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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. You know she’s gonna slay next week too. Both songs…
  2. I prefer Camila to a lot of past coaches, and a couple of the current ones. She’s a natural at this.
  3. Not only that, but she’s way more comfortable in that role than Ariana was. Camila reminds me of Kelly in some ways.
  4. I wasn’t sold on Omar early on, and I’m still not. Other than that big note, I did not like the performance, and I did rewatch it to make sure.
  5. If Morgan, Bryce and Brayden all get a PV, and Kim gets the save, just know I’ll be digging up my preseason power ranking tomorrow night.
  6. Nobody has a bad Facebook ratio tonight, so far. Bodie and Kim are at roughly 15. The others all lower. Bryce has the best ratio, then Morgan. Order could change over time.
  7. Actually…Omar might edge Brayden for 3rd in reacts.
  8. I think he should get the speakers on his TV checked.
  9. The beginning was not pitchy. I’ve watched it 3 times.
  10. The top 3 in Facebook reacts will be Morgan, Bryce and Brayden, in whatever order. Brayden will probably be 3rd. FWIW And I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if all three of those get a PV.
  11. Looks like we can safely call Morgan safe without worrying about the Facebook numbers, because that doesn’t look like it’s going to be an issue.
  12. The only thing that pissed me off was the audience was so loud at a couple points, I couldn’t hear her, and that was when she was belting!
  13. I’ll say this, there isn’t any female in the current country scene who can sing like that, and there hasn’t been for quite some time.
  14. That was brilliant, tbh. As soon as I read that, and looked at the wiki page, I knew that was going to be it.
  15. LMAO at some of the comments. That was one of the best performances in the history of the show.
  16. They’re trying too hard to get John a finalist. I guess it will probably come down to the instant save.
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