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Best SYTYCD Auditions

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I am compiling the best SYTYCD auditions as part of a game going on right now in the Rankdowns subforum, but I thought I'd post the full lists here so it can be saved and viewed and commented on even when the game moves on from this topic.


First, here's a huge quote with the master list of all the featured auditions of dancers who were not cut immediately afterward (as in, they at least made it past the initial audition). After that is a select portion with additional information and a YouTube video (if available).


On 6/30/2022 at 2:57 PM, FrogLenzen said:



US 1

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Cheryl Texiera (Jazz)

Isis Cardona (Bellydancer)

Musa Cooper (Breaking)

Kamilah Barret (Jazz)

Anthony Bryant (Contemporary)

Mandi Thomas (Hip-Hop)

Ashle Dawson (Contemporary)

Melissa Vella (Jazz)

Brandon Jones (Hip-Hop)

Nigel Holt (Breaking)

Maricza Valentin (Salsa)

Ashley Purl (Irish)

Andrea Savelli (Jazz)

Zachary Clark (Animation)

Preston Dinwiddie (Animation)

Chris Corres (Hip-Hop)

Nicholas Gates (Breaking)

Lisa Deschaaf (Jazz)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Michelle Brooke (Jazz)

Richard Greenfield (Breaking)

Ryan Conferido (Breaking)

Hokuto “Hok” Konishi (Breaking)

Artem Chigvintsev &  Giselle Peacock (Ballroom)

Andre Meggerson (Hip-Hop)

Snejana “Snow” Urbin (Ballroom)

Erin McKinnon (Ballet)

Geronimo “Timo” Nunez (Flamenco)

Chae Hill (Stilts)

Nicholas McGough (Jazz)

Allan Frias (Hip-Hop)

Melody Lacayanga (Contemporary)

Nick Lazzarini (Contemporary)

Rodrigo Guzman & Yesenia Adame (Salsa)

Sandra Colton (Tap)

Blake McGrath (Contemporary)

Geovanny Martinez (Breaking)

Darkside (Breaking)


US 2

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Krystle Henry (Jazz)

Juliya Tamarkina & Stanislav Savich (Ballroom)

Jason Luks (Tap)

Musa Cooper (Breaking)

Christopher Bryant (Breaking)

Michael Kim (Hip-Hop)

Travis Wall (Contemporary)

Natalie Fotopoulos (Contemporary)

Claire Callaway (Jazz)

James Payne (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Donyelle Jones (Contemporary)

Benji Schwimmer (Swing)

Hokuto “Hok” Konishi (Breaking)

Chris Cuenza (Breaking)

Steve Terada (Breaking)

Victor Kim (Breaking)

Ivan Koumaev (Hip-Hop)

Henry Graham (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Nick Gonzales (Tap)

Duron Benifield (Hip-Hop)

Ron Evans (Hip-Hop)

Nigel Holt (Breaking)

Erika Gee (Jazz)


US 3

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Anya Garnis & Pasha Kovalev (Ballroom)

Heather Zampier (Jazz)

Hanna-Lee Sakakibara (Jazz)

Earnest “E-Knock” Phillips (Breaking)

Jamal Weaver (Hip-Hop)

Ashley Keegan (Jazz)

Katie Watts (Jazz)

Faina Savich (Latin Ballroom)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Lauren “Misha” Gottlieb (Contemporary)

Jessi Peralta (Contemporary)

Olivia Usey (Contemporary)

Kurt Myers & Dia Beck (Ballroom)

Jesus “Chuy” Solorio (Contemporary)

Hokuto “Hok” Konishi (Breaking)

Dominic “D-Trix” Sandoval (Breaking)

Brianne Healey (Contemporary)

Lacey Schwimmer (Swing)

Morgan Larson (Jazz)

Phillip Chbeeb (Hip-Hop)

Yesenia Gomez (Jazz)

Eva “Evita” Arce & Michael Jagger (Lindy Hop)

Janet Bombard (Jazz)

Jon “Quincy” Vereen (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Caitlin Cucchiara (Contemporary)

Anthony “Tony” Velez (Breaking)

Brandon Norris (Clogging)

Bryan Gaynor (Animation)

Myles Johnson (Contemporary)

Ashley Simpson (Contemporary)


US 4

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Devin Oshiro (Contemporary)

Jonathan Anzalone (Breaking)

Stephen “Twitch” Boss (Hip-Hop)

Phillip Chbeeb (Hip-Hop)

William Wingfield (Contemporary)

Erika Gee (Contemporary)

Leonidas Proskurov & Aliona Vetrekno (Ballroom)

Victor Kim (Breaking)

Ricky Sun & Asuka Kondoh (Ballroom)

Kherington Payne (Contemporary)

Robert Muraine (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Chelsie Hightower (Ballroom)

Gev Manoukian (Breaking)

Linsdey Judkins (Jazz)

Kelli Baker (Contemporary)

Ryann Race (Hip-Hop)

Matt Dorame (Contemporary)

Thayne Jasperson (Contemporary)

Kortney Pearson (Jazz)

Michelle Stringham (Jazz)

Paige Jones (Jazz)

Joshua Allen (Hip-Hop)

John Dix & Arielle Coker (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Sheila Kasier (Jazz)

Jeremiah Hughes (Contemporary)

Antwain Hart (Hip-Hop)

Anthony Hart & Antwain Hart (Hip-Hop)

BJ Harris (Hip-Hop)

Courtney Galiano (Contemporary)

Claire Callaway (Jazz)

Megan Campbell (Contemporary)

Markus Shields (Hip-Hop)

Markus Smith & Deonna Ball (Swing)

Brandon Bryant (Contemporary)

Phucdat Ngyuen (Breaking)

Anthony Bryant (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Michael Kim (Hip-Hop)

Katee Shean (Contemporary)

Natalie Reid (Contemporary)

Janette Manrara & Romulo Villaverde (Salsa)

Bianca Revels (Tap)

Evan Kasprzak (Jazz)

Kourtni Lind (Contemporary)

Ashley Henry (Hip-Hop)

Susie Garcia (Salsa)

Rebecca Hart (Contemporary)

Brice Casimir (Hip-Hop)

Cooper Zamorano (Contemporary)

Philip Courter (Hip-Hop)

Raymond Love (Hip-Hop)

Lizz Plott (Tap)


US 5

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Gabi Rojas (Contemporary)

Saalim “Storyboard” Muslim & Habby “Hobgoblin” Jacques (Mutation)

Peter Sabasino (Tap)

Maksim Kapitannikov (Ballroom)

Nobuya Nagahama (Hip-Hop)

Arielle Taylor (Contemporary)

Nina Estrina & Igor Zabrodin (Ballroom)

Kellen Stancil (Contemporary)

Chimezie Nwosu (Hip-Hop)

Kayla Radomski (Contemporary)

Misha Belfer & Mitchel Kibel (Ballroom)

Elias Holloway (Hip-Hop)

Natalie Reid (Contemporary)

Brandon Bryant (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Priscilla Marrero (Contemporary)

Janette Manrara & Romulo Villaverde (Salsa)

Joseph Smith (Hip-Hop)

Erik “Silky” Moore (Tap)

Paris Torres (Contemporary)

Geo Smith (Contemporary)

Talia Rickards (Jazz)

Marico Flake (Hip-Hop)

Caitlin Kinney (Contemporary)

Anna Dunn (Contemporary)

Travis Prokop (Contemporary)

Evan Kasprzak (Jazz)

Lauren & Lydia Guerra (Contemporary)

Ryan Kasprzak (Tap)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Bianca Revels (Tap)

Ricky Sun & Asuka Kondoh (Ballroom)

Nathan Trasoras (Contemporary)

Sammy Ramirez (Hip-Hop)

Amanda Kirby (Contemporary)

Arielle Coker & Phillip Chbeeb (Contemporary)

Kelsea Taylor (Jazz)

Kuponohi’ipoi Aweau (Contemporary)


US 6

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Mollee Gray (Contemporary)

Ryan Kasprzak (Tap)

Bianca Revels & Ryan Kasprzak (Tap)

Amber Williams (Contemporary)

Cristina Santana (Salsa)

Phillip Attmore (Tap)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Demetrio “Biggie” Bargas & Brandon “Shorty” Smallwood (Hip-Hop)

Sasha Mallory (Contemporary)

Allison Becker (Contemporary)

Willem de Vries & Jacob Jason (Ballroom)

Jarvis Johnson (Hip-Hop)

Kelsey White (Contemporary)

Jonathan “Legacy” Perez (Breaking)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Teddy Tedholm (Contemporary)

Jean “Bebo” Lloret (Breaking)

Channing Cooke (Contemporary)

Ryan Casey (Tap)

Russell Ferguson (Krump)

Fabrizio “Breeze” Jenkins (Hip-Hop)

Karen Hauer & Matthew Hauer (Ballroom)

Gene Bersten (Ballroom)

Kevin “K’Bez” Hunte (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Billy Bell (Contemporary)

Amber Jackson (Contemporary)

Anthony & Antwain Hart (Hip-Hop)

Matthew “Boogie Links” Pollard (Hip-Hop)

Jessica Jensen (Contemporary)

Thomas Hamilton (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 5 _______________

Shelby “Skip” Skipper (Bounce)

Jonathan Litzler (Contemporary)

Eric Le Blanc (Hip-Hop)

Justin Kenney (Breaking)

Kimalee Piedad (Ballroom)

Micah Mixon (Hip-Hop)

Jakob Karr (Contemporary)

Diana Drexler (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 6 _______________

Bryan Boyer (Breaking)

Hayley Cloud (Contemporary)

Ariana Rowley (Burlesque)

Iveta Lukosiute (Ballroom)

Ashleigh & Ryan Di Lello (Ballroom)

Leigh Asay & Josh Murillo (Ballroom)


US 7

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Sarah Brinson (Contemporary)

Giselle Peacock & Henry Byalikov (Ballroom)

Teddy Tedholm (Contemporary)

Chris “Isolock” Dixon (Locking)

Wadi Jones (Breaking)

Edward Spots (Contemporary)

Megan Carter (Contemporary)

