna Contemporary: 7.5/10 - Well-danced and with solid enough choreography, but I just wasn't as entranced as I wanted to be? 


Alexis/Jason Contemporary: 8.5/10 - Quite stunning. I really appreciate the mood of the piece and think that it was danced beautifully. I was missing a palpable connection between the two, which knocks it down for me a bit.


Keaton/Lex Hip-Hop: 4/10 - Essence is immediately missed. LOL. Oh look, more corny Hip-Hop. Was giving him a Hip-Hop even worth it by this point? Keaton noticeably messed up one part so badly, I cringed. But I imagine that he is exhausted. Not the best routine to have for the finale.


Alexis/Keaton Jazz: 4.5/10 - Brian Friedman is an anomaly to me. His choreography outside of SYTYCD is so exciting, but his routines are always a mess. What in the Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom hell was this routine? Again, very corny theme. There were some nice sections, but this just did nothing for me.


Alexis Samba Solo: 7/10 - Not as good as her previous two solos, but she is still fierce and manages to actually pull off a successful Ballroom solo.


Keaton Contemporary Solo: 5/10 - An awful cover and some pretty generic Contemporary solo stuff.


Winner: Alexis is clearly very talented and probably the right winner of the season. Rome, I Like It Like That, I Have Nothing, Escalate, Jai Jai Siva Sankaraa, Hero, Obertura, Samba, and The End. are all varying levels of good to great. All of her solos are competent and two of them very good. My issue is that she did not get a proper Hip-Hop duet. Her one Hip-Hop routine was that awful trio, which is maybe one of the worst dances of the season. 8/13 of her routines are Contemporary, Jazz, or Broadway, which just is rather unfortunate, seeing as though her winner portfolio is not very diverse. Luckily, she gave us three really solid Ballroom routines and three solid Ballroom solos, which feels correct given she is the first Ballroom woman to win. And only one of her dances is an outright stinker. Not an incredible winner, but a clearly solid dancer with a respectable finale night.


Runner-Up: Keaton did not impress me much. Rome, I Like It Like That, A Song For You, Jai Jai Siva Sankaraa, and Vibe Check are his only good routines. 5/13 - not a good final score. 8/13 of his dances were also Contemporary, Jazz, or Broadway. So he stacks up similarly to Alexis in terms of portfolio diversity, but he has far more awful routines. His solos are also a big jumbled mess because they were all too generic and full of big leaps and stuff that were not very impressive. He also had a disastrous finale night. Poor thing. 


My Personal Favorite: Essence - a star in the making!


Top 10 Dances:


10. Mindless Town

9. Samba

8. The Chain

7. Essence "Dior" Solo

6. A Song For You

5. Wipe Me Down

4. exile

3. Rome

2. Aura

1. Bussin

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6 hours ago, Deeee said:

Alexis/Thiago: 3/10 - What a snooze. How boring. Why are all Broadway routines so stuffy and old-school in their take on Broadway? The choreography was bland. It was also hard to watch because of those sh*t-colored costumes. Just a mess.

this routine caused me to go on like a 10 post rant about broadway on this show.

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6 hours ago, Deeee said:


Top 10 Week: Pretty awful week to be honest.


Carter/Anna: 2/10 - Hardly any Salsa contents. No sex appeal. No chemistry. Labored tricks. To trick heavy. Etc. etc.


Essence/Waverly: 6/10 - Essence is a superstar! I will always defer to @kritaaay on costuming, content, etc. But the routine itself was entertaining and Essence is great. Waverly did not entertain me quite the same though.


Jordan/Beau: 7.5/10 - The clear standout of the night. Almost wanted to give this an 8. But there might have been too much Contemporary content in there for me. I was genuinely impressed by both parties involved, however. 


Ralyn/Keaton: 3/10 - Keaton just looks...out of place in this routine. LMFAO. Distractingly so. IDK. The choreography was boring. Ralyn danced it very well. This way this show handles this genre feels very racist. Not much else to say tbh. 


Alexis/Thiago: 3/10 - What a snooze. How boring. Why are all Broadway routines so stuffy and old-school in their take on Broadway? The choreography was bland. It was also hard to watch because of those sh*t-colored costumes. Just a mess.


Elimination: Unfair of Jordan to leave. Thiago leaving is fine by me. 


5 hours ago, Deeee said:

Top 8 Week:


Ralyn/Beau 1950's Jazz: 2/10 - Wow the choreographers, producers, and costumers really said let's take two young vibrant people and make them dance a super old style of choreography and dressed in 50's clothing. Because that will surely be interesting! This was awful.


Essence/Keaton 1970's Disco: 3/10 - There were so many mistakes in this routine lol. There were also lifts/tricks that lasted way too long, many of which felt labored. Not good. But Essence is still a fun performer!


Anna/Waverly 1980's Pop-Jazz: 1/10 - OMG not this basic, horrible ass routine. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. The costuming, styling, etc. is also so horrendous it was like a horror show.


Alexis/Carter 1990's Contemporary: 8/10 - How dumb does this show think we are? A 90's Contemporary routine? Robert was born in 1990!!!! A mess. This week and this theme is awful. Nothing 90's about this except for the song choice. Overall, really well-danced on the part of Alexis. I feel absolutely nothing from Carter however, though he was a good partner. 


Waverly Contemporary Solo: 1/10 - Yikes. This was awful and had no substantive content.


Anna Contemporary Solo: 6/10 - I am not sure that I really care for her style of dance tbh. But the solo was fine, I guess.


Carter Latin Solo: 3/10 - Nothing impressive, exciting, etc. 


Alexis Latin Solo: 7/10 - Nothing super creative, but a good solo overall.


Beau's Jazz Solo: 5/10 - Pretty generic stuff. Meh.


Ralyn Contemporary Solo: 7.5/10  - All the ingredients are there, but she still has maturing to do because the performance is still lacking. Solid choreo and dancing though.


Keaton Contemporary Solo: 5/10  - Pretty generic stuff. Meh.


Essence Hip-Hop Solo: 6.5/10 - At least she has personality, but this solo did not do much for me.


Elimination: I could care less. LMFAO.

two weeks in a row and the ONLY hip-hop was Essence's solo

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