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Everything posted by Erestor

  1. No problem! It was all confusing to me before as well
  2. To clarify, the backdoor eviction will not be shown tonight and there’s no live stream tonight:
  3. While I am not agreeing with everything Chanelle says and she does stir the pot sometimes, I think everyone in that house talks smack about other housemates and it just depends on who you like the most to be more relaxed in terms of how much it bothers you. For example, Jordan/Trish/Yinrun/Matty/ Henry group talking about Dylan and changing the subject the second they saw him going upstairs. But that being said I prefer it when Chanelle hangs out with other housemates than, let’s say, Paul. I am glad we are all in agreement about Noky though It seems someone is getting evicted via flash vote during Late and live tonight.
  4. @*Chris and I are advancing: Caitlynn Lawson & Marko Germar - "Heavy In Your Arms" - (Jazz by Sonya Tayeh) Marko Germar & Lauren Froderman - "Shirk" - (Contemporary by Tessandra Chavez)
  5. Erestor

    Survivor UK

    I had no idea this would be airing, but I watched the live premiere & the second episode as well. It seems it’s been almost 20 years since the last UK Survivor. For someone who hasn’t followed most of the recent US seasons, I like that they keep it simple/ old school far. But I hope for some blindesides and twists as well! Even though they have lost 3 challenges, I prefer Caletón tribe and I like most of the contestants there, especially Laurence, Nathan, Jess and Tinuke. La Nena tribe is very strong at challenges but some of those people got cocky very quickly - there’s also a clear divide within the tribe. From that tribe I like Christopher the most so far. Lowkey stanning Ashleigh as well for orchestrating Sab’s elimination while sitting out the immunity challenge.
  6. Yeah it does feel like more people are questioning her/ thinking she is not genuine. Personally, I don’t see it. Anytime I tune in to watch the live stream, she’s always hanging out with different housemates and having fun. But I do expect her to be nominated because for some reason she gets blamed for everything. On a side note, Olivia revealed on the live stream last night that she won’t be friends with Kerry after the show. I am really curious about the nominations/ evictions schedule - we are halfway through the season with only 3 evictions.
  7. Just caught up on the episode. I am surprised that Hallie was evicted. I definitely did not want to see her go. I can’t believe people kept boring and annoying Dylan over her. For the 3rd week in a row I am in the minority side of the vote.
  8. Heavy in Your Arms or To Love You More anyone?
  9. Loved this sweet moment between Chanelle and Trish. I can’t believe I am saying this but Olivia has actually grown on me a lot, her comments are hilarious and another person I had no idea would grow on me is Henry. I kinda have been in the same situation as he’s right now with Jordan and Matty so I feel bad for him sometimes Kerry is back to being her usual self
  10. Yeah not gonna lie but the crying in jail was bit too much, I mean it was not that big of a deal especially with what she’s actually said
  11. They do show it on BBUK social media accounts: Same here. Oh yeah, that’s a fair point. I do think that this week’s task kind of ruined their relationship with of them being Queens and showing a different approach to the tasks. It highlighted differences between them. I hope it was just for one week though.
  12. Yes! It would have been Hallie vs. Trish with 5 votes each I really hope Trish does not go, she grew on me a lot this week plus this eviction pattern so far is not cool. That being said my votes went to Dylan and fingers crossed that I am in the majority for the first time. Also I am sad that Chanelle and Noky nomimated each other. Especially surprised that Noky did not nominate Paul instead after his behaviour towards her
  13. Caytlinn Lawson & Robert Roldan - "In For The Kill" - (Jazz by Sonya Tayeh) Top 10 Girls - "Pop Drop & Roll" - (Jazz by Sonya Tayeh) Caytlinn Lawson & Mitchell Kelly - "Put It In A Love Song" - (Samba by Jean-Marc Genereux) Caytlinn Lawson - "The Edge Of Glory" - (Jazz) Jess LeProtto & Kathryn McCormick - "The Lonely" - (Contemporary by Stacey Tookie) Caitlynn Lawson & Ivan Koumaev - "Let Me Love You" - (Hip-Hop by Marty Kudelka) Caitlynn Lawson - "Touch" - (Contemporary) Melanie Moore - "My Love" - (Jazz) Melanie Moore & Robert Roldan - "Sacrifice" - (Contemporary by Stacey Tookie)
  14. Lol same here, I definitely thought it would be Paul, Kerry and Noky Bless Yinrun for breaking the rules and accidentally putting Dylan on the chopping block as a result
  15. So it’s team Jenry after all
  16. I swear if they are both nominated against each other I think Paul should get enough votes to be up on the chopping block though
  17. Finally. It feels like it took us ages with this one Not bad option for a winner even if it was a Contemporary not lyrical hip hop
  18. Well to nobody’s surprise, I will give my public immunity to US6 contestant that I ranked at #20 pre-season (R.I.P. old IDF)… Kathryn
  19. I will hopefully get to it once I am done with my Diploma assignment I wish you played with us
  20. Olivia has become more likeable when she ditched Paul
  21. This Trish and Noky’s convo.
  22. Kerry in the smelling challenge I am gonna admit she had a funny week so I’d rather keep her over Paul
  23. Paul coming after Queen Noky? he’s moving to the last place in my ranking Omgash that fight over eggs was the funniest thing ever Kerry is comedy gold
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