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Everything posted by Jonathan

  1. I really believe this will be the ticket.
  2. Damn a Biden landslide is looking good!
  3. Joe needs to announce her as his VP already and move on. Together they will be unstoppable and the earlier they make it official the better. I'm already looking forward to her 2024 campaign when Joe bows out for a 2nd term and let's her take over. It will happen.
  4. I'll be on the way home from work tomorrow at 4 so I'll be jamming out in the car!
  5. . They have already shown on the news North Koreans laying flowers out for him I guess at the palace or the hospital.
  6. I'm in grocery management. I'm working more than I even did before the virus. Tons of overtime. We're hiring so many people who had been laid off of other professions.
  7. Disgusting sociopath. That's all there is to him.
  8. I agree. I voted for Gore in 00 and Bush in 04. That was the only time I voted Republican for President. But I have never thought Bush or McCain and Romney would have been a human disease on America like Trump always has been. Before Trump a Generic Republican was policy disagreements with me, not life threatening evil and incompetence like the party has become under Trump. I grew up with Reagan and Bush Sr as men to look up to in my household as a child. I would never want any child to look up to Trump or any Republican today defending his brand. This is not how the Republican party, once a truly great one, was supposed to end up. Trump would have fired Eisenhower too.
  9. I was wondering when the Christians were going to blame vaginas.
  10. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-country/asleep-at-the-wheel-ray-benson-coronavirus-covid-19-975887/
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