Michael Petr (Ballroom)

Tyrell Rolle (Contemporary)

Henry Rivera (Contemporary)

Ami Aguiar-Riley (Contemporary)

Candace Craig (Jazz)

Jose Ruiz (Breaking)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Lauren Froderman (Jazz)

Rachel Girma (Contemporary)

Cristina Santana (Salsa)

Taylor Costello (Contemporary)

Alexie Agdeppa (Contemporary)

Melinda Sullivan (Tap)

Ryan Ramirez (Contemporary)

Kent Boyd (Contemporary)

Andrew Phillips (Contemporary)

Adrian Lee (Contemporary)

Christopher Gilbert (Hip-Hop)

Jarrod Mayo (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Ida Saki (Contemporary)

Haylee Durbin (Contemporary)

Nicole Knudson (Contemporary)

Marcella Raneri (Contemporary)

Jordan Johnson (Hip-Hop)

Brian Gaynor (Animation)


US 8

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Bianka Hinklerian (Salsa)

Melanie Moore (Contemporary)

Deon Lewsa Jr. & Damon Bellmon (Hip-Hop)

Marko Germar (Contemporary)

Kimalee Piedad (Ballroom)

Kyre Batiste (Hip-Hop)

Amber Williams (Jazz)

Timothy Joseph (Breaking)

Danielle Ihle (Contemporary)

Ashley Rich (Contemporary)

Jeffrey McCann (Breaking)

Ryan Ramirez (Contemporary)

Levi “I Dummy” Allen (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Devon McCullough & Micah Clark (Stepping)

Chyna Smith (Jazz)

Annie Gratton (Jazz)

Tadd Gaduang (Breaking)

Samantha Hiller (Contemporary)

Chase Thomas (Contemporary)

Samara “Princess Lockerooo” Cohen (Waacking)

Brandon Jones (Contemporary)

Brian Henry (Krump)

Mary Kate Sheehan (Irish)

Virgil “Lil O” Gadson (Breaking)

Jess LeProtto (Jazz)

Kristen Dobson (Ballroom)

Robert Taylor Jr. (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Jordan Casanova (Jazz)

Derion “DC” Chapman (Hip-Hop)

Arielle Coker (Contemporary)

Hiroka “Hero” McRae (Hip-Hop)

Alexis Mason (Contemporary)

Patty Anne Miller (Hip-Hop)

Sasha Mallory & Natalia Mallory (Contemporary)


US 9

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Amelia Lowe (Contemporary)

Toshihiko Nakazawa (Hip-Hop)

Shafeek Westbrook (Breaking)

Leo Reyes (Contemporary)

Chehon Wespi-Tschopp (Ballet)

Bree Hafen (Contemporary)

Stepheon Stewart (Zombie)

Hampton Williams (Exorcist)

Daniel Baker (Ballet)

Jarell Rochelle (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Alexa Anderson (Contemporary)

Jontel “Johnnt Waacks” Gibson (Waacking)

Eliana Girard (Ballet)

Sam Lenarz (Contemporary)

Caley Carr (Tap)

Megan Branch (Contemporary)

Cole Horibe (Martial Arts)

David Matz (Cyr Wheel)

Stephen Jacobsen (Ballet)

Jonathan Anzalone (Breaking)

Jasmine Mason (Jazz)

Marshea Kidd (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Audrey Case (Contemporary)

Boris Penton (Animation)

Joshua Alexander (Contemporary)

Tim Conkel (Breaking)

Jackson Alvarez (Hip-Hop)

Janelle Issis (Bellydancing)

Danielle Dominguez (Contemporary)

Andre Rucker (Animation)

Cyrus “Glitch” Spencer (Animation)

Courtney Kirby (Contemporary)

Asher Walker (Hip-Hop)

George Lawrence II (Contemporary)

Brittany Ortner (Jazz)

Deon Lewis & Damon Bellmon (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Witney Carson (Ballroom)

Deanna “Dee” Tomasetta (Contemporary)

Gene Lonardo (Jazz)

Lindsay Arnold (Ballroom)

Mariah Spears (Krump)

Murphy Yang (Hip-Hop)

Dareian Kujawa (Contemporary)

Johnny Ahn & Whitney Hallam (Ballroom)

Adrian Lee (Contemporary)

Rachel Applehans (Jazz)

Leroy Martinez (Hip-Hop)


US 10

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Du-Shaunt “Fik-Shun” Stegall (Hip-Hop)

Malece Miller (Contemporary)

Paul Karmiryan (Ballroom)

Elijah Laurant (Contemporary)

Taylor Ward (Contemporary)

Morris Isby (Breaking)

Armen “Armen Way” Avetisov (Ballroom)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Jade Zuberi (Animation)

Amy Yakima (Contemporary)

Morgan “Mo” Williams (Contemporary)

Will “Sysko” Green (Hip-Hop)

Tyrone Cobham, Jr. (Tap)

Darryl “Smilez” Harrell (Hip-Hop)

DeFonte “Prince Charming” Thomas (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Nicholas “Slick” Stewart (Hip-Hop)

Alex Kessinger (Jazz)

Sebastian Serra (Contemporary)

Mariia Lebedeva & Misha Smagin (Ballroom)

Emilio “Millie” Dosal (Breaking)

Makenzie Dustman (Contemporary)

Hayley Erbert (Contemporary)

Donovan Gibbs (Hip-Hop)

Dannon O’Brien (Contemporary)

Shane Garcia (Hip-Hop)

Daniela Bustillos (Contemporary)

Nick Muckleroy (Contemporary)

Hampton Williams & Darlesha Goggans (Exorcist)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Ashley Goldman & Phillip Kudryavstev (Ballroom)

John Tesoriero (Hip-Hop)

Katlyn Rodriguez (Salsa)

Jennifer Jones (Contemporary)

Tommy Tibball (Contemporary)

Jennie Begley (Contemporary)

Jason Kidd (Hip-Hop)

Shannon “Shizzy Shake” Tarantino (Contemporary)

Elena & Gene Bersten (Ballroom)

Ernest “E-Knock” Phillips (Hip-Hop)

Alexis Juliano (Tap)

Anthony Bryant (Contemporary)

Anthony Savoy (Contemporary)

Kate Kapshandy (Ballroom)

Toshihiko Nakazawa (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 5 _______________

Dorian “BluPrint” Hector (Animation)

Curtis Holland (Tap)

Tucker Knox (Contemporary)

Courtney Thurston (Contemporary)

Shanshan Qiao-Rothlisberger (Mongolian)

Nico Greetham (Contemporary)

Elyse Frelinger (Contemporary)

Jenna Johnson (Ballroom)

Novien Yarber (Contemporary)

Isabel Freiberger (Ballroom)

Caleb Brauner (Contemporary)

Larry Booze (Hip-Hop)

Jasmine Harper (Contemporary)

Paige Pellicano (Jazz)


US 11

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Shelby Rase (Contemporary)

Tanisha Belnap (Ballroom)

Shelby “Skip” Skipper (Bounce)

Megan Marcano (Contemporary)

Trevor Bryce (Contemporary)

Courtney Barnes (Freestyle)

Novien Yarber (Contemporary)

Caleb Brauner 1 (Contemporary)

Brooklyn Fullmer & Marquet Hill (Ballroom)

Nick Garcia (Ballroom)

Rudy Abreu (Contemporary)

Caleb Brauner 2 (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Paul Brushaber (Puppet)

Emily James (Contemporary)

Franchesca Bass (Contemporary)

Jenna Scaccia (Contemporary)

James “Lord Finn” Thomas (Hip-Hop)

Jessica Richens (Jazz)

Valerie Rockey (Tap)

Jana “Jaja” Vankova (Hip-Hop)

Kyle Taylor (Hip-Hop)

Justine Lutz (Contemporary)

Deise Mendonca & Mauricio Vera (Ballet)

Hailee Payne (Jazz)

Sebastian Serra (Ballet)

Dani Platz (Contemporary)

Marie “Poppins” Bonnevay (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Alla Kocherga & Serge Onik (Ballroom)

Timothy Joseph (Breaking)

Casey Askew (Contemporary)

Jourdan Epstein (Ballet)

Jontel “Johnny Waacks” Gibson (Waacking)

Malene Ostergaard & Armen Way (Ballroom)

Bridget Whitman (Contemporary)

Amir Sanders (Ballet)

Landon Anderson (Ballroom)

Shafeek Westbrook (Breaking)

Stanley Glover (Contemporary)

James “Banks” Davis (Krump)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Mariah Reives (Contemporary)

Erik “Silky” Moore (Hip-Hop)

Kelly MacCoy (Jazz)

Christopher “Mr. Strange” Griffin (Animation)

Conrad Dechabert (Contemporary)

Taveaus “Dynamic” Woods (Hip-Hop)

Ricky Ubeda (Contemporary)

Marissa Milele (Contemporary)

Elaine Kimble (Contemporary)

Brandon “Crazy Legz” Jacobs (Crank)

Angelina Granitz (Contemporary)

Cristina Moya-Palacios (Contemporary)

Jerrod Swain (Hip-Hop)


US 12

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Peyton Albrecht (Contemporary)

Andre Rucker (Animation)

Jordan Hilgenberg (Contemporary)

Ladia Yates (Hip-Hop)

Courtney Barnes (Freestyle)

Guillermo Morales (Contemporary)

Jaclyn Hamric (Contemporary)

Steven Ban (Hip-Hop)

Vishonda Sims (Hip-Hop)

Lily Leyva (Contemporary)

Edson Juarez (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Christine Shepard (Contemporary)

Kenya “Standing O” Sutton (Hip-Hop)

Kelly MacCoy(Contemporary)

Tyrell Noll (Hip-Hop)

Corey “Mission” Whitfield (Breaking)

Brooke Fong (Jazz)

Samantha Reyes (Hip-Hop)

Miranda Wilking (Miranda Derrick) (Contemporary)
Michael Manson (Hip-Hop)

Kelsey Rose Young (Tap)

Gaby Diaz (Tap)

Roydell Shannon (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Asaf Goren (Breaking)

Avo Karapetyan (Ballet)

