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Everything posted by Teraginn

  1. They had to have been hiding the talent for this week. Right? #cope
  2. Imagine if John uses his Block so late and the person didn't even choose him
  3. The fact that he's harping on that one country season from 6 seasons ago should tell you country people aren't picking him for a reason LOL
  4. It's like they're making it up for the female country dominance last season by throwing us so many male country.
  5. I don't follow Niall enough to know his voice. So I was shook when I heard how clear his voice was.
  6. I think it happened way back. But I doubt editors will let him finish tonight.
  7. we been knew though with D+S's performance last season. It's like finding out Niall has some pipes too
  8. I didn't expect Shay to be such a showboat on this show, he's essentially Christina Aguilera with all that singing to the contestants
  9. I'm sad Shay is stuck in country. He has a perfect pop voice.
  10. I'm ready for it TBH. I want to see some of these artists start improving
  11. Why does this stream run perfectly on commercials and suddenly stutter before the singing starts ugh
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