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Everything posted by xfactor22

  1. No. It’s what the contestant do with a song whether it’s a good or bad. If someone sings a song I hate in a great and unique way, I’d rank that higher than if someone did bad on a song I love. Basically tone and voice play the biggest ranking factors with
  2. CamWess?? He seems like the typical contestant who gets eliminated in the PO...
  3. @mjdolorico How would you react if Todd Tilghman sang “Halo” tonight?
  4. Team Legend 1. Mike Jerel 2. Mandi Castilo 3. Zan Fiskum 4. CamWess Team Legend Thoughts: Zan is amazing as usual. Mike performed a very captivating song, but I’m not sure it was the best strategic song choice. Mandi did great with her song, even if IDF says otherwise. CamWess did alright, and he has a good voice, but he’s just not in the same league as the other three, and the song choice didn’t do him any favors.
  5. Is it going to be a trend for the last performance of each team to get a terrible song choice. He sings it well though. #ThereAintNoSunshineWithThisSong
  6. Team John 1.Mike Jerel-Smooth and Captivating 2. Mandi Castillo-Beautiful and different from the norm. Since she did well and her stage presence is on point. and she’s from my hometown I’ll vote for her tonight and get other San Antonians to too! 3. Zan Fiskum-Beautiful and Captivating
  7. I mean Mike, Mandi, and Zan all have had some great performances. Evan CamWess is good, even if he’s not as captivating as the others. I assume it’s just IDF hating on John Legend as usual. Singing in a genre you don’t like does not equal a bus.
  8. Go Mandi. #SanAntonioVoteSavagely #Unique #SheHasHerOwnLaneInTheCompetition
  9. Damn his voice is so smooth and tinder. However this throwback genre might not be the most popular with voters. #GreatPerformanceButWishedHeUsedThePiano Team John 1. Mike Jerel-Smooth and Captivating 2. Zan Fiskum-Beautiful and Captivating
  10. Not really. All 4 teams are pretty even, but John has like 3 pretty amazing contestants.
  11. Team John. 1. Zan- Beautiful voice and captivating emotional performance
  12. I give credit to Zan for singing a unique song choice and it works for her. She is so emotional. #GoSecondComingOfAlisanPorter
  13. Pre-playoff thoughts Zan-amazing emotional connection ability Mandi C-#SanAntonioRules #SanAntonioRepresent. She’s also good and has great versatility and stage presence. CamWess-He’s alright Mike Jerel-He’s pretty great.
  14. I really don’t care who’s closing as long as it’s deserved.
  15. This song is yikes due to SOTT. Note: When the original isn’t even that good, don’t try and cover it 1. Arei Moon 2. Allegra Miles 2. 5 Roderick Chambers 3. Thunderstorm Artis 4. Michael Williams Overall Kelly’s team is pretty decent. Arei just keeps getting better and better. Roderick sadly took a fall, Thunderstorm and Allegra are doing as good as they usually do (which is pretty good). Michael took a small tumble.
  16. I guess people can be upset about favorites getting songs they don’t like. speaking of songs i don’t like...this song is terrible, yet it gets done almost every season
  17. 1. Arei Moon 2. Thunderstorm/Allegra 2.5. Roderick Chambers
  18. I mean I’d rather have these than the dog face filters
  19. Roderick, I was rooting for you, but your falsetto, while it’s good, shouldn’t take up 75% of the song not to mention the song’s melody is weird...what song is this even???
  20. They both were pretty even. I preferred Thunderstorm due to the fact Allegra sang NYSOM
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