Jana “Jaja” Vankova (Hip-Hop)

Allen Genkin (Jive)

Illijaz & Burim “B1” Jusufi (Breaking)

Mary Kate Levoir (Contemporary)

James “BDash” Derrick (Hip-Hop)

Jim Nowakowski (Contemporary)

Cody Carlson (Hip-Hop)

Jacy Jordan (Contemporary)

Jessica “JJ” Rabone (Hip-Hop)

Kareem “Anointed” Ali (Breaking)

Brandon Armstrong (Ballroom)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Virgil “Lil O” Gadson (Hip-Hop)

Alexia Meyer (Contemporary)

Korey Cleveland (Hip-Hop)

Justin Ballasy (Tap)

Angela “Angyil” McNeal (Hip-Hop)

Allyson Wilcox (Contemporary)

Alain “Hurrikane” Lauture (Locking)

Kenya Welch & Connor Bermingham (Contemporary)

Ryan Raffloer (Ballroom)

Bobby “Anime” Major (Hip-Hop)

Eliazer Chapman (Hip-Hop)

Darius Drooh (Contemporary)

Alyssa Guerrieri (Contemporary)


US 13

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Merrick Hanna (Hip-Hop)

Avery Gay (Ballet)

Leon “Kida” Burns (Hip-Hop)

Lev (Ballroom)

Ava Cota (Contemporary)

Ava Brooks (Tap)

Stella & Geramy (Ballroom)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

JT Church (Jazz)

Tahani Anderson (Hip-Hop)

Emma Hellenkamp (Tap)

Tia Wenkman (Ballet)

Leana (Ballroom)

Alex Walton (Hip-Hop)

Diana Pombo (Contemporary)

Daniela Avanzini (Ballroom)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

RJ D'Ambrosio & Jake Lonigro (Hip-Hop)

Ruby Castro (Ballroom)

Tate McRae (Contemporary)

Valeriya Bronnikova & Alex Sarkisian (Ballroom)

Lucas Marinetto (Tap)

Joshua (Ballroom)

Kai Rivera (Breaking)

Douglas “Dougie” Baldeo (Jazz)

Olivia Bevilacqua (Contemporary)


US 14

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Mark Villaver (Breaking)

Kristina Androsenko and Vasily Anokhin (Ballroom)

Robert Green (Hip-Hop)

Alexis Gilbert (Contemporary)

Darius Hickman (Contemporary)

Anastasiia & Victoriia (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Jensen Arnold & Tristen Sosa (Ballroom)

Sade Keinu Austin (Hip-Hop)

Matthew Deloch (Contemporary)

Inyoung “Dassy” Lee (Hip-Hop)

Blessin Giraldo (Stepping)

Dustin Payne (Hip-Hop)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Kaylee “Impavido” Millis (Contemporary)

Ana Sanchez (Salsa)

Koine Iwasaki (Contemporary)

Joseph “Klassic” Carella & Huwer “Havoc” Marche Jr. (Hip-Hop)

Chaz Wolcott (Tap)

Ryan Bailey (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Magda Fialek & Kiki Nyemchek (Ballroom)

Zachary Downer (Contemporary)

Ramita Ravi (Contemporary)

Arielle Disciascio (Contemporary)

Romainson Romain (Breaking)

Claire Rathbun (Ballet)

Lex Ishimoto (Contemporary)


US 15

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Marina Mazepa (Contemporary)

Gaevin “Rated G” Bernales (Breaking)

Marcus Nyemchek & Magda Fialek & Allen Genkin (Ballroom)

Jay “Laganja Estranja” Jackson (Jazz)

Alexis Gilbert (Contemporary)

Eddie Hoyt (Tap)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Tessa Dalke (Contemporary)

Jay Jay Dixonbey (Jazz)

Nathan Hughes & Courtland Davis (Hip-Hop)

Hannahlei Cabanilla (Contemporary)

Dustin Payne (Hip-Hop)

Nicole Clonch (Swing)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Emily Carr (Contemporary)

Evan DeBenedetto (Tap)

Rachel Blanchard (Jazz)

Kyle Bennett, Jr. (Hip-Hop)

Victoria Neukom (Contemporary)

Elan & Jordynne Lurie (Salsa)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Melany Mercedes & Andrew Avila (Salsa)

Randorn “Tiger” Luangpraseuth (Breaking)

Mika Doman (Contemporary)

Brianna Penrose (Tap)

Arcadian Broad (Ballet)

Bridget Derville-Teer (Contemporary)

Ryan Green (Hip-Hop)


US 16

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Dezi Saenz (Hip-Hop)

Stephanie & Ezra Sosa (Ballroom)

Matthew Deloch (Contemporary)

Sarah “Smac” McCreanor (Jazz)

Amanda Butler (Hip-Hop)

Gino Cosculluela (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

Sumi Oshima (Hip-Hop)

Caroline De La Rocha (Contemporary)

Samuel Sweetser (Breaking)

Gianna Newborg (Contemporary)

Nazz Sldryan & Stefen Yeritsyan (Ballroom)

Kaeli Ware & Brandon Talbott (Ballet)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Bailey “Bailrok” Munoz (Breaking)

Luke Romanzi (Contemporary)

Elan & Jordynne Lurie (Salsa)

Sophie Pittman (Contemporary)

Frank “Ghost” Crisp Jr. (Hip-Hop)

Lauren Luteran (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 4 _______________

Jalen Sands (Contemporary)

Colton & Trent Edwards (Contemporary)

Bryan “Clocks” Volozanin (Hip-Hop)

Sydney Burtis (Tap)

Jarrod Tyler Paulson (Contemporary)

Madison Jordan (Contemporary)

Jarrod Tyler Paulson & Madison Jordan (Contemporary

________________ Ep. 5 _______________

Melany Mercedes & Andrew Avila (Salsa)

Michael Sales (Breaking)

Mariah Russell (Contemporary)

Phoebe Kochis (Jazz)

James Cody (Hip-Hop)

Maia Bliudnikas (Contemporary)

Eddie Hoyt (Tap)


US 17

________________ Ep. 1 _______________

Konnor Kelly (Contemporary)

Samuel "Hooliboy" Kyei (Afro)

Anna Miller (Contemporary)

Dakota Pizzi (Ballroom)

Maci Montes (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 2 _______________

James "Lord Finn" Thomas (Hip-Hop)

Brianna Grey (Hip-Hop)

Keaton Kermode (Contemporary)

Alexis Warr (Ballroom)

Beau Harmon (Musical Theater)

Zyiasia Knighton (Contemporary)

________________ Ep. 3 _______________

Thiago Pacheco (Contemporary)

Essence Wilmington (Hip-Hop)

Camila Schwarz (Ballroom)

Armando "Decoy" Muñoz (Hip-Hop)

Ralyn Johnson (Contemporary)

Waverly Fredericks (Contemporary)





________________ Season 1 Episode 1 _______________




Ashlé Dawson 

Age: 21

From: Shipbottom, NJ

Style: Contemporary

Music: Shazam doesn’t know lol

Nigel: “It was superb. I’m very impressed by you.”

Result: Makes 4th Place

Notes: Ashle invented African Jazz in Season 1 Episode 1, when will your fave




Melissa Vella 

Age: 20

From: Springfield, PA

Style: Jazz

Music: Gone by Kelly Clarkson

Nigel: “That had everything for me.”

Result: Makes the Top 8

Notes: Now named Melissa Vella Salcedo


________________ Season 1 Episode 2 _______________




Artem Chigvintsev

Age: 22

Giselle Peacock

Age: 24

From: Menlo Park, CA

Style:  Latin Ballroom

Music: Don’t Cha by The Pussycat Dolls

Nigel: [to Artem] “You look strong, you look butch; very important.”

Result: Artem makes the Top 8, Giselle is cut at the choreography round
Notes: Artem and Giselle were married at this time. Giselle later auditions for Season 7 with Henry from AU1 - that audition is also part of this game




Snejana “Snow” Urbin

Age: 25

From: New York, NY

Style: Latin Ballroom

Music: Ethnictricity by Paul Taylor

Nigel: “I understand that you were born on the stage.”

Result: Makes the Top 12
Notes: Originally from Siberia. Pro partners with Maks Chmerkovskiy for a bit




Erin McKinnon

Age: 21

From: Port Orange, FL

Style: Ballet

Music: Quiteria’s Variation from Don Quixote (opera by Wilhelm Kienzi)

Bonnie: “I believe that anybody who is ballet trained is going to be a good all-around dancer.”

Result: She makes the Top 50 callbacks but I can’t find her in that episode… maybe she wasn’t able to go
Notes: First dancer shown using pointe shoes




Blake McGrath

Age: 21

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Unknown

Bonnie: “I believe it’s a privilege to watch you. Wonderful.”

Result: Makes the Top 6
Notes: Later becomes choreographer and judge for SYTYCD Canada


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________________  Season 2 Episode 1 _______________




Jason Luks

Age: 18

From: Mendham, NJ

Style: Tap

Music: Just Kiss Me by Harry Connick Jr.

Dan: “That’s the best tapper we’ve seen, right? Last year, too?”

Result: Vegas
Notes: Currently faculty with NYCDA and the Joffrey Ballet School. Part of the JaM Project company that was on World of Dance Season 2




Musa Cooper

Age: 23

From: Burlington, NJ

Style: Breaking

Music: Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas

Nigel: “I think you’re outstanding. I thought you were outstanding last year.”

Result: Top 12
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 1, but was cut/quit after the choreography round.




Natalie Fotopoulos

Age: 22

From: Tampa, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Nothing by Nikka Costa

Nigel: “You’ve made it all worthwhile coming to Charleston.”

Result: Top 6
Notes: Choreographed and judged on SYTYCD Greece




Claire Callaway

Age: 18

From: Brownsboro, AL

Style: Jazz

Music: Trouble from Smokey Joe’s Cafe

Doriana: “You’re definitely one of these people that was born to dance.”

Result: Made it to Vegas, but had to withdraw after the contemporary round in Vegas due to a foot injury. Nigel invited her to skip auditions in Season 3 and come right back to Vegas Week.

Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 4. Did not return for Season 3 because she had a baby.


________________  Season 2 Episode 2 _______________




Donyelle Jones

Age: 26

From: Studio City, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Human by Dionne Farris

Brian: “Girl, you’re the sh!t.”

Result: 3rd place, top female
Notes: Currently fighting metastatic breast cancer




Benji Schwimmer

Age: 22

From: Redlands, CA

Style: Swing

Music: Zoot Suit Riot by Cherry Poppin’ Daddies

Mary: “I know of your father. It’s not a surprise to me that you did a great job.”

Result: Winner
Notes: Has choreographed for the US and Canada shows




Hokuto “Hok” Konishi

Age: 21

From: Santa Monica, CA

Style: Breaking

Music: Bad Hip Hop by Master Done It Again

Mary: “You’re just crazy out there and you do things that I’ve never seen before”

Result: Cut at the Green Mile before Top 20 because he didn’t have a Green Card.
Notes: Hok also had a featured audition on Season 1 (cut after the choreography round) and had a featured audition in Season 3 (makes Top 12).




Steve Terada

Age: 22

From: Thousand Oaks, CA

Style: Breaking

Music: Disco Conection by Isaac Hayes Movement

Brian: “Loved it.”

Result: Cut at choreography round
Notes: Part of Quest Crew with Hok and Dominic, won ABDC Seasons 3 and 8




Victor Kim

Age: 19

From: Irvine, CA

Style: Breaking

Music: It’s Just Begun by The Jimmy Castor Bunch

Nigel: “Absolutely fantastic.”

Result: Cut at choreography round
Notes: Also has a featured audition in Season 4. Part of Quest Crew for ABDC Season 3 but not 8.




Ivan Koumaev

Age: 18

From: Aliso Viejo, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Touch It by Busta Rhymes

Brian: “I don’t even think you know how good you are.”

Result: Top 6
Notes: Dances/choreographs for Justin Timberlake




Marie “Pandora” Medina

Age: 24

From: Santa Ana, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Night Chase by Synaptyx

Nigel: [standing ovation]

Result: Cut at choreography round
Notes: Part of The LXD and Step Up 3D.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandora_Marie


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________________  Season 3 Episode 1 _______________




Anya Garnis

Age: 25

From: New York, NY

Pasha Kovalev 

Age: 27

From: Fort Lee, NJ

Style: Latin Ballroom

Music: Magic Carpet Ride by Mighty Dub Katz

Mary: “They’re the best ballroom dancers we have ever had on the show.”

Result: Anya makes Top 12 and Pasha makes Top 6
Notes: You know who they are, come on


________________  Season 3 Episode 2 _______________




Jessi Peralta

Age: 24

From: Valley Village, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Like a Star by Corinne Bailey Rae

Wade: “The piece was a story… you brought me in.”

Result: Cut at Top 16 after being hospitalized




Hokuto “Hok” Konishi

Age: 22

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Breaking

Music: Ain’t No Other Man by Christina Aguilera

Wade: “You’re badass, man.” [standing ovation]

Result: Top 12
Notes: Featured audition in Seasons 1-3. Part of Quest Crew, won ABDC Seasons 3 and 8




Dominic “D-Trix” Sandoval

Age: 22

From: Roseville, CA

Style: Breaking

Music: Heads Up by Zion I

Mary: “You’re just so much fun to watch.”

Result: Top 8
Notes: Part of Quest Crew, won ABDC Seasons 3 and 8, judge of ABDC Seasons 6-7, judge of SYTYCD Season 16, choreographer for World of Dance Season 2 winner, The Lab.




Lacey Schwimmer 

Age: 18

From: Redlands, CA

Style: Swing

Music: Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas

Mary: “I think you’re a great individual dancer all on your own.”

Result: 4th Place
Notes: Winner of SYTYCD Rankdown 3.0. Auditioned with her brother Benji, winner of Season 2.


________________  Season 3 Episode 3 _______________




Bryan “Chibi” Gaynor

Age: 20

From: Kennesaw, GA

Style: Animation

Music: Ain’t No Other Man by Christina Aguilera

Shane: [cries] “You are money… you got a future ahead of you… perfect.”

Result: Cut at choreography round
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 7. Part of Dragon House


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 ________________  Season 4 Episode 1 _______________




Devin Oshiro

Age: 18

From: Diamond Bar, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Where I Stood by Missy Higgins

Mia: “If you’re this good now, it’ll be stupid”

Result: Cut after ballroom in Vegas
Notes: Definitely made it to Vegas in other seasons, not sure how many… I think she gets cut after the first solos in Vegas in Season 5




Stephen “Twitch” Boss 

Age: 25

From: Montgomery, AL

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Haunting Me by Oona


Result: Runner-up
Notes: Auditioned in Season 3, but was cut at Green Mile vs. Hok.




Phillip Chbeeb 

Age: 19

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Unknown

Mia: “Probably one of the best I’ve ever seen at that genre. The best.”

Result: Not able to attend Vegas due to illness
Notes: Also had featured auditions in Seasons 3 and 5. Appeared in the Season 4 finale to battle Robert Muraine




William Wingfield 

Age: 21

From: Nashville, TN

Style: Contemporary

Music: Baba Says Cool For Thought by Lupe Fiasco

Mia: “I honor and respect the statement that you danced today.”

Result: Top 8
Notes: One of Debbie Allen’s students




Erika Gee

Age: 22

From: New York, NY

Style: Contemporary

Music: The Time Is Now (Bambino Casino Mix) by Moloko

Mary: “I’m just so glad that we’re witnessing this big journey with you, and I’m really glad you came back.”

Result: Cut after broadway in Vegas
Notes: Also auditioned for Season 2 (cut in Vegas) and 3 (cut after final solos right before Green Mile).




Leonidas Proskurov

Age: 23

Aliona Vetrekno

Age: 24

From: Northridge, CA

Style: Ballroom

Music: Cantaloop Remix by US3

Mary: “There’s a class about the way the two of you dance”

Result: Aliona gets cut at the Green Mile, not sure when Leonidas gets cut in Vegas




Victor Kim

Age: 21

From: Irvine, CA

Style: Breaking

Music: Know The Ledge by Eric B. & Rakim

Nigel: “I’m not sure what else we could ask for.”

Result: Cut at choreography round
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 2 and cut at choreography then too. Part of winning Quest Crew for ABDC Season 3 but not 8.




Kherington Payne

Age: 18

From: Placentia, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Stop and Stare by One Republic

Mia: “It’s definitely the It Factor with your face.”

Result: Top 10
Notes: One of the stars of the 2009 Fame movie, also was an official Pussycat Doll for a millisecond




Robert “Mr. Fantastic” Muraine

Age: 20

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: It’s Me Bitches (Instrumental) by Swizz Beats

Nigel: “You are officially my favorite dancer of 2008.”

Result: Quit during the first round of Vegas
Notes: Invited to the season finale to battle against Phillip Chbeeb, and won the battle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Muraine


________________  Season 4 Episode 2 _______________




Chelsie Hightower

Age: 18

From: Pleasant Grove, UT

Style: Ballroom

Music: Lose My Breath by Destiny’s Child

Mary: “She is one hot tamale, that’s for sure.”

Result: Top 6
Notes: DWTS pro, SYTYCD choreographer, etc. Her audition partner wasn’t named on the screen but he can be seen in Vegas




Gev Manoukian

Age: 21

From: Centerville, UT

Style: Breaking

Music: Hello/Goodbye by Lupe Fiasco

Nigel: “You were very exciting. Good prospect.”

Result: Top 10




Kelli Baker

Age: 18

From: Salt Lake City, UT

Style: Contemporary

Music: Dancing by Elisa

Nigel: “You are certainly one of the best dancers I’ve seen this season.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile (ROBBED)
Notes: Daughter of SYTYCD choreographer, Bonnie Story




John Dix

Age: 23

Arielle Coker

Age: 18

From: Corpus Christi, TX

Style: Contemporary

Music: Overrated by Craig Lyons

Nigel: “Every guy watching this should start dancing just so they could meet girls like you.”

Result: Cut at choreography round
Notes: Arielle also has featured auditions in Season 5 and 8. Pretty sure she also auditioned in the seasons in between


________________  Season 4 Episode 3 _______________




Courtney Galiano

Age: 19

From: Dix Hills, NY

Style: Contemporary

Music: Lost by Anouk

Mary: “That’s what we’re looking for.”

Result: 4th Place
Notes: Winner of SYTYCD Rankdown 1.0



[Video not found]

Claire Callaway

Age: 20

From: Huntsville, AL

Style: Jazz

Music: Take Control by Amerie

Mary: “It’s a different ballgame now… than when we probably first saw you.”

Result: Cut after hip-hop in Vegas
Notes: Also featured in Season 2. Skipped Season 3 because she had a baby




Markus Shields

Age: 23

From: Grand Rapids, MI

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Wait For You by Elliott Yamin

Mary: “I just felt so much when you were dancing right now.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile
Notes: Also auditioned for Season 10, cut at Green Mile again. Was part of the group choreography round with Amy Yakima and Tucker.




Brandon Bryant 

Age: 18

From: Miami, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Requiem for a Dream

Nigel: “Congratulations, you’re one of the best I’ve seen.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile vs. Gev
Notes: Auditioned for Season 1 but lied about being too young. Has a featured audition in Season 5


________________  Season 4 Episode 4 _______________




Michael Kim

Age: 21

From: Boston, MA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: 93 Reasons by Platonic

Nigel: “You are my favorite that I’ve seen here doing that style”

Result: I didn’t find him in the Vegas episode on first glance
Notes: Had a featured audition in Season 2 and was cut after the ballroom round in Vegas.




Katee Shean 

Age: 19

From: Orange, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: 2 Steps Away by Patti LaBelle

Mia: “You’re a joy to watch. Thank you for that performance.”

Result: 3rd place, top female
Notes: Natalie Reid’s roommate. Also auditioned for Season 3 and was cut after final solos just before Green Mile




Natalie Reid

Age: 22

From: Orange, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Myphilosophy by Inner

Mia: “Great great great great great. Unique and honest.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile vs. Katee Shean
Notes: Katee’s roommate. Also had a featured audition in Season 5.




