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Everything posted by holinessss

  1. this is the first performance i watched of her preseason and i guess it just stuck, it is from 2017 so hopefully she doesn't revert back to very outdated/affected style of preforming
  2. queen katie lending her keyboard to mike
  3. i worry her theatrics will be off-putting/broadway-ish
  4. minh-ly please chill or win the veto queen
  5. chris targetting the evictors...his MIND!!
  6. omg minh-ly offered van and now sheldon an alliance thing edit: she wants "to go far" with them
  7. minh-ly calling sheldon a robot - her mind!!
  8. chris getting played...all my faves gonna be prejury huh????
  9. chris/kyle/sheldon and someone else is a "final 4" apparently
  10. i'm glad chris is not cemented on the two alliances' targets - minh-ly looks close with chris?? she's been on his hoh bed/sitting next to him, queen get ittttt!
  11. 1. Minh-Ly 2. Jamar 3. Chris 4. Sheldon 5. Vanessa 6. Brooke 7. Hira 8. Angie 9. Madeline 10. Micheal 11. John Luke 12. Rianne 13. Carol 14. Susanne 15. Nico 16. Kyle
  12. jam-ly rise everyone else dies!!!
  13. no offense, but it's been like 3 days
  14. also, very bummed sheldon/van are associated with kyle/suzanne
  15. jamar/hira better have been paying attention to what was going on in that damn room, you two were not in the 6!!!!!!!!
  16. canada voting kyle through...yikes
  17. it's queen minh automatically becoming the hoh
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