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Everything posted by *Wallace

  1. Marya Sherron Hmm there were a few people I had in mind and would have been perfectly fine with cutting. I didn't know where to go but ultimately decided to go with Marya Sherron. Marya Sherron is 47 from Noblesville, Indiana, who competed on Survivor 42. Marya was on the Taku tribe. Hmm, it's been over a year since this season aired... I didn't find Marya memorable back then and I don't remember her that well now. But looking back on some notes I'm seeing, I believe she had an emotional personal package on the show where she talked to and opened up to her tribe about the lose of her brother, who was a nurse, at the start of the COVID-19 days. That is so sad and terrible for her and her family to go through. Taku lost the challenge on that episode where the tribe was deciding to vote out between Marya or Maryanne.... and well, we know how that turned out. Marya did play her Shot in the Dark but failed to be saved from it. So Marya ended up going by a 4-0 vote (as she couldn't cast her vote as played the Shot in the Dark). Marya lasted only 2 episodes, was the second contestant eliminated (and 3rd to go, as Jackson had to withdraw) and didn't stand out in either of them so I think it's fine for her to go now. Saving: Sara James
  2. OMG I thought I posted this but I see I didn't submit my post. My bad. Cut Marya Sherron Save Sara James
  3. Ooh yay some noms where there aren't multiple people I want to save. I know I want to save Sarah but not sure who I want to cut yet. Gotta think this through and look through these people some, lol.
  4. Aww I remember Maryanne's crush on Zach. Zach didn't seem like a bad guy but he was barely memorable either. I do wonder how he would have been had he last longer and more importantly how he and Maryanne would have connected. OMG I didn't know he got with Lydia though. THE SHAME to do Maryanne like that. lol kidding but wow I had no idea. Ahh Paloma. Yeah she was quite A LOT and had a lot going on on her time on her season. Definitely one of the most memorable 1-week stay contestants on BB, for better or for worse. I remember starting off liking her but that changed rather quickly. Lily said it all well about her. Ooh and #bless at the Justine save too.
  5. 3 Tribal Council #16: Abi-Maria Gomes - [Sugar][Sugar][Sugar][Sugar][][][][][][][] - Cirie Fields - [Abi-Maria][Abi-Maria][Abi-Maria][][][][][][][][] - Jerri Manthey - [Sugar][Sugar][Sugar][][][][][][][][] - Parvati Shallow (Immune) - [Sugar][Sugar][Abi-Maria][Sugar][Sugar][Sugar][Sugar] - SUGAR Sugar Kiper - [Jerri][Abi-Maria][][][][][][][][][] - Sugar - Abi ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to leave the game. Castaways cannot receive votes for themselves. Please write which Castaway you want to eliminate and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The person on each tribe with the most votes is eliminated from the game.
  6. 2 Tribal Council #16: Abi-Maria Gomes - [Sugar][][][][][][][][][][] - Cirie Fields - [Abi-Maria][Abi-Maria][][][][][][][][][] - Jerri Manthey - [Sugar][Sugar][][][][][][][][][] - Parvati Shallow (Immune) - [Sugar][Sugar][][][][][][][][][] - Sugar Kiper - [Jerri][][][][][][][][][][] - Cirie - Abi-Maria ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to leave the game. Castaways cannot receive votes for themselves. Please write which Castaway you want to eliminate and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The person on each tribe with the most votes is eliminated from the game.
  7. omg not Alex swiping in to do the write-up. Though I do love it. Sad to see Darrell go, but at least he's got another rep in here with Veronica. But gahh yeah I was just thinking this round that 2022 was his worst year of The Challenge for sure.... cause his season with Veronica wasn't much better. Great and descriptive write-up from Alex, with points I agree on and can't fault. And also happy for Kailah & Sam being saved too and that they get to last a little longer here.
  8. 1 Tribal Council #16: Abi-Maria Gomes - [][][][][][][][][][][] - Cirie Fields - [Abi-Maria][][][][][][][][][][] - Jerri Manthey - [Sugar][][][][][][][][][][] - Parvati Shallow (Immune) - [Sugar][][][][][][][][][][] - Sugar Kiper - [][][][][][][][][][][] - Cirie - Abi-Maria ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to leave the game. Castaways cannot receive votes for themselves. Please write which Castaway you want to eliminate and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The person on each tribe with the most votes is eliminated from the game.
  9. lmaoo I always remembered that moment on the show. I was shook and so happy I found that there was a gif for it so I could have used that on here. Gah I'm kinda glad I don't have to make the decision between the last two. Of course I'm a big fan of Darrell's. But I really enjoyed Kailah & Sam on their one episode of their season and wish we saw more from them. (And it was probably one of the times I most enjoyed Kailah on The Challenge. ) I'll be happy whoever gets saved and sad whoever gets cut. OMG I would have loved to have seen that video.