Janette Manrara

Age: 24

Romulo Villaverde

Age: 19

From: Hialeah, FL

Style: Salsa

Music: I Love Salsa by N’Klade

Mary: “Very strong. No slip-ups going on there whatsoever.”

Result: Romulo cut at choreography round, Janette cut at Green Mile
Notes: They both come back and have a featured audition in Season 5




Evan Kasprzak 

Age: 20

From: Weset Bloomfield, MI

Style: Jazz

Music: After the Lights Go Down Low by Al Hibbler

Mary: “You could tell you were completely in charge of everything that you did.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile
Notes: Also has a featured audition in Season 5 with his brother




Kourtni Lind 

Age: 18

From: Sherman Oaks, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Parameters by Ani DiFranco

Tabitha: “You communicated beautifully. I have nothing to say.”

Result: Top 14
Notes: Happily gay married

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________________  Season 5 Episode 1 _______________




Gabi Rojas

Age: 24

From: Albuquerque, NM

Style: Contemporary

Music: Terraform by Projectify

Nigel: “If you are not in this year’s Top 20, I’ll be surprised.”

Result: Cut after broadway in Vegas (AARRARARGHGHHHH)
Notes: Queen




Peter Sabasino

Age: 21

From: Philadelphia, PA

Style: Tap

Music: A cappella

Tabitha: “I really really am looking forward to seeing more.”

Result: I see him in the Vegas episode but idk how long he lasts
Notes: Also auditions for Season 6 and makes Top 16. Was initially paired with Ariana DeBose.




Kayla Radomski

Age: 18

From: Aurora, CO

Style: Contemporary

Music: Blackbird by Dionne Farris

Nigel: “You brought everything that could ever be asked of you.”

Result: 4th Place
Notes: Still part of the show and assisted for Sean Cheesman in Season 17




Natalie Reid

Age: 23

From: Seattle, WA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Breakdown More by Eric Hutchinson

Sonya: “I pray that you make it all the way through. Because you are just something to see.”

Result: Cut after jazz in Vegas even though she was asked by the choreographer to demonstrate the routine for the rest of the dancers, ROBBED ROBBED ROBBED
Notes: Went on to become a Radio City Rockette. Queen




Brandon Bryant 

Age: 19

From: Miami, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Carmina Burana

Mary: “If you don’t make it to the Top 20 I think I’ll just die this year.”

Result: Runner-up
Notes: Frequent All Star, danced for Britney’s Vegas show


________________  Season 5 Episode 2 _______________




Janette Manrara

Age: 25

From: Miami, FL

Romulo Villaverde

Age: 20

From: Hialeah, FL

Style: Salsa

Music: Oye Como Va (Latin Trance Mix) by Celia Cruz

Mary: “You are one of the first couples that have hit us in the face with a performance.” [scream]

Result: Romulo is cut at group choreography in Vegas I think, Janette makes Top 8
Notes: I also see Romulo in the Jazz round in Vegas in Season 6. Janette toured with Jason Gilkinson’s show for a while and is now a pro on Strictly Come Dancing and married one of the other pros




Evan Kasprzak

Age: 21

From: West Bloomfield, MI

Style: Jazz

Music: The Best Is Yet to Come by Michael Buble

Nigel: “It had a beginning, a middle, and an end. And you got the biggest round of applause today because of that.”

Result: 3rd Place
Notes: Original cast of Newsies



[Video not found]

Lauren & Lydia Guerra

Age: 19

From: Dallas, TX

Style: Contemporary

Music: It’s the Only One You’ve Got by 3 Doors Down

Nigel: “You’re both a joy to watch.”

Result: idk I can’t find them in Vegas
Notes: Twins




Ryan Kasprzak

Age: 29

From: Astoria, NY

Style: Tap

Music: Whoopie cushion lol

Mary: “That was just pure, pure entertainment.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile vs. Evan
Notes: Ryan comes back and has a featured audition in Season 6 that was used for the promos


________________  Season 5 Episode 3 _______________




Asuka Kondoh

Age: 25

From: Irvine, CA

Ricky Sun

Age: 28

From: Arcadia, CA

Style: Ballroom

Music: Mercy by Duffy

Mary: “If you keep dancing like that, it’s looking good.”

Result: Asuka makes Top 16, Ricky cut at Green Mile
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 4 and made it to Vegas. Asuka cut at the Green Mile




Nathan Trasoras

Age: 17

From: Downey, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Pollen & Salt by Daphne Loves Derby

Adam: “Pretty beeping impressive. Congratulations, that was a very good audition.”

Result: Too young, but invited to go straight to Vegas in Season 6
Notes: Comes back for Season 6 and makes Top 10




Amanda Kirby

Age: 20

From: Riverside, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Breathe Me by Sia

Adam: “I think she’s spectacular.”

Result: Cut after contemporary in Vegas
Notes: I feel like she auditions again after this




Arielle Coker

Age: 19

From: Corpus Christi, TX

Phillip Chbeeb

Info not shown even though he has a number

Style: Contemporary

Music: Moonburn by Craig Lyons

Nigel: “Beautifully choreographed, lovely.”

Result: Phillip makes Top 12, Arielle cut after ballroom in Vegas
Notes: Arielle and Phillip are two of the only dancers to have featured auditions on three different seasons and not be cut immediately. The others being Hok and Anthony Bryant.




Kuponohi’ipoi Aweau

Age: 23

From: Kailua, HI

Style: Contemporary

Music: Wasted Time by Meshell Ndegeocello

Mia: “I have faith in you… I think there’s something there.”

Result: Top 10
Notes: Dances for Madonna

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________________  Season 6 Episode 1 _______________




Ryan Kasprzak

Age: 29

From: Astoria, NY

Style: Tap

Music: A cappella

Adam: “That was the best audition I’ve ever seen on this show.”

Result: Cut after ballroom in Vegas
Notes: Acclaimed Broadway choreographer, dance captain, and dance supervisor. Worked on Hamilton, Smash, etc.


________________  Season 6 Episode 2 _______________




Jonathan “Legacy” Perez 

Age: 27

From: Studio City, CA

Style: Breaking

Music: It’s Just Begun by The Jimmy Castor Bunch

Mia: “You’re a powerhouse. I heard about how good you were.”

Result: Top 8
Notes: Assisted Lauren Gottlieb for the choreography rounds in Season 5


________________  Season 6 Episode 3 _______________




Channing Cooke

Age: 18

From: Haverhill, MA

Style: Contemporary

Music: A Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz

Nigel: “Everything I could ask for.”

Result: Top 14
Notes: Principal dancer for Travis Wall’s company for many years


________________  Season 6 Episode 4 _______________




Billy Bell

Age: 19

From: Loxacatchee

Style: Contemporary

Music: To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

Nigel: “I’m a ‘no’ for choreography…”

Result: Makes Top 20 and then has to withdraw due to illness
Notes: Returns straight to Vegas for Season 7 and makes Top 6




Amber Jackson

Age: 18

From: Decatur, GA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Wasted Time by Meshell Ndegeocello

Nigel: “I would like to see you in this competition for a long time.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile
Notes: Auditions for Season 7 and cut after ballroom in Vegas. Then returns for Season 9 (after seeing Sasha get runner-up) and Amber makes Top 16


________________  Season 6 Episode 5 _______________




Shelby “Skip” Skipper

Age: 20

From: Laplace, LA

Style: Bounce

Music: Shazam is stumped. Probably a remix

Lil C - “I thought it was a great representation. I thought it was buck.”

Result: They show his solo in Vegas but I’m not sure how long he lasts
Notes: Also has a featured audition in Season 11 and makes it to Vegas




Jonathan Litzler

Age: 18

From: Loveland, OH

Style: Contemporary

Music: Potrero Road by The Mother Hips

Adam: “That was one of the best auditions I’ve ever seen.”

Result: Cut after DFYL after the ballroom round in Vegas (with Adam saying “come back”)
Notes: https://www.movementemporium.com/ 




Kimalee Piedad

Age: 25

From: Fort Walton Beach, FL

Style: Ballroom

Music: To Make You Feel My Love by Kris Allen

Mary: “I thought that was just fabulous.”

Result: She makes Vegas but I can’t find her on first glance
Notes: Also has a featured audition in Season 8




Jakob Karr

Age: 18

From: Orlando, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Elephant in the Room by Richard Walters

Adam: “Dude, you freaking rocked out there.”

Result: Runner-up
Notes: King


________________  Season 6 Episode 6 _______________




Iveta Lukošiūtė

Age: 29

From: Woodside, NY

Style: Ballroom

Music: Have You Ever Been in Love by Celine Dion

Judge: “You are exquisite. It doesn’t get any better for me…”

Result: Helps Russell win by making him a star in the ballroom round in Vegas. I think Iveta gets cut afterward in the Jazz round
Notes: Decorated ballroom dancer and Ten Dance Champion. Also auditions for seasons 7 and 8. Makes Top 20 for Season 8. Later was a pro on Strictly Come Dancing.

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37 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Asuka Kondoh

Should be noted that Asuka and Ricky are some of the FEW Ballroom dancers on this show who continued ballroom dancing competitively and made the jump to Professional level (Asuka would dance with Oleg Astakhov who would later dance with JJ Rabone!)

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________________  Season 7 Episode 1 _______________




Giselle Peacock

Age: 28

From: Menlo Park, CA

Henry Byalikov

Age: 24

From: Sydney, AU

Style: Latin Ballroom

Music: Chillando Goma by Fulanito

Nigel: “The last time I saw you was in Burn the Floor… you two were the stars for me.”

Result: Giselle cut after contemporary in Vegas (because comparatively Cristina smoked her). I think Henry decided to not go to Vegas
Notes: Giselle had a featured audition with her then-husband in Season 1. Henry made Top 8 in Australia Season 1 and later was part of DWTS troupe until Derek Hough allegedly forced him out.




Teddy Tedholm

Age: 18

From: Rockaway, NJ

Style: Contemporary

Music: Prague by Damien Rice

Mia: “…as a young man at 18 years old, it’s pretty genius.”

