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Everything posted by jayshon

  1. Lol I would not be mad if TPTB doesn’t give a lake the win…. I’d really be satisfied with a Kelly/Ariana win
  2. Lol it was only released in august last year because of Covid! Normal fall seasons always got their premiere date late June.
  3. No but I’m trying to figure out what’s taking them so long
  4. If your super quiet and you “check in” then your really not “here” during the seasonjs
  5. Ughhh and Rizzis Breathin. I guess they can’t put the videos 2 years and older sigh
  6. If Arianators find this then it’s gonna hit the big Ari fan page and then E news will get it, Pop Crave all of them. And we don’t need that kind of attention
  7. Do you like be on idf throughout the season? or just when spoilers come
  8. I’m almost 95% positive we’re getting the normal live season
  9. Question: how did battles and KO go with steals in S17? since they had 12 per team. If we have 12 per team wil we have more steals? And how would the 4 way KO work in this case? 2 steals and a save? Or lol idk
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbSk_6hc1O/?utm_medium=copy_link YES
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