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Posts posted by Jaffy

  1. 13 minutes ago, Gustavo527 said:

    Yeah, Tanner is gonna win, Bias is gonna be runner-up, Chechi sucks and Gwen is an excellent coach that made the right decisions and now is gonna win the whole season. You are right on everything, congratulations. Bye 😊

    I didn’t say that. I think Chechi has more talent in .1% of her pinky than Tanner, Bias & the rest of the top 12 have in their entire bodies. That’s a hypothetical. I’m saying I don’t get why IDF are shocked. She’s got to keep her team as minivany as possible to have a chance to make it farther than last place. It’s super unfair. She wouldn’t have gotten runner up with Wendy Moten on her team because Minivan are racist & sexist assholes & only vote for AA women if they’re on team Blake. He could afford to drop Carson Peters & Neil Salsich in the KO’S. Gwen doesn’t have that power. Wendy could have won if we let her. We preferred GNT.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, m1key said:

    IDF is where people go to stan female artists (specifically AA powerhouses, pop girlies, and indie girlies) because as we know, those types are not usually appreciated as much by Minivan or the show. Here, they are appreciated and recognized fully! Naturally, people are going to be upset when they get eliminated. This is how IDF always has been and it's not going to change 💀


    Anyways, back to lurking for me!

    I get being upset or even angry at Gwen but being shocked Tanner & Bias making it? Declaring Chechi was going to win the entire season on team Gwen. What?! Maybe if she was on Team Blake. But Gwen?! 

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, FloorWax said:


    Yup, that's exactly what I meant. /s

    Yeah. Or like when they had the super save & they were like it better be Chechi as if Chechi getting the super save was confirmation she was going to win the entire season. Gwen had an all female team, Rose, Joanna & Myracle. She lost. She had an all male team. Carter & Ben. She won. Does anyone think Chechi had the slightest chance to win the entire season? “YAAS because she’s a talented Kween” is not an answer. Talent doesn’t deign shit. It’s unfair to say she should have dropped both Tanner & Bias. Plus, maybe she feels more of a connection with her younger contestants. Why keep a contestant she doesn’t give two craps about that she’s going to resent working with just to make 1 forum on the internet happy? Even if Tanner & BIAS are the top 2 (they won’t be), people will say Chechi was robbed gurl. 

    • Like 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

    Some of IDF is definitely delusional though. :giggle:

    Yeah like a few people said Gwen should have dropped both Tanner & BIAS. She’s not insane. She knows they’re the most minivan friendly. Yes Rudi & Chechi are more talented. That doesn’t deign shit. She dropped Jay Allen. He could have been her slim chance at the top 5. People yelling because Kelly chose Tanner over Marissa before Marissa flipped her lid on Instagram. Maybe because she’d won her last season with a country guy & was being realistic! 

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, m1key said:

    I mean yes, IDF does have biases to AA and indie singers, but I don't think anybody here is delusional enough to think it is possible for a whole Top 20 to be made up of them 💀 Everyone here has been to this rodeo far too many times before lol.

    But it’s like they seemed shocked that any of the indie women & AA women were dropped in the KO’S & playoffs despite being better than the men, when that literally happens every year. Like since season 2 which I didn’t even watch until I had to for my if the winners battled. 

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Jaffy said:

    I feel like IDF has the delusion that the top 20 is going to be AA & indie females only every year when that’s never going to happen. We are never getting a country free, male free top 20. I don’t want one either. It’s mostly women. Be happy about that.

    @allistr @FloorWax you can want it. You can manifest it. Do you two honestly believe it? That we’re going to get a top 20 without a single male contestant or country girl. Be realistic. We’ve never had an AA woman winner. EVER. We can count on one hand the number of indie women who won. Brynn, Maelyn, Gina.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

    Azán must have had a D. Smooth level Playoff performance because otherwise her advancing doesn’t make a lot of sense? As RTV said, she lost both her Battle and KO. (Then again, so did Craig Wayne Boyd but…)

    But Craig was a country guy & stolen by Blake. If JDC didn’t flop it would have been him joining Reagan & Jessie. But nowadays it would be Craig, JDC & Reagan.

