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Everything posted by psterina

  1. A lot of word salad. Let's see .... word salad or 500 signed affidavits? Gosh .... hmm ... which choice, would I have more faith in? LOL
  2. If Romney heard all the evidence presented today, and is saying this, then By "overturning" the election, he means counting all the real ballots. Strange, why that is so scary for them? Hmmmm.... I am really excited, to see this all unfold.
  3. Also .... Tucker does know who butters, his bread. And, I came across THIS
  4. And he's a war monger. That's why the neo-con wing of the Republicans, go to bat for him. Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma .... Joe's their guy
  5. The evidence, will be presented in the courts. They cannot disclose EVERYTHING, right now. They stated so, during the press conference.
  6. The software, was created back then. Anyway, anyone, can research, and look it up. Who knows, if it was used in our previous elections. But .... there are certain things, that tipped them off, regarding the software. you might want to re-think listening to this, as it is nowhere, from being over., and there is a lot of election fraud evidence. A lot. You will see. The court trials, haven't even begun.
  7. Guilliani, regarding the software that switched votes. Is any of the lying, corrupt, main stream media, talking about this? We all know, they're not. So, here ....
  8. Apparently, a memory card, with votes was found .... in GA. Here's the details
  9. LOL. That's actually hysterical ! 1st of all, can you find even one post, that I have posted of Keean? I don't even know who he is. Anyone, can see ...... that I have been bringing the lawyer's info ( Guilliani, Lin Wood & Sidney Powell), regarding the Dominian fraud, in the U.S. Election. Come to think of it, I don't think ANYONE, has posted Keean, in IDF. The FACT is, we did use Dominian voting machines. The MAIN THING .... is that it is the SOFTWARE, which is the MAIN PROBLEM. And, it wasn't just the Dominian machines, that used this software. Software that was ACTUALLY DESIGNED, to flip votes. At least 29 states, used this software. I will be bringing updates, from the lawyers, and those sites, who post the lawyer's info.
  10. Major developments in key states | Sidney Powell
  11. As a democrat, I have to admit, that my party (not for long), has become synonymous with "censorship & corruption". At what point, did it turn from being the party of great ideas, free speech, anti war etc etc? I am not sure, but .... I am sure, after witnessing for myself, that the world, has turned upside down!!! And a big thanks, to those pointing it out the suppression & censorship ... BIGLY. Here's Ted Cruz, skewering Twitter Founder, Dorsey during todays Election Suppression Hearings
  12. If that's how you want to refer to the ACTUAL words, of Trump's Legal Team, all I can say is ... W H A T E V E R ... The proof is in the pudding Ignore it, ridicule it, but .... it doesn't change the truth, of what happened. And, with that said, here's Sidney Powell (also on Trumps legal team), as she gives us more info, regarding this "special" software, used to flip votes, from Trump to Biden.
  13. WOAH .... Trump's legal team, is Not messing around! I will also bring Sidney Powell's thread, here.
  14. One, would think that. right? HOWEVER .... that is not the case. What they are finding, is that it is consistently flipping, from Trump to Biden. We just cannot, have this level of corruption! Trump's lawyers, have said, that by the end of this week, they will be able to present the evidence, to the public. So ... In the meantime, more comes out about voter fraud
  15. There's more, than enough evidence ...
  16. This is across 29 states. And, maybe ALL of them Sidney Powell, will be releasing the KRAKEN, and possibly, by the end of this week.
  17. The corrupt corporate/pharmaceutical owned media, is The Major Source Of Misinformation. Period. End of Story.
  18. You literally brought something, that had nothing to do, with Trump's REAL contested states, and THOSE ACTUAL Election Fraud Court Cases. The link, that you posted, those lawsuits, were cases, that were brought forth, from voters. It was deceptive, and it deceived you, and I'm sure, thousands of other people. If people aren't aware of the true cases, that are being brought to challenge the Election, by Trump's legal team, the media knows how, to fool you/them. It's what they do ... propaganda. You brought that article here, assuming that Trump's cases, were being thrown out. Right? They're not. And no, I am not sorry, for pointing out the truth. Also ... You using CNN, as proof that Biden won. Seriously? The media shouldn't claim it, until the state's call it, and the Electoral College finalize it. So .... NO, Biden has not won it. It is absurd. It doesn't matter how much the media, puts it out there. That, is not how it works. Also ... I capitalize, in order to highlight something, to emphasize something. And, not as a form of screaming.
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