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Everything posted by ChronOfGnarnia

  1. 1. Janelle (+1) 2. Keesha (-1) 3. Bayleigh (+10) 4. Tyler (+4) 5. Day (=) 6. Ian (=) 7. Kaysar (-3) 8. Enzo (+2) 9. Cody (+3) 10. Dani (-7) 11. David (-4) 12. Kevin (+2) 13. Nicole F (+3) 14. Nicole A (-5) 15. Memphis (-4) 16. Christmas (-1)
  2. 1. Hung & Chee 2. Michelle & Victoria 3. Jerry & Frank 4. Aparna & Eswar 5. Gary & DeAngelo 6. Kaylynn & Haley 7. Will & James 8. Alana & Leo 9. Riley & Maddison
  3. 1. Hung & Chee 2. Michelle & Victoria 3. Aparna & Eswar 4. Kellie & LaVonne 5. Jerry & Frank 6. Gary & DeAngelo 7. Kaylynn & Haley 8. Will & James 9. Alana & Leo 10. Riley & Maddison
  4. 1. Cody 2. Enzo 3. Nicole 4. Memphis 5. Provoked
  5. 1. Cody 2. Enzo 3. Tyler 4. Nicole 5. Memphis 6. Christmas
  6. 1. Dani 2. Kevin 3. David 4. Enzo 5. Cody 6. Tyler 7. Nicole 8. Memphis 9. Christmas
  7. Janelle Keesha Bayleigh 1. Da’Vonne Kaysar Ian 2. Enzo 3. Cody 4. Tyler 5. Dani Nicole A 6. Kevin 7. Nicole F 8. David 9. Christmas 10. Memphis
  8. 1. Da’Vonne 2. Ian 3. Enzo 4. Cody 5. Tyler 6. Nicole 7. Dani 8. Memphis 9. David 10. Kevin 11. Christmas
  9. 1. Bayleigh 2. Da’Vonne 3. Ian 4. Enzo 5. Cody 6. Tyler 7. Nicole - yikes Nicole is this high 8. Dani 9. Memphis 10. David 11. Kevin 12. Christmas
  10. 1. Kaysar - to be completely honest, he’s only here because of his partnership and storyline with Janelle. Kaysar alone, i find him kinda boring all around 2. Tyler 3. Bayleigh 4. Da’Vonne - i’m rooting for you mama but clean it up 5. Ian - +1 for his fart scene from last week and his white hair 6. Enzo 7. Cody 8. Dani - ugh, sucks putting her this low considering my pre-season top three was Janelle, Keesha & Dani, however, her over gaming is messy. She did this in 13 too, she starts off in a good spot but then she fs it up by turning on her alliance and doin too much too soon. random but i would’ve loved to see Jen Johnson on this season 9. David 10. Memphis 11. Christmas 12. Nicole 13. Kevin - it was nice to see him shine in the veto, but i find him annoying. i have to be in a mood to enjoy the whiny confessionals between Nicole and Kevin, and frankly i’m never in the mood
  11. 1. Janelle 2. Kaysar 3. Bayleigh 4. Da’Vonne 5. Tyler 6. Enzo 7. Dani 8. Ian 9. David 10. Memphis 11. Cody 12. Christmas 13. Nicole F 14. Kevin
  12. 1. Janelle 2. Kaysar 3. Bayleigh 4. Da’Vonne 5. Dani 6. Ian 7. Tyler 8. Enzo 9. David 10. Memphis 11. Cody 12. Nicole A 13. Christmas 14. Kevin 15. Nicole F
  13. Honestly, i’m not upset with Day at all. there’s a lot of weight on this topic and i understand and support her whole heartedly. just keep janelle’s name out of your mouth and we good.
  14. yeah, her cute lil “try harder” comment to Janelle struck nerves. please bayleigh, you knooooooow deep down, you wanna be janelle’s a2.
  15. house meeting! house meeting! house meeting!
  16. 1. Keesha 2. Janelle 3. Dani 4. Kaysar 5. Da'vonne 6. Ian 7. David 8. Tyler 9. Nicole A 10. Enzo 11. Memphis 12. Cody 13. Bayleigh 14. Kevin 15. Christmas 16. Nicole F
  17. 01. Parvati Shallow 02. Yul Kwon 03. Kim Spradlin 04. Sophie Clarke 05. Michele Fitzgerald 06. Sarah Lacina 07. Jeremy Collins 08. Tony Vlachos 09. Denise Stapley 10. Sandra Diaz-Twine 11. Rob Mariano 12. Nick Wilson 13. Adam Klein 14. Ben Driebergen 15. Wendell Holland
  18. 01. Parvati Shallow (=) 02. Natalie Anderson (+2) 03. Michele Fitzgerald (+2) 04. Ethan Zohn (+2) 05. Yul Kwon (-3) 06. Kim Spradlin (-3) 07. Rob Mariano (+1) 08. Jeremy Collins (-1) 09. Sarah Lacina (=) 10. Tony Vlachos (+4) 11. Sophie Clarke (-1) 12. Sandra Diaz-Twine (=) 13. Denise Stapley (=) 14. Danni Boatwright (-3) 15. Nick Wilson (+3) 16. Wendell Holland (=) 17. Tyson Apostol (=) 18. Adam Klein (-3) 19. Amber Mariano (=)20. Ben Driebergen (=)
  19. 01. Parvati Shallow (=) 02. Yul Kwon (=) 03. Kim Spradlin (=)04. Natalie Anderson (=)05. Michele Fitzgerald (=) 06. Ethan Zohn (+1) 07. Jeremy Collins (+1) 08. Rob Mariano (+4) 09. Sarah Lacina (+2) 10. Sophie Clarke (-1) 11. Danni Boatwright (-6) 12. Sandra Diaz-Twine (+1) 13. Denise Stapley (-3) 14. Tony Vlachos (+2) 15. Adam Klein (+2) 16. Wendell Holland (-2) 17. Tyson Apostol (-2) 18. Nick Wilson (=)19. Amber Mariano (=)20. Ben Driebergen (=)
  20. 01. Parvati Shallow 02. Yul Kwon 03. Kim Spradlin 04. Natalie Anderson 05. Michele Fitzgerald 06. Danni Boatwright 07. Ethan Zohn 08. Jeremy Collins 09. Sophie Clarke 10. Denise Stapley 11. Sarah Lacina 12. Rob Mariano 13. Sandra Diaz-Twine 14. Wendell Holland 15. Tyson Apostol 16. Tony Vlachos 17. Adam Klein 18. Nick Wilson 19. Amber Mariano 20. Ben Driebergen
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