    • Like 2
  8. 19 minutes ago, Teraginn said:


    I feel like you're working on some assumptions that are very questionable right now. Minivan still has some hold on the voting, but not as strong as before, since they made the switch to limit voting to one per account (am I remembering that right?). I fully believe that shift is what gave Niall the win last season.


    We absolutely have no reason to believe there is a Team Reba voting bloc ready to push for her artists ala Blake. I know Reba is charismatic and has wide appeal, but Blake cultivated his fanbase for years. Does Reba have that kind of pull? Remains to be seen.


    And you are also vastly overestimating Tanner. The only way teens get success nowadays is if they're country, projects as really young, or on Team Blake. I feel like Tanner doesn't fit that. Maybe he's monstrously skilled and we're not seeing it yet. But yeah, jury's still out on that.

    Fair enough. But this is my prediction & will remain so for the rest of the season until the 1 or 2 weeks of live shows. I don’t think Tanner is monstrously skilled. I don’t think he’s even that talented. THAT DOES NOT MATTER. He could easily be Kique or Ryan Sill though.

  9. @Hamza Tufail since I was mostly right
    This has nothing to do with talent. I do not have the delusion that Tanner or BIAS are more talented than Kara.


    Power ranking how the top 12 will do without team quotas. Prepared to Flop. Again: This is NOT based on talent.


    1. Nini - I predict she will win if they want a Niall win. She’s his best singer IMO.


    2. Ruby or Jordan - I think Reba is the new Blake so two country girls on her team will be number 2 & number 3. Ruby might win, but 3 country girls in the top 12 could result in some vote splitting come the finale. If a country singer wins though, it will be Ruby, but Jordan could overtake her as runner up if Ruby does not win.


    3. Jordan or Jacquie - If minivan doesn’t like Jordan, Jacquie could be 3rd placer instead of her, but she won’t beat Ruby.


    4. Jordan or Jacquie - If Nini wins, I could actually see three country girls being 3 of the 4 runners up.

    5. Mac - We need a soulful r&b singer in the finale from Team John. Rose, DeSz, J. Holiday, Victor, Jershika, NOIVAS, etc. A few seasons ago Lila could have pulled a Maelyn, but not anymore. I don’t entirely blame John for that.


    6. Tanner - No he is not a good singer. THAT DOES NOT MATTER. I know I said he was going to win but I wasn’t thinking clearly after Chechi got eliminated sorry. Mixed bag. If their are team quotas, he could be Gwen’s finale representative as a teenage boy, attracting the weird moms from minivan who find him adorable. I could see him winning or pulling a Kique. I’m deeply sorry but Chechi would have been much lower on here. That’s not fun but it’s realistic. If she was Team Reba maybe she could break the curse & win, but on Team Gwen it wasn’t going to happen.


    7. Lila - Team John made up half the top 8 last year. She will likely beat the top 12 but not make the finale. She’s like the Kim of the season. Kaylee would have been the Parijita. If she was on Team Niall I could see her winning, but their coach makes a huge difference.


    8. BIAS - This list is not about talent. It’s realistic. Country Britton Buchanan had a terrible audition but he’s young & has a folk country sound that could help him. He’s not going to win the entire season because he’s on team Gwen & this is not a country guy’s season but I think he has a chance to make it past the top 12 eliminations.


    9. Huntley - Like I said above, this is not a country guys season. I am a fan of his though as you can see that I was made OP of his fan thread. But yeah, if there are team quotas, Nini is representing Team Niall. If a country guy somehow miraculously wins this season (it’s not going to happen) it’s going to be BIAS.


    10. Mara - If she was on Team John & this was a male heavy season, I could see her getting 5th over Mac, but with so many females, I don’t think she’ll go that far. If she was on Team Reba, 3rd place maybe if this wasn’t a country girl season. If this was about talent, she’d be much higher. Likely number 4 or even 3.


    11. Kara - She is not a favorite of either IDF or minivan. If their are team quotas & Tanner drops out of the competition for some reason, BIAS will take Gwen to the finale. 


    12. Azán - Do I need to explain further?


  10. @Hamza Tufail @FloorWax @allistr @Gustavo527 since I was mostly right about playoffs.


