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About UnquenchableWrath

  • Birthday October 17

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  1. Top 9 Questions 1. Which 4 singers will be voted through by the public? (80 points) - Madison Curbelo - Bryan Olesen - Josh Sanders - Nathan Chester 2. Who will land in the Bottom 5? (100 points) 30 bonus points if you guess the order correctly. - Karen Waldrup - Asher HaVon - Maddi Jane - Serenity Arce - Tae Lewis 3. Who will win the Instant Save? (40 points) - Karen Waldrup 4. Who will open the Top 9? (30 points) - Tae Lewis 5. Who will close the Top 9? (30 points) - Bryan Olesen 6. Who will be the first person called safe by America? (30 points) - Madison Curbelo 7. Which team will finish second on Monday night (finish = all members have performed)? - Team Chance 8. Will someone pull the God card (singing gospel / CCM, songs with God in the title…) on Monday night? (30 points) - Yes 9. Every team will be represented in the finale, yes or no? (20 points) - Yes 10. How many contestants will use a mic stand during their performance? (20 points) - 3 Bonus Questions Who will be the third contestant interviewed by Carson Daly? (30 points) - Serenity Arce Predict the song choice of one of the Top 9 contestants. You can only make one guess (if you get the artist right, 20 pts, if you get both song and artist, 40 pts) - Nathan Chester - Bring It On Home To Me - Sam Cooke Super Bonus Question Can you guess the Top 9 trios? (30 points if you get one right, 60 points if you guess all 3) - Tae, Karen, Josh - Bryan, Asher, Nathan - Madison, Serenity, Maddi
  2. 1. Which 8 singers will be voted through by the public? (160 points) - Asher HaVon - Bryan Olesen - Josh Sanders - Karen Waldrup - Maddi Jane - Madison Curbelo - Nathan Chester - Zoe Levert 2. Which contestants will land in the Bottom 4? (80 points) 20 bonus points if you guess the Instant Save’s running order correctly. - Tae (first to perform) - Nadège - L - Serenity (last to perform) 3. Who will win the Instant Save? (30 points) - Tae 4. Who will open the Top 12? (20 points) - Maddi Jane 5. Who will close the Top 12? (20 points) - Zoe Levert 6. What will be the ratio of male and female singers in the Top 9? (20 points) - 5 men, 4 women 7. Which team will be the first to finish on Monday night (finish = all 3 members have performed)? (20 points) - Team Reba 8. How many steals / saves will move onto the next round? (20 points) - 3 (2 Playoff Passes, 1 steal) 9. Will Reba give negative feedback or any sort of criticism? (20 points) - No 10. Who will narrowly avoid the Bottom 4 (last person called safe by the public)? (30 points) - Zoe Levert Bonus Questions: How many contestants will cover songs originally sung by a band / group (duos included)? (30 points) - 3 Who will be the 3rd contestant (out of 12) to perform on Monday night? (30 points) - Nathan Chester
  3. Actually has a shot at winning: 1. Madison Curbelo - On the app, she got an 88% for the Blinds (4th highest), won her battle (roughly 4.2 of those little notches), had a 79% steal percentage (highest for both Battles and Knockouts), and a 94% for the Playoffs (highest overall). She's done so well, her voice has been consistent, and she's the type of singer I think the general demographic would support. She's young, cheerful, and humble, and the underdog story of being a no-chair turn into someone so successful would be a great selling point. 2. Josh Sanders - 93% app score? Country male? Team Reba? Oh, he's taking it. The reason he's not number 1 though is because Karen has outperformed his FB numbers for both Knockouts and Playoffs. However, he's a pretty safe bet to make the finale and probably wouldn't finish lower than 3rd. Not to say it isn't deserved, mind you, he's a great singer but I'd rather have other people win. Finale-bound, whether through a public vote or the Instant Save: 3. Bryan Olesen - Such a talented singer and his app scores agree, tying for 2nd highest for the Blinds (89%), winning his battle and having the 2nd highest steal percentage for both Battles and Knockouts (73%), and tying for 5th for the Playoffs (89%). Him being well-known is quite a double-edged sword since people can vote for him blindly on past merit but it may cause people to turn on him Wendy Moten style. Nevertheless, his lane is wide open for him and it's pretty friendly for the show's main demographic so he should be good even if his FB numbers aren't as strong as some of the others. Also, if anyone from this tier could win, it's going to be him. 4. Karen Waldrup - Unfortunately, Karen has committed the cardinal sin of being *checks notes* a Woman, especially as a country artist given the recent history of female country singers not taking home the title. She's such an incredible singer though that I still feel she's going to make it to the end without a sweat. She's had very good app scores so she should be fine but you never know. 5. Nathan Chester - He's gotten so much support both on the app and on FB that it's such a toss-up whether he or Bryan is John's frontrunner (honestly, considering Bryan barely won the battle and the two of them tied with 89% for the Playoffs, they're probably on the same level). His style is super friendly to the audience and his likability is through the roof. Some might complain that him sticking with such a style may make him seem one-note but it's been working out so well for him that deviating from that may shoot him in the foot. You're landing in that Semifinals Instant Save whether you like it or not: 6. Maddi Jane - That 93% is doing so much heavy lifting in her ranking here because that is not a score I would expect from someone who lost to Kamalei in the Knockouts app vote. Granted, maybe Chance finally found the perfect route for her in this competition since she performed her best during the Playoffs and had a great showing during her Battles. I'm still uncertain whether that 93% could carry her all the way to the end so I'll put her here, though honestly, out of everyone in this tier and the tier below, she has the strongest chances of winning the Semifinals Instant Save. 7. Zoe Levert - Just like Maddi, Zoe's 87% is carrying her odds of making it far. Her style is pretty accessible and she seems sweet enough to be viewed positively by the audience. She's continuously growing each round and I think she should have enough support to at least be publicly voted into the Semifinals but lose to someone with a stronger voice. One of you is winning that Top 12 Instant Save: 8. Asher HaVon - It completely sucks to put him here because my opinion is that he should be higher up (the tier above) but the fact that he has the 3rd lowest app score out for the Playoffs (82%) should be a warning sign that he's not as safe as many think he is. His FB numbers are incredibly strong though so I understand why people think he's someone to look out for but the main demographic's biases could be strong enough to work against his odds. 9. Serenity Arce - She's a young and talented singer, being able to emote well for someone her age. She has good app results but she's still in the bottom 5 out of the Top 12 for the Playoffs (84%) so she's not completely out of danger just yet. 10. Tae Lewis - As much as I wanna put him in the tier below, I definitely think he has a strong shot at winning the Instant Save (if he's there) since he's a country singer. He has the same app score as Serenity in the Playoffs (84%) but Tae is bombing in terms of FB numbers so he's definitely in the most danger out of these three. I like you so much but unfortunately, you're goners: 11. L. Rodgers - The second lowest out of the Top 12 for the Playoffs with 78%, a 33% turn rate for the Blinds, losing her battle, and a 39% steal rate for the Battles. These scores do not paint a very bright future for L in this competition. It's a shame since she's so good but the demographic is not very supportive of her so we'll likely be seeing her get eliminated in the Top 12. 12. Nadège - She's gotten similar app percentages across her three rounds but when she's 16th out of the 20 artists in the Playoffs app vote, it's hard to think that she can somehow pull it off to survive the first live show. I am glad that she made it this far since the beginning of her Playoff performance was super pretty and I want to hear something as pretty as that again from her.