Result: Cut after Hip-Hop in Vegas
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 6 that was shown as a promo during Season 5. Also was in Vegas in Season 9 and had a dramatic exit rant after being cut in broadway




Tyrell Rolle

Age: 24

From: Liberty City, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Black & Gold by Sam Sparro

Jason: “I loved every second of it. Well done.”

Result: Cut after the first solo in Vegas
Notes: Lion King, Alvin Ailey


________________  Season 7 Episode 2 _______________




Lauren Froderman

Age: 18

From: Phoenix, AZ

Style: Jazz

Music: Let’s Get It On by Marvin Gaye

Nigel: “You are tremendous, young lady. Very good.”

Result: Winner
Notes: Dated Dominic (AKA D-Trix) for a bit and now dating Cyrus (AKA Glitch AKA Jasmine’s ex-boyfriend)



[No video found]

Rachel Girma

Age: 18

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: I’m Not Ready To Die by Steve Jablonsky

Nigel: “People would pick up the phone and vote for you.”

Result: Cut after Hip-Hop in Vegas
Notes: Rhythmic gymnast




Melinda Sullivan

Age: 22

From: Thousand Oaks, CA

Style: Tap

Music: All in Love Is Fair by Stevie Wonder

Adam: “You are pretty amazing.”

Result: Top 9
Notes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melinda_Sullivan 




Kent Boyd

Age: 18

From: Wapakoneta, OH

Style: Contemporary

Music: Time by Billy Porter

Stacey: “There’s something I really like about you.”

Result: Runner-up
Notes: Teen Beach Movie!




Adrian Lee

Age: 20

From: San Diego, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Photographs & Memories by Jason Reeves

Stacey: “The best contemporary dancer we’ve seen today.”

Result: Cut in person by Mary Murphy in the new Green Mile format
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 9, cut after final solo in Vegas before Green Mile


________________  Season 7 Episode 3 _______________




Ida Saki

Age: 18

From: Plano, TX

Style: Contemporary

Music: Schindler’s List by John Williams

Nigel: “Absolutely fantastic.”

Result: Withdrew after ballroom in Vegas to pursue a scholarship
Notes: Cats movie, In the Heights movie, musicals, TV, music videos.  https://www.stepsnyc.com/faculty/bio/Ida-Saki/

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________________  Season 8 Episode 1 _______________




Melanie Moore

Age: 19

From: Marietta, GA

Style: Contemporary

Music: New Moon by Alexandre Desplat

Nigel: “‘This person is going to walk away with the competition’”

Result: Winner
Notes: Successful Broadway performer.




Kimalee Piedad

Age: 27

From: Fort Walton Beach, FL

Style: Ballroom

Music: Gravity by Sara Bareilles

Mary: “Absolutely spectacular.”

Result: Cut after final solos before Green Mile in Vegas
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 6




Amber Williams

Age: 18

From: Brigham City, UT

Style: Jazz

Music: Boots & Boys by Kesha

Tyce: “You’re not afraid, you do what you want to do…”

Result: Cut after final solos before Green Mile in Vegas
Notes: Auditioned again in Season 9 (cut after ballroom in Vegas) and 10 (cut just before Green Mile)



[video not found]

Ashley Rich

Age: 22

From: Emeryville, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: The Best In Me by Marvin Sapp

Tyce: “I’m a fan.”

Result: Top 14
Notes: Runs her own dance studio now


________________  Season 8 Episode 2 _______________




Tadd Gaduang

Age: 25

From: West Valley City, UT

Style: Breaking

Music: Lehonema by Ornu

Nigel: “It was just completely, and utterly, entertaining.”

Result: 4th Place
Notes: Dated Pauline from Season 6 for a while and hates social media apparently




Samara “Princess Lockerooo” Cohen

Age: 24

From: Brooklyn, NY

Style: Waacking

Music: Flight 76 (Flight of the Bumble Bee) by Walter Murphy

Nigel: “There were parts of that that were just sensational… absolutely tremendous.”

Result: Cut after hip-hop in Vegas
Notes: https://www.princesslockerooo.com/




Virgil “Lil O” Gadson

Age: 23

From: Philadelphia, PA

Style: Breaking

Music: Creator by Santigold

Nigel: “You, I think, will do very well on this program.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile
Notes: Part of Phresh Select on ABDC Season 2 (7th place). Original cast for Warren Carlyle’s After Midnight Broadway show. Also had a featured audition in Season 12 and was top male and in the Top 4




Jess LeProtto

Age: 18

From: Little Falls, NJ

Style: Jazz

Music: Mack the Knife from Beyond the Sea by Kevin Spacey

Jason: “I loved it; I thought it was great.”

Result: Top 8
Notes: Speaking/singing role in West Side Story


________________  Season 8 Episode 3 _______________




Jordan Casanova

Age: 18

From: Chino Hills, CA

Style: Jazz

Music: Naughty Girl by Beyonce

Mary: “That is one of the hottest performances I have ever seen”

Result: Top 8
Notes: In Wicked on Broadway for many years




Arielle Coker

Age: 21

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Too much screaming for Shazam to figure it out lol

Tyce: “I don’t think I have ever seen anybody come back with more of a fire in their eyes. You’re, like, a star up there. Incredible.”

Result: Cut after contemporary in Vegas (………………………boo)
Notes: Also had featured auditions in Seasons 4 and 5. This is her only solo featured audition




Hiroka “Hero” McRae

Age: 26

From: Hollywood, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: So You Think You Can Dubstep by Dinglesalad

Tyce: “Everything about you is magnificent.”

Result: Cut after Hip-Hop in Vegas
Notes: Leader of the We Are Heroes crew that won ABDC Season 4




Alexis Mason

Age: 18

From: Miami, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Improvisation on a Theme (Pachelbel) by David Lanz

Mary: “Your sister is an amazing dancer, and you are an amazing dancer, too.”

Result: Cut after final solos before Green Mile in Vegas
Notes: Sister of Jeanine Mason, winner of Season 5




Patty Anne Miller

Age: 28

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Blow (Remix) by Kesha

Nigel: “You are just so unique. I like it.”

Result: Cut after hip-hop in Vegas
Notes: Professional drummer. Played with Beyonce for the Super Bowl https://pattyannemiller.com/ 




Sasha Mallory

Age: 23

Natalia Mallory

Age: 18

From: Bakersfield, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: We Ride on the Wind by Darnel Alexander

Mary: “You guys are too cute together.”

Result: Natalia cut at Green Mile vs. Sasha, and Sasha makes Runner-up overall
Notes: Sasha had a featured audition in Season 6

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________________  Season 9 Episode 1 _______________




Amelia Lowe

Age: 18

From: Butler, NJ

Style: Contemporary

Music: Non, Je Ne by Edith Piaf

Nigel: “Have you ever been to Paris? …because there’s an Eiffel Tower in Vegas”

Result: Top 14
Notes: Now a dance teacher




Chehon Wespi-Tschopp 

Age: 22

From: Zurich, CH (Switzerland)

Style: Ballet

Music: Sail by AWOLNATION

Tyce: “This level of talent, in my opinion… he needs to go to Vegas.”

Result: Male winner
Notes: Creative director for American Idol Season 14




Bree Hafen

Age: 29

From: McKinney, TX

Style: Contemporary

Music: Sort Of by Ingrid Michaelson

Nigel: “You are a very, very good dancer.”

Result: Cut after hip-hop in Vegas
Notes: Mother of 2, toddler daughter also performed after the audition




Stepheon Stewart

Age: 21

From: Katy, TX

Style: Zombie

Music: Haunt You by Flux Pavilion

Lil C - “Seeing performers like yourself… you guys are the reason I continue to do what I do. So thank you.

Result: Cut after contemporary in Vegas
Notes: Appears to be a video game streamer now




Hampton Williams

Age: 21

From: Richardson, TX

Style: Exorcist

Music: My Immortal by Evanescence

Lil C - “I want to kick you in your face right now… that sh!t was buck.”

Result: Withdrew in Vegas after learning the hip-hop choreography (and got a better reception from the judges than Robert Muraine)
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 9 with his girlfriend and daughter


________________  Season 9 Episode 2 _______________



[video not found]

Megan Branch

Age: 18

From: Gilbert, AZ

Style: Contemporary

Music: Hunter by Bjork

Mary: “So much potential in there.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile
Notes: Audition choreographed by Alexa Anderson. Also auditioned for Season 10 and was cut at Green Mile again vs. Jasmine Mason




Cole Horibe

Age: 26

From: Honolulu, HI

Style: Martial Arts

Music: We Want War by These New Puritans

Jesse: “If you dance in other styles with that intensity you just showed us, I am very very intrigued.”

Result: Top 6
Notes: Brother of Cara Horibe from Fanny Pak


________________  Season 9 Episode 3 _______________




Audrey Case

Age: 18

From: Edmond, OK

Style: Contemporary

Music: Do You Want To Dance by Bette Midler

Nigel: “You are magical, young lady. Magical.”

Result: Top 10
Notes: Principal dancer of Jaci Royal’s company and was on World of Dance




Janelle Issis 

Age: 23

From: Birmingham, AL

Style: Bellydancing

Music: Shake Move Wiggle by District 78

Mary: “You’re a star. That’s what it is.”

Result: Top 14
Notes: Apparently she used a different song for the audition that wasn’t able to be cleared so they dubbed over it


________________  Season 9 Episode 4 _______________




Witney Carson 

Age: 18

From: American Fork, UT

Style: Latin Ballroom

Music: Libertango by Bond

Mary: [first scream of the season]

Result: Top 6
Notes: I still remember seeing some forums call her “Little Miss Sexy Braces” after this audition lmao. Auditioned with Marcquet Hill, who was too young at the time and made the Top 16 in Season 11.




Deanna “Dee” Tomasetta

Age: 19

From: Millbury, MA

Style: Contemporary

Music: I Can’t Make You Love Me by Blaire Reinhard

Mary: “I couldn’t have asked for a better audition than what we saw just now.”