  10. Kendal Sheppard Ugh I don't like that it's down to these four as I do like all of the remaining nominees and don't quite want to cut any of them, tbh. But I must... so I decided to cut Kendal Sheppard. Kendal was originally on Road Rules: Campus Crawl back in 2002. She competed in a few seasons of the main series of The Challenge though I don't know how many it was but it was a long time ago. She did make her return on The Challenge All Stars franchise and competed on all 3 seasons of that version, which is reallly cool. But we are only judging Kendal on her Season 3 appearance of The Challenge All Stars, which took place in 2022. Kendal's gameplay has been pretty similar in all the three seasons she's participated, which is that she was always the underdog with not many strong alliances or a strong social game. She did have a strong alliance with KellyAnne and I really liked them as allies... but sadly, it was just those two against most of the other women. Despite that, but she proved to be quite a strong competitor on all of these seasons. On Season 3 in particular, she won the Out of Reach challenge (alongside the male winner of that challenge Yes). She needed to win that challenge or else she would have been targeted and thrown into the elimination. This actually did happen to her the next two episodes. Well I think on Episode 3, she was supposed to be in the elimination arena but that was cancelled due to Tina being removed from the competition due to medical reasons and Jemmye withdrawing for personal reasons. But sadly, Kendal was targeted on Episode 4 where she competed in the Steamroller arena elimination but lost to Beth. This was Kendal's shortest run of her 3 times on The Challenge All Stars, as she lasted 7 episodes on Season 1 and 6 episodes on Season 2. So I think this season was her least impactful season of the three... and therefore I'm fine with her going out of these nominees. I don't recall season Cast spoilers for Season 4 but I'm hoping to see Kendal on there. I would just love to see her dominate a season and make it to the final, as she works and plays so hard each season. Saving: Shannon St. Clair
  11. I believe the 24 hours has passed so I'll make another cut/save Save Shannon Cut Kendal
  12. Oops my bad. I'm so used to it being 5 out of 9 votes being the majority. I blame Sola for always changing it up.
  13. 4 Tribal Council #15 Andrea Boehlke - [Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][][][][][][][] - Jenna Morasca - [Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][][][][][][][] - Natalie Anderson - [Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][][][][][][] - JENNA Sandra Diaz-Twine (Immune) - [Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][][][][][][] - ANDREA Sophie Clarke - [Andrea][Andrea][Jenna][Andrea][Andrea][Jenna][Andrea][Jenna][Andrea][][] - ANDREA Sandra - Andrea ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to leave the game. Castaways cannot receive votes for themselves. Please write which Castaway you want to eliminate and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The person on each tribe withthe most votes is eliminated from the game.
  14. 3 Tribal Council #15 Andrea Boehlke - [Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][][][][][][][][] - Jenna Morasca - [Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][][][][][][][] - Natalie Anderson - [Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][][][][][][][][] - Sandra Diaz-Twine (Immune) - [Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][][][][][][][] - Sophie Clarke - [Andrea][Andrea][Jenna][Andrea][Andrea ][][][][][][] - Sophie - Andrea ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to leave the game. Castaways cannot receive votes for themselves. Please write which Castaway you want to eliminate and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The person on each tribe with the most votes is eliminated from the game.
  15. 2 Tribal Council #15 Andrea Boehlke - [Jenna][Jenna][][][][][][][][][] - Jenna Morasca - [Andrea][Andrea][][][][][][][][][] - Natalie Anderson - [Jenna][Jenna][Jenna][][][][][][][][] - Sandra Diaz-Twine (Immune) - [Andrea][Andrea][Andrea][][][][][][][][] - Sophie Clarke - [Andrea][Andrea][][][][][][][][][] - Jenna - Andrea ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to leave the game. Castaways cannot receive votes for themselves. Please write which Castaway you want to eliminate and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The person on each tribe with the most votes is eliminated from the game.
  16. I never watched an episode of VPR but I've been hearing so much about the Scandoval drama for a few months now. It's got me tempted enough to watch those episodes regarding it but I think I got the whole story from all of what I've seen from clips. OMGG that's so savage. I wonder if that was why they announced Ariana today?
  17. Omg lmaoo DWTS really can't keep anything secret anymore huh? Good on Ariana Madix being cast for the show. I have no idea how she will be as a dancer but curious to see how she does.
  18. Fair cuts with Cinco and Syrus out of these noms. I like both to an extent but like the others more. @ the first half of Derek's write-up. Though lmaoo Drag Race suddenly got The Challenge beat in side series'.
  19. Oooh I didn't think of it like this but that also totally makes sense. Nany did have stronger connections with other people in that house that she was tighter with.