  4. Gonna guess they both made it (both make sense anyways given their coaches). It'd be so unfair to Mafe, Kamalei, Anya, and Olivia if theirs didn't get posted but the ones who got eliminated this week did.
  5. Do we know how long ago those dates were posted? Since they filmed the playoffs a while back, maybe Bryan already scheduled for those dates knowing he was eliminated Or hopefully, he made it to the live shows which explains the gap between the band's April and May shows but miscalculated the live show weeks by one week. VOTA's last April show is on April 24 while the first May show is on May 19 so maybe he thought the live shows would be between April 29 and May 13
  6. Really sorry if this has been asked before but were S24 and S25's battles and knockouts also filmed back-to-back or was it only the blinds?
  7. Did the app show how many would steal AJ? Or was that not asked because AJ vs Anya was a semi-montage?
  8. May I be added hehe She's currently my second favorite in the entire competition, and it pains me that she's being slept on by so many people. I hope she makes it far
  9. Is there a chance that Olivia wins against Jackie and remains in Team John until Playoffs while Jackie is stolen by D+S during Battles and then stolen by Reba during Knockouts? Or has the source outright stated that Jackie wins her battle? Sorry I get a little confused
  10. I don't think any of Team John's would be montaged since they could've just aired the montage during this recent episode (so that each coach had one battle) instead of having maybe two montages next week.
  11. Lila always has the best reactions so I hope she wins it all because I want to see how she'd react
  12. Final Questions 1. Who will win The Voice? (80 points) - Huntley 2. Who will be the runner-up? (60 points) - Ruby Leigh 3. Who will finish in 3rd place? (60 points) - Mara Justine 4. Who will finish in 4th place? (40 points) - Lila Forde 5. Who will finish in 5th place? (40 points) - Jacquie Roar 6. Who will open the finale? (30 points) - Mara 7. Who will close the finale? (30 points) - Huntley 8. At least one of the songs performed on Monday will have ‘Love’ (or any variation of the word) in the title, true or false? (20 points) - True 9. Which contestant will finish their set first? (30 points) - Jacquie 10. Will any contestant perform a song released in one of the following years - 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003, 2012? (20 points) - Yes Bonus Questions Which coach-contestant duet will perform fourth on Tuesday? (30 points) - John and Lila Of the 10 songs that will be covered on Monday night, how many of them are “repeats” from the last 2 seasons - S22 and S23? (30 points) - 3 Predict (again) the song choice of one of the Top 5 contestants. You can only make one guess (if you get the artist right, 20 pts, if you get both song and artist, 40 pts) - Huntley - The Sound of Silence (Disturbed)
  13. Top 9 Questions 1. Which 4 singers will be voted through by the public? (80 points) - Ruby - Huntley - Nini - Bias 2. Who will land in the Bottom 5? (100 points) 30 bonus points if you guess the order correctly. - Jacquie - Lila - Jordan - Mara - Mac 3. Who will win the Instant Save? (40 points) - Mac 4. Who will open the Top 9? (30 points) - Huntley 5. Who will close the Top 9? (30 points) - Ruby 6. Who will be the first person called safe by America? (30 points) - Huntley 7. Which team will finish second on Monday night (finish = all members have performed)? - Team John 8. Will someone pull the God card (singing gospel / CCM, songs with God in the title…) on Monday night? (30 points) - Yes (most likely Bias but if not him, maybe Mac or Jordan) 9. Every team will be represented in the finale, yes or no? (20 points) - No 10. How many contestants will use a mic stand during their performance? (20 points) - 2 (Lila and Ruby probably) Bonus Questions Who will be the third contestant interviewed by Carson Daly? (30 points) - Jacquie Predict the song choice of one of the Top 9 contestants.. You can only make one guess (if you get the artist right, 20 pts, if you get both song and artist, 40 pts) - Ruby - Let Me Down Easy (Billy Currington) Super Bonus Question Can you guess the Top 9 trios? (20 points for each trio, 60 points in total) - Jacquie, Mara, Huntley - Ruby, Lila, Nini - Jordan, Bias, Mac
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