Result: Cut after ballroom in Vegas
Notes: Also auditions for Season 10 and cut after contemporary in Vegas after pleading her case




Gene Lonardo

Age: 22

From: Las Vegas, NV

Style: Jazz

Music: Fish by Jahcoozi

Adam: “You’re sort of brilliant.”

Result: Cut after hip-hop in Vegas
Notes: Did not expect his Instagram to just be thirst traps




Lindsay Arnold

Age: 18

From: Provo, UT

Style: Latin Ballroom

Music: Ghosts ’N’ Stuff by Deadmau5

Mary: “You remind me a lot of Julianne Hough”

Result: Top 8
Notes: Auditioned with Brandon Armstrong, who was too young at the time. Brandon auditioned for Season 12 (cut after Jazz at Callbacks) and then later became a DWTS Pro




Mariah Spears 

Age: 18

From: Phoenix, AZ

Style: Krump

Music: Set It Off by Kardinal Offishall

Adam: “You’re really good. I don’t know how you do what you just did.”

Result: Cut after contemporary in Vegas
Notes: Auditions again in Season 10 and makes Top 16

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________________  Season 10 Episode 1 _______________




Du-Shaunt “Fik-Shun” Stegall 

Age: 18

From: Las Vegas, NV

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: If You Crump Stand Up by Edit

Judges: [standing ovation waving tickets lol]

Result: Male Winner
Notes: Also appeared on World of Dance as a soloist




Paul Karmiryan

Age: 21

From: Glendale, CA

Style: Ballroom

Music: No Can Do by Dennis

Nigel: “Reminded me in places of Benji, tbh”

Result: Top 6
Notes: Winner of SYTYCD Armenia Season 2


________________  Season 10 Episode 2 _______________




Jade “Soul” Zuberi 

Age: 21

From: Dearborn Heights, MI

Style: Animation

Music: Steam Forest by Andreas Vollenweider

Twitch: “That’s easily one of the best auditions I’ve ever seen. Ever”

Result: Top 18
Notes: Activist




Amy Yakima 

Age: 19

From: Northville, MI

Style: Contemporary

Music: Je Suis Malade by Lara Fabian

Mary: “The hair went up on my arms.”

Result: Female winner
Notes: Assistant choreographer and all star for Season 17


________________  Season 10 Episode 3 _______________




Emilio “Millie” Dosal 

Age: 22

From: Houston, TX

Style: Breaking

Music: Everlasting by District 78

Mary: “You were thoroughly entertaining, for sure.”

Result: Withdrew from Top 20 after injury in rehearsals for Sonya’s Top 20 routine
Notes: Auditioned again in Season 11 and made the Top 10. Was a member of Phillip Chbeeb’s I.aM.mE crew who won Season 6 of ABDC.




Makenzie Dustman

Age: 18

From: Temecula, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Piano Concerto No. 23 by Mozart

Nigel: “Absolutely beautiful. I can’t fault you.”

Result: Top 10
Notes: Engaged to Phillip Chbeeb




Hayley Erbert

Age: 18

From: Topeka, KS

Style: Contemporary

Music: Who You Are by Jessie J

Minnie: “You were really moving.”

Result: Top 6
Notes: Currently engaged to Derek Hough


________________  Season 10 Episode 4 _______________




[Season 10 video not found, this is Season 1]

Anthony Bryant

Age: 28

From: Elkin, NC

Style: Contemporary

Music: Unknown

Nigel: “You are such a beautiful, brilliant dancer.”

Result: Makes it through to choreography, but quits because he thinks he deserved a ticket immediately.
Notes: Featured audition in Season 1, cut after choreography because too feminine. Danced a solo in Season 1 finale. Auditioned for Season 3 and was cut after final solos just before Green Mile. Featured audition in Season 4, cut after choreography


________________  Season 10 Episode 5 _______________




Nico Greetham

Age: 18

From: Woodbridge, VA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Brotsjor by Olafur Arnalds

Mary: [screeching]

Result: Top 10
Notes: Successful actor




Jenna Johnson

Age: 18

From: Provo, UT

Style: Latin Ballroom

Music: Dedication to My Ex by Lloyd

Judges: [waving tickets]

Result: Makes Top 10
Notes: Winner of SYTYCD Worldwide Rankdown. Came back and auditioned with her partner, Landon Anderson, when he was old enough in Season 11 (cut at Green Mile).




Jasmine Harper

Age: 19

From: Lawrenceville, GA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Amazing Grace by Destiny’s Child

Wayne: “Watching you dance was like watching Beyonce and Destiny’s Child sing the song.”

Result: Top 4
Notes: Danced for Beyonce. Featured as young Beyonce on the cover of the Beyonce/Jay-Z album Everything Is Love.

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________________  Season 11 Episode 1 _______________




Trevor Bryce

Age: 18

From: Orlando, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Windowdipper by Jib Kidder

Nigel: “I wasn’t expecting probably one of the greatest solo performances I’ve seen on SYTYCD.”

Result: Cut after hip-hop at Callbacks
Notes: Danced for Janet Jackson. Passed away in early 2020.




Nick Garcia 

Age: 18

From: Miami, FL

Style: Ballroom

Music: Beggin’ by Phillip Phillips

Mary: [scream]

Result: Top 20
Notes: Been in ballroom groups on AGT, World of Dance, and toured with Houghs




Rudy Abreu

Age: 18

From: Miami, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Stabat Mater by Woodkid

Nigel: “Loved the breadth of your movement.”

Result: Top 8
Notes: Was on Season 2 of World of Dance with his company, Embodiment (dancer and choreographer)




Caleb Brauner (2nd audition)

Age: 21

From: Blue Springs, MO

Style: Contemporary

Music: Details in the Fabric by Jason Mraz

Jenna: “There’s an innocence.. and quirkiness about you that I find really captivating.”

Result: Cut after hip-hop at Callbacks
Notes: Had a featured audition in Season 10 with his dad (cut after first solos in Vegas). His dad passed away and then he had a featured audition in Season 11 in a different city but was cut after choreography. This is his 2nd featured audition in the same episode. He also returns for Season 12 and is cut in Callbacks again at some point between Broadway and Green Mile.


________________  Season 11 Episode 2 _______________




Emily James

Age: 21

From: North Kingstown, RI

Style: Contemporary

Music: Near Light by Olafur Arnalds

Mary: “You… you’re a dancer.”

Result: Top 14
Notes: Also auditioned in Season 8 (cut after initial solos in Vegas) and Season 9 (I couldn't find her in the Vegas episode)




Jessica Richens

Age: 18

From: Yorba Linda, CA

Style: Jazz

Music: It's a Man's Man's Man's World (some cover that Shazam can’t figure out)

Judges: [standing]

Result: 3rd Place
Notes: Principal dancer for Lindsay Sterling, danced for Taylor Swift, Masked Singer, Michael Buble, etc.




Jana “Jaja” Vankova

Age: 22

From: Chatsworth, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Unknown

Judges: [standing]

Result: Cut at Green Mile
Notes: Discovered by Phillip Chbeeb and invited to be part of his ABDC crew that won Season 6. Also had a featured audition in Season 12 and was runner-up




Justine Lutz

Age: 19

From: Minneapolis, MN

Style: Contemporary

Music: Smother by Daughter

Judges: [standing]

Result: Cut at Green Mile (BOOOOO)
Notes: Auditioned for Season 10 and was also cut at Green Mile. Was part of Travis Wall's company. http://www.justinelutz.com/about




Marie “Poppins” Bonnevay

Age: 27

From: North Hollywood, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Smooth Operator by Sade

Nigel: “I loved every second of it. I wasn’t expecting it.”

Result: Cut after Jazz at Callbacks
Notes: Also auditioned in Season 12 and cut at Green Mile


________________  Season 11 Episode 3 _______________




Alla Kocherga

Age: 24

From: Los Angeles, CA

Serge Onik 

Age: 25

From: Upper River, NJ

Style: Ballroom

Music: Unknown

Mary: “Serge, I’ve always been a fan. Still am.”

Result: Alla cut at Callbacks after getting injured in Jazz with Zack, Serge makes Top 14
Notes: Serge was in Vegas for Season 7 and Season 10 (cut at Green Mile), maybe more




[Season 11 video not found... this video is from Season 9]

Jontel “Johnny Waacks” Gibson

Age: 22

From: New York, NY

Style: Waacking

Music: How Will I Know by Whitney Houston

Mary: “You had us eating out of the palms of your hands.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile
Notes: Had a featured audition in Season 9




Malene Ostergaard

Age: 25

From: Studio City, CA

Armen Way

Age: 28

From: Glendale, CA

Style: Ballroom

Music: Addicted to You by Avicii

Mary: “You have just taken the damn train and run it right off the dang tracks”

Result: Malene makes Top 20, Armen cut at Green Mile
Notes: Armen had a featured auditioned in Season 10, dropped Malece on her head in Vegas, and cut right before Green Mile


________________  Season 11 Episode 4 _______________




Ricky Ubeda 

Age: 18

From: Miami, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Us Against The World by Coldplay

Nigel: “I can see you already going all the way in this competition.”

Result: Winner
Notes: Was on Broadway and in West Side Story

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________________  Season 12 Episode 1 _______________




Edson Juarez

Age: 24

From: Mission, TX

Style: Contemporary

Music: Hope This Makes You Love Me by Tank

Paula: “For me, the best today.”

Result: Top 10
Notes: Also made Vegas in Season 10, cut after first solos. Was at Callbacks in Season 11 and cut at Green Mile


________________  Season 12 Episode 2 _______________




Gaby Diaz

Age: 18

From: Miami, FL

Style: Tap

Music: Endangered Species by Dianne Reeves

Paula: “You’re a student who took the constructive criticism that we gave you, you applied it… it just worked.”

Result: Winner
Notes: Auditioned in a different city and was cut, then came back. Was part of Travis Wall’s company after the show


________________  Season 12 Episode 3 _______________




Jana “Jaja” Vankova 

Age: 22

From: Van Nuys, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Unknown

Nigel: “It really is an honor to watch you.”