    Power ranking how the top 12 will do without team quotas. Prepared to Flop. Talent doesn’t deign shit. This is based on how I THINK it will go. Not on how it DESERVES to go.


    1. Nini - I predict she will win if they want a Niall win. She’s his best singer IMO.


    2. Ruby or Jordan - I think Reba is the new Blake so two country girls on her team will be number 2 & number 3. Ruby might win, but 3 country girls in the top 12 could result in some vote splitting come the finale. If a country singer wins though, it will be Ruby, but Jordan could overtake her as runner up if Ruby does not win.


    3. Jordan or Jacquie - If minivan doesn’t like Jordan, Jacquie could be 3rd placer instead of her, but she won’t beat Ruby.


    4. Jordan or Jacquie - If Nini wins, I could actually see three country girls being 3 of the 4 runners up.

    5. Mac - We need a soulful r&b singer in the finale from Team John. Rose, DeSz, J. Holiday, Victor, Jershika, NOIVAS, etc. A few seasons ago Lila could have pulled a Maelyn, but not anymore. I don’t entirely blame John for that.


    6. Tanner - No he is not a good singer. THAT DOES NOT MATTER. I know I said he was going to win but I wasn’t thinking clearly after Chechi got eliminated sorry. Mixed bag. If their are team quotas, he could be Gwen’s finale representative as a teenage boy, attracting the weird moms from minivan who find him adorable. I could see him winning or pulling a Kique. I’m deeply sorry but Chechi would have been much lower on here. That’s not fun but it’s realistic. If she was Team Reba maybe she could break the curse & win, but on Team Gwen it wasn’t going to happen.


    7. Lila - Team John made up half the top 8 last year. She will likely beat the top 12 but not make the finale. She’s like the Kim of the season. Kaylee would have been the Parijita. If she was on Team Niall I could see her winning, but their coach makes a huge difference.


    8. BIAS - This list is not about talent. It’s realistic. Country Britton Buchanan had a terrible audition but he’s young & has a folk country sound that could help him. He’s not going to win the entire season because he’s on team Gwen & this is not a country guy’s season but I think he has a chance to make it past the top 12 eliminations.


    9. Huntley - Like I said above, this is not a country guys season. I am a fan of his though as you can see that I was made OP of his fan thread. But yeah, if there are team quotas, Nini is representing Team Niall. If a country guy somehow miraculously wins this season (it’s not going to happen) it’s going to be BIAS.


    10. Mara - If she was on Team John & this was a male heavy season, I could see her getting 5th over Mac, but with so many females, I don’t think she’ll go that far. If she was on Team Reba, 3rd place maybe if this wasn’t a country girl season. If this was about talent, she’d be much higher. Likely number 4 or even 3.


    11. Kara - She is not a favorite of either IDF or minivan. If their are team quotas & Tanner drops out of the competition for some reason, BIAS will take Gwen to the finale. 


    12. Azán - Do I need to explain further?



  11. 26 minutes ago, Hamza Tufail said:

    One thing I'm almost 100% sure is that Kaylee's gonna be his front-runner. Whether he takes her to the finale, remains to be seen. I mean, she is more appealing to the audience than Omar, but he still managed to go as far as 4th.

    I think Mac will be his frontrunner but I’d love Kaylee to get 3rd place. Imagine Kaylee Vs Thunderstorm in my if the 3rd placers battled. Pure heaven.

    • Confused 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, seak05 said:

    I mean vocally Carter was superior to both Kique and what we’ve seen of Tanner on ig. But comparing a 14 yo boy to a 19yo is just odd and a little creepy. There is just a massive gap between those ages for a boy. And from a purely voice voting perspective, the audience likes younger teens far more than older teens. 

    Cecchi wasn’t really my taste, and my guess is I will like Rudi better overall on the show. But from a technical standpoint Cecchi’s blind was excellent. I doubt there is any chance Tanner is Cecchi’s vocal equal. But there’s a lot more that goes into being a lead singing type than ability to hit a large range of notes. 

    I’m sorry if I offended ya’ll comparing Tanner to Carter & Kique lol.

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