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Everything posted by jarmon

  1. Honestly, I'm just really happy with this F2. Whoever wins, I'm content.
  2. 2 Ciries Vote: Sandra - [X][X][X][X][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Parvati - [X][X][X][X][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Parvati
  3. 1 Ciries Vote: Sandra - [X][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Parvati - [X][X][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Parvati
  4. Mike E. Winfield (AGT 17) Nicolas RIBS (AGT17) Noah Thompson (AI20) Christian Guardino (AI20) Jay (AI20) Jordan Schmidt (AS:BvW) Martin "Marty" Frenette (BBCAN10) Moose Bendago (BBCAN10) Hermon Nizghi (BBCAN10) Jessica "Jess" Gowling (BBCAN10) Tynesha White (BBCAN10) Stephanie Paterson (BBCAN10) Monte Taylor (BB24) Jasmine Davis (BB24) Ameerah Jones (BB24) Indiana "Indy" Santos (BB24) Cynthia Bailey (CBB3) Darrell Taylor & Veronica Portillo (The Challenge:RoD) David Alexander (The Challenge: USA1) Anthony Koutoufides & Jessica Raffa (DWTS:Aus19) Sam Mac & Ruby Gherbaz (DWTS:Aus19) Billy McGuinness & Hannah Kelly (DWTS:Irl5) Carole Edwards (British Bake Off) Rebecca "Rebs" Lightbody (British Bake Off) Jordan Mailata "Thingamabob" (TMS:AS7) Jorge Garcia "Cyclops" (TMS:AS7) Rocksroy Bailey (Survivor 42) Jesse Lopez (Survivor 43)
  5. 5 Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][Cirie][Parvati][Parvati][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra] - SANDRA Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - [Sandra][Cirie][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati]][Parvati][] - PARVATI Sugar - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Cirie][Parvati] - PARVATI Abi-Maria - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Sandra] - SANDRA Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is avote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with themost votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  6. 4 Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][Cirie][Parvati][Parvati][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra] - SANDRA Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - [Sandra][Cirie][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][][][][] - Sugar - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Cirie][Parvati] - PARVATI Abi-Maria - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Sandra] - SANDRA Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is avote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with themost votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  7. 3 Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][Cirie][][][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - [Sandra][Cirie][Parvati][][][][][][] - Sugar - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Cirie][Parvati][][][] - PARVATI Abi-Maria - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Sandra] - SANDRA Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is avote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  8. 2 Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][Cirie][][][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - [Sandra][Cirie][][][][][][][] - Sugar - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Cirie][Parvati][][][] - PARVATI Abi-Maria - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][][][][][] - Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Jenna - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  9. 1 Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][][][][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - [Sandra][Cirie][][][][][][][] - Sugar - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Cirie][][][][] - Abi-Maria - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][Sandra][][][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][Parvati][][][][][][][] - Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Jenna - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  10. oh, bless your heart. i was praying Lady K would get saved by you.
  11. Feel free to cut William Richardson instead
  12. I'll take an Irma cut over Bombae!
  13. LOGAN PALMER Logan Palmer is a videographer who was on The Bachelorette Season 19. This was the season which had 2 bachelorettes, being Rachel Recchia & Gabby Windey. Logan started off as a pretty nice and chill guy and he was pursuing Rachel until he decided, he's not really there for Rachel and has feelings for Gabby. And then bam he confessed his feelings to Gabby and Gabby gave him a chance. It still baffles me to this day because I'm like if this man don't know what he wants, why give him a chance to pursue you? But anyway. He didn't get eliminated, he was just medically removed from the competition in Week 6. He then later appeared on Bachelor in Paradise where he was a mess there, too. But that's a story for another time, k bye now Logan. Save: Leah Marlene.
  14. KYLE MOORE Kyle Moore is a podcaster who was on Big Brother Canada Season 10. He was basically brought because of the mix-up in BBCAN9 with the other Kyle Moore. So yeah, he was really hyped up just to let us down. Man, was he a let down. He just had a horrible personality and not one that I could get behind. He decided to turn against Stephanie for like literally no reason at all and then foolishly thought he had the votes to save her over Josh, like lmao that eviction reaction was iconic. But, yeah. Kyle won 1 HOH and got out his ally and then BAM, he was evicted the very next week on his close ally's HOH, being Gino. Like ngl, that was a dumb move by Gino too like lmao let someone else get out your friend! Why do what the house wants?!?! Like come on now! Anyway, no loss here. Last year, both Kyle's on BBCAN10 and BB24 were disappointments and terrible casting choice and let's hope we never have to see a Kyle again! Save: Joseph Abdin.
  15. Save Leah Marlene & Joseph Abdin Cut Kyle & Logan
  16. 5 ELEMENT (Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow, Cirie Fields) Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][][][][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Andrea - [][][][][][][][][] - Sugar - [Parvati][Parvati][][][][][][][] - Abi-Maria - [][][][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][][][][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI Amanda - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  17. FIXING. ELEMENT (Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow, Cirie Fields) Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][][][][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][][][][][][][] - Andrea - [][][][][][][][][] - Sugar - [Parvati][][][][][][][][] - Abi-Maria - [][][][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][][][][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati] - PARVATI ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  18. 4 ELEMENT (Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow, Cirie Fields) Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][][][][][][][][] - Kim - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][][][][][][][] - Andrea - [][][][][][][][][] - Sugar - [Parvati][][][][][][][][] - Abi-Maria - [][][][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][][][][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][Parvati][Sandra][Sandra][Parvati][] - Natalie - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  19. 3 ELEMENT (Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow, Cirie Fields) Jury Vote: Stephenie - [Cirie][][][][][][][][] - Kim - [][][][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][][][][][][][] - Andrea - [][][][][][][][][] - Sugar - [][][][][][][][][] - Abi-Maria - [][][][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][][][][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Sophie - [Sandra][Sandra][][][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][Parvati][][][][][] - Natalie - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  20. 2 ELEMENT (Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow, Cirie Fields) Jury Vote: Stephenie - [][][][][][][][][] - Kim - [][][][][][][][][] - Amanda - [Parvati][Parvati][][][][][][][] - Andrea - [][][][][][][][][] - Sugar - [][][][][][][][][] - Abi-Maria - [][][][][][][][][] - Jerri - [Parvati][][][][][][][][] - Jenna - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Sophie - [Sandra][][][][][][][][] - Natalie - [Sandra][Parvati][Sandra][][][][][][] - Jerri - Parvati ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can write the name of one castaway. Once a castaway has a majority, they vote for that individual. This is a vote for someone to WIN the game. Please write which Castaway you want to cast a vote and the person they are voting for. Please check for skipped votes and fix if necessary. The Castaway with the most votes will win Best Castaway Ever.
  21. Oh my god I am on mobile, pls can someone fix for me
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