Result: Runner-up, top dancer from Team Street
Notes: Discovered by Phillip Chbeeb and invited to be part of his ABDC crew that won Season 6. Also had a featured audition in Season 11, cut at Green Mile




Allen Genkin

Age: 24

From: Philadelphia, PA

Style: Ballroom

Music: Land of 1000 Dances by Wilson Pickett

Jason: “3 seconds into the performance, I would have known and put you through to Vegas”

Result: Withdrew after getting injured in Broadway during Callbacks
Notes: Also had featured audition in Season 15. Made the Top 20 but cut before the Top 10 Live Shows.




Jim Nowakowski 

Age: 25

From: Rochester, NY

Style: Contemporary

Music: Taste of Things to Come by George Clinton

Nigel: “One of the best dancers I’ve ever seen on SYTYCD.”

Result: Top 6
Notes: Currently with BalletMet in Columbus, OH




Jessica “JJ” Rabone 

Age: 29

From: North Hollywood, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Brighter Days by Cajmere

Nigel: “Like a little Toni Basil.”

Result: Top 10
Notes: Toni Basil was her mentor. Now an accomplished ballroom dancer, partnered with Val on the Maks/Val tour (Alexis S17 partnered with Maks)


________________  Season 12 Episode 4 _______________




Alain “Hurrikane” Lauture 

Age: 28

From: New York, NY

Style: Locking

Music: Thinking About Your Face by Jeremy Joshua

Nigel: “I’d put you through just for the smile, man.”

Result: Makes Top 20 but has to withdraw before live shows
Notes: Asaf was called to fill in after Hurrikane withdrew.

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________________  Season 13 Episode 3 _______________




Tate McRae 

Age: 12

From: Calgary, AB (Canada)

Style: Contemporary

Music: A Lovers Complaint by Max Richter

Nigel: “The All Stars… are going to be fighting over you.”

Result: 3rd Place
Notes: Platinum selling recording artist

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________________  Season 14 Episode 1 _______________




Alexis Gilbert

Age: 22

From: Riverside, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: River by Bishop Briggs

Vanessa: “You automatically lifted the energy in this entire theater.”

Result: One of the four dancers on Jenna’s team at the Academy, cut after group choreography
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 15




Darius Hickman

Age: 18

From: Green Acres, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: We Are The Ones by Son Lux

Judges: [standing with tickets]

Result: Cut after hip-hop at the Academy
Notes: Returns for Season 15 and makes Top 6


________________  Season 14 Episode 2 _______________




Jensen Arnold

Age: 19

Tristen Sosa

Age: 20

From: Provo, UT

Style: Ballroom

Music: Bunx Up by DeeWunn

Mary: “I see great things for you guys.”

Result: Tristen cut after initial solos at the Academy; Jensen was one of the four dancers on Robert’s team at the Academy, then cut after group choreography
Notes: Jensen is Lindsay Arnold’s younger sister, Tristen is Ezra/Stephanie’s older brother. Jensen auditions for Season 15 and makes runner-up. Tristen auditions for S16 and cut after initial solos again, then returns for S17 and cut at Green Mile




Inyoung “Dassy” Lee

Age: 26

From: Seoul, SK

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Big Spender Remix by District 78

Nigel: “I used to be Shirley [Bassey]’s choreographer. I know that she would have loved seeing you dance to [that remix].”

Result: 8th Place
Notes: Part of a trio group with Lily S12 and Marie Poppins called Femme Fatale


________________  Season 14 Episode 3 _______________




Koine Iwasaki

Age: 19

From: Pembroke Pines, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: Make Me by Noah Cyrus

Nigel: “very, very professional performance today.”

Result: Runner-up, top female
Notes: Dates Kiki, does a lot of ballroom gigs now




Ryan Bailey

Age: 23

From: Baltimore, MD

Style: Contemporary

Music: The Time of My Life by Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes

Nigel: “I liked the fact that I didn’t like it because it gave me emotions. It changed my thought about dance… I hated it, so I liked it.” [FYI the entire judging is ICONIC]

Result: Cut after initial solos at the Academy
Notes: Choreographer and painter


________________  Season 14 Episode 4 _______________




Magda Fialek 

Age: 26

From: Toronto, CA

Kiki Nyemchek

Age: 25

From: Teaneck, NJ

Style: Ballroom

Music: Move Your Body by Sia

Judges: [waving tickets]

Result: Kiki makes 4th Place. Magda was one of the four dancers on Gaby’s team at the Academy, then cut after group choreography
Notes: Kiki dates Koine. Magda had a featured audition in Season 15 with Kiki’s brother and Allen Genkin and she makes Top 8




Lex Ishimoto 

Age: 18

From: Irvine, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Butterfly by Rhett George

Nigel: “You, sir, are going to be a star.”

Result: Winner
Notes: Was part of Travis Wall’s company with Gaby before the show

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________________  Season 15 Episode 1 _______________




Marina Mazepa

Age: 20

From: Konotop, UA (Ukraine)

Style: Contemporary

Music: Opu Interstellar by Eric Prydz vs. Hans Zimmer

Vanessa: “That was so profound. It was like performance art.”

Result: Got a callback, but I don’t think she showed up to the Academy
Notes: Also appeared on Season 14 of AGT




Marcus Nyemchek

Age: 30

From: Teaneck, NJ

Magda Fialek

Age: 27

From: Nowy Sacz, PO

Allen Genkin

Age: 27

From: Philadelphia, PA

Style: Ballroom

Music: Be Mine by Ofenbach

Mary: “Magdalena, you are the It Girl.”

Result: Magda makes Top 8; Allen makes Top 20 but cut before Top 10 live shows after a duet with LoFro; Marcus cut after hip-hop at the Academy
Notes: Marcus is Kiki’s older brother. Magda had a featured audition with Kiki in Season 14. Allen had a featured audition in Season 12, also auditioned Season 14




“Laganja Estranja” Jackson

Age: 29

From: Dallas, TX

Style: Jazz

Music: Covergirl by RuPaul

Vanessa: “I just adore you and I love that you brought this here, so I have to say yes.”

Result: Cut after Mandy’s final group routine at the Academy
Notes: Transwoman. 8th place on RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6. Lip Sync Assassin.




Alexis Gilbert

Age: 23

From: Riverside, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: I Did Something Bad by Shoshana Bean

Mary: “I think you just knocked it out of the ballpark.”

Result: Cut after Mandy’s final group routine at the Academy
Notes: Also had a featured audition in Season 14 that got 10 million views, cut at the Academy


________________  Season 15 Episode 2 _______________




Hannahlei Cabanilla 

Age: 18

From: Anaheim Hills, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Eye of the Needle by Sia

Judges: [standing with tickets]

Result: Winner
Notes: Has danced for the Houghs

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________________  Season 16 Episode 1 _______________




Stephanie Sosa

Age: 19

Ezra Sosa 

Age: 18

From: Provo, UT

Style: Ballroom

Music: Proud Mary by Tina Turner

D-Trix: “Thank you so much for coming back, I know that takes a lot.”

Result: Stephanie makes Top 10, Ezra makes Top 6
Notes: Stephanie auditioned in Season 15 with older brother Tristen. He was cut after initial solos but she made Top 20 and was cut before Top 10 live shows after a duet with Lex. Ezra with the DWTS Troupe/Tour




Sarah “Smac” McCreanor

Age: 26

From: Brisbane, AU

Style: Jazz

Music: Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind & Fire

D-Trix: “I absolutely thought it was genius what you did with the craft of dance.”

Result: Cut after a DFYL after ballroom at the Academy
Notes: Dates Ryan Conferido from Season 1 and from Quest Crew. Appeared on Dancing With Myself




Gino Cosculluela 

Age: 18

From: Miami, FL

Style: Contemporary

Music: For All We Know by Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway

Nigel: “I will be shocked if you are not in our Top 10 this year.”

Result: 3rd Place
Notes: Was featured on Dance Moms with Maddie Ziegler


________________  Season 16 Episode 3 _______________




Bailey “Bailrok” Munoz 

Age: 18

From: Las Vegas, NV

Style: Breaking

Music: How Deep Is Your Love by Calvin Harris

D-Trix: “Dude, you had amazing moments in there.”

Result: Winner
Notes: All Star Season 17




Sophie Pittman

Age: 18

From: Collierville, TN

Style: Contemporary

Music: Girl Crush by Little Big Town

Mary: “There is a star inside of you.”

Result: 4th Place

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________________  Season 17 Episode 1 _______________




Konnor Kelly

Age: 19

From: Cornwall, NY

Style: Contemporary

Music: What a Wonderful World by Reuben and the Dark & AG

Matthew: “I felt like I was watching poetry in motion.”

Result: Cut at Green Mile vs. Waverly




Maci Montes

Age: 19

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Contemporary

Music: One Way by BLACK and T-Pain

JoJo: “The most unique person that’s been on this stage.”

Result: Cut after first round in callbacks


________________  Season 17 Episode 2 _______________




Brianna Grey

Age: 24

From: Los Angeles, CA

Style: Hip-Hop

Music: Do You? by TroyBoi

Twitch: “That was a joy to watch. Your vocabulary is deep.”

Result: Cut after second round in callbacks
Notes: Dates Lord Finn, who made Top 10 this season




Keaton Kermode

Age: 20

From: Fairland, IN

Style: Contemporary

Music: If You Keep Leaving Me by Anderson East

JoJo: “It was geniusly done.”

Result: tbd




Alexis Warr 

Age: 21

From: Orem, UT

Style: Ballroom

Music: Kill The Lights by Whitney Myer

JoJo: “You set your own standard right there.”

Result: tbd
Notes: Auditioned with Ezra Sosa from Season 16. Danced on the DWTS Tour (with Ezra) and Maks/Val tour (with Maks).




Beau Harmon

Age: 23

From: Kennesaw, GA

Style: Musical Theater

Music: Sing Happy by Liza Minnelli

Twitch: “Uncanny ability of storytelling”

Result: tbd


________________  Season 17 Episode 3 _______________




Thiago Pacheco 

Age: 18

From: Boston, MA

Style: Contemporary

Music: Winchester by Woodkid

Result: Top 10

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