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Posts posted by sneaky

  1. With the season winding down we are close to an AL East Title. I'm not too optimistic about a world series run with all the young pitchers and injuries but I'm proud of our little team that could. Only a fraction of the payroll of Boston and NEw york

  2. 10 hours ago, Drew said:

    What does everyone think about the Texas abortion law?

    I think I hope they have a plan for all the unwanted babies but I know they don't.


    Technically, the fetus is "alive" but during the first trimester there is no CNS and thus no sentience. To me if the mother is a drug addict or just a selfish person that can't handle a baby its better to abort than the baby end up most likely abused in a foster care system.


    Its also weird because they say its about the children but then most of them are against any sort of help for said child and parent. And even if they dont like big govt majority of the times they are even against gay adoption which requires no govt intervention. And then I would just say if you have a problem with first trimester abortion but no problem with bacon that came from a pig with the intelligence of a toddler raised on a factory farm and brutalized its whole life then I just dont get it.

  3. 6 hours ago, monkshood said:

    Sorry, but this is just a sick attitude, or projection from the left, or both. In case you haven't noticed, the alternative to Biden--Kamala the Kackler--is possibly worse.


    P.S. How are those drug cartels going?

    As I stated earlier where was the outrage all these years Americans were dying in the middle east?


    Thanks for proving my point about foreign ignorance with that Mexican reference though.

  4. 2 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

    It’s actually a combination of anger and disbelief, but of course they do want these people gone ASAP. I’m sure many who voted for Biden have buyer’s remorse right now. If you don’t, that’s just a reflection of your partisanship. 

    Come on the poll screenshots, the attention grab headlines you know