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Everything posted by Zoey

  1. Honey DAVENPORT FLAILING QUEEN! Now I’ve identified who she is - she can go. Even if Honey Mahogany is more irrelevant and I had more to say about her. Honey Davenport came in to the season as a front runner. She apparently had some amazing looks but all I remember her for is flailing around the six person lip sync and being cute out of drag. I’ve also just learned that she’s Monet Xchange’s drag mother... LOL! Oh the difference. I see no similarities between them at all. Honey wore some faux leather all in one bodysuit with a hat attached.. choices! I think she even broke a couple of bulbs? I’d charge her for wasting our time!
  2. Cut Honey Davenport flailing wench.
  3. who the eff is Honey Davenport? brb googling
  4. 01. Ashley 02. Eboni 03. Annaliese 04. Louise 05. Sophie 06. Alisha 07. Azmarie 08. Seymone 09. Mariah 10. Catherine 11. Candace 12. Laura 13. Kyle
  5. thank you. i don’t see myself rewatching the season to find out. Thanks for the education
  6. Oh, wait! Is there an order we choose who we eliminate? I haven’t played a rankdown before.
  7. SCAREDY CAT So.. I literally remember nothing about her apart from the fact everyone thought she was a front winner and was whiny? So now I need to find enough things to say about her to bulk this write-up, up. Scaredy Cat was a straight male(?) participating in the art of drag. The first straight male I think in the history of Rupauls Drag Race? I remember that Scaredy had a girlfriend who she performed with at the same club but not sure whether she was straight/bisexual/non binary at this point. See? I remember very little. I kind of remember her lip sync against Blu Hydrangea, but even that was forgettable. Did she win a mini challenge in one of the episodes? I’m guessing it was the first as she was eliminated the second episode? Good guessing work going on here by me. Anyway, I don’t think she changed her style or face from the pre-show shots to the moment she was eliminated. That’s a huge thing that bugs me about queens when they need to show some sort of versatility. Just a whiny little boy who has been doing drag a year
  8. Save Ariel Versace. Cut Scaredy Cat
  9. We saw her in Vegas (alongside Shannel and Indiya). Best 3 hours of my entire existence.
  10. I’ve see Kahanna live and she’s amazing.
  11. Silky Nutmeg Ganache ROBBED QUEEN! Silky is a queen known for her personality and performances over her runway looks. Silky came in to the competition all guns blazing and that didn’t die down the entire way along. I think Silky had some lovely runways but I know this is probably an unpopular opinion. Also, she was the best in the “Queens Everywhere” music video at top five. EAT IT! What’s Silky remembered for exactly? Being loud, the ‘No Scrubs’ lip sync and looking petrified at the finale. I think she was pretty consistent the entire way through as S11 was absolutely diabolical and I can’t think of one queen who really shined strong to make a name for themselves. Anyway, Silky Nutmeg Ganache lives on.. just not in this rankdown. I personally live for her and her jumping back split.
  12. Nearly got rid of Manila. So close!
  13. @Elliott oh yeah! That’s cool!
  14. The coding is decent but I don’t know where anything is.
  15. This IDF makes me want to swear but seeing how much Istersay has been after me in the past has made me change my ways.
  16. Sent my ranking. Did you receive it?
  17. Is there supposed to be 8 or 10?
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