  20. 1 Tribal Council #15 Andrea Boehlke - [Jenna][][][][][][][][][][] - Jenna Morasca - [Andrea][][][][][][][][][][] - Natalie Anderson - [Jenna][Jenna][][][][][][][][][] - Sandra Diaz-Twine (Immune) - [][][][][][][][][][][] - Sophie Clarke - [Andrea][][][][][][][][][][] - Sophie - Andrea ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to leave the game. Castaways cannot receive votes for themselves. Please write which Castaway you want to eliminate and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The person on each tribe with the most votes is eliminated from the game.
  21. 2 Immunity Challenge #12: Element Tribe #1: Andrea Boehlke - ELIMINATED Jenna Morasca - ELIMINATED Natalie Anderson - OOOO - Sandra Diaz-Twine - OOO - Sophie Clarke - O - Element Tribe #2: Abi-Maria Gomes - ELIMINATED Cirie Fields - ELIMINATED Jerri Manthey - ELIMINATED Parvati Shallow - IMMUNITY Sugar Kiper - ELIMINATED Jerri ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can smash a plate. Once a Castaway has no plates left, they are eliminated from the challenge. Please write which Castaway you are attacking. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The last Castaway remaining on each tribe will be going to tribal council with immunity.
  22. 1 Immunity Challenge #12: Element Tribe #1: Andrea Boehlke - ELIMINATED Jenna Morasca - ELIMINATED Natalie Anderson - OOOO - Sandra Diaz-Twine - OOO - Sophie Clarke - O - Element Tribe #2: Abi-Maria Gomes - ELIMINATED Cirie Fields - ELIMINATED Jerri Manthey - OOO - Parvati Shallow - O - Sugar Kiper - O - Jerri ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can smash a plate. Once a Castaway has no plates left, they are eliminated from the challenge. Please write which Castaway you are attacking. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The last Castaway remaining on each tribe will be going to tribal council with immunity.
  23. 5 Immunity Challenge #12: Element Tribe #1: Andrea Boehlke - ELIMINATED Jenna Morasca - ELIMINATED Natalie Anderson - OOOO - Sandra Diaz-Twine - OOO - Sophie Clarke - O - Element Tribe #2: Abi-Maria Gomes - ELIMINATED Cirie Fields - ELIMINATED Jerri Manthey - OOOO - Parvati Shallow - O - Sugar Kiper - OO - Abi-Maria ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can smash a plate. Once a Castaway has no plates left, they are eliminated from the challenge. Please write which Castaway you are attacking. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The last Castaway remaining on each tribe will be going to tribal council with immunity.
  24. Okay catching up on the past cuts I missed earlier today. I'm sad to see Kai go this soon as I did really like her on Claim to Fame, but X was a bigger/more memorable characters so I can't fault the decision. I'm glad X gets to stay. Ooh I remember when I saw Kai in that white dress, that was when I thought she wsa related to Tiffany Haddish as her sister. I was proud of myself for making that guess earlier than the cast did, lol. Akshar pretty much said it all on Emmy & Nam. Ugh Poor Nam has to be one of the unluckiest contestants of The Challenge history (at least of recent memory). I felt so bad that he was forced to withdraw after Emily withdrew from the competition. I really hope Nam can get that chance on this show as he showed a lot of promise on his first season - and he's actually likable too (which can be rare for The Challengers, lol). @ all of the shade Steven wrote on Analyse & Tommy on his write-up. I see no lies though. I'm glad Steven cut them to do that write-up as that was fun to read. Ahh yeah they didn't really bring much to the show and I'm honestly kinda surprised they made it 4 weeks in. I thought they would have left even sooner, lol. But yeah their performance on their elimination was really embarrassing. Then to answer @Steven_'s question for some insight. As far as the double deals, I can't remember the exact details, but there's usually 4 teams in danger of elimination each week. The winner of the main challenge picks one team to go into elimination. Then the other 3 teams have to pick out a sword of their choice and if they pick the SAFETY one, then they are safe and can save one of the other two remaining teams from elimination. I think Analyse & Tommy were trying to make these deals with two teams that they would have their back and save them - if those teams would save them. I THINK on Week 3, they were the team to draw the safety sword - so they were in a position of having to save one team they promised safety to (Colleen & Kim). But also had to backstab and not save the other team they promised safety to (Horacio & Olivia). Though both teams if they drew the safety draw would have saved them. Then that happened and teams felt they couldn't trust A&T them. But then the winner of the challenge the following week (Nelson/Nurys) threw them down there, I think because of all of this drama.... and then they left.
  25. Whoa, the first contestant being announced tomorrow? Dangg that's really early. Oh wow, I actually wouldn't be surprised if Ariana Madix would be apart of the cast. It would be perfect timing considering what a big deal Scandoval has been. But much better Ariana than Tom Sandoval if that rumor is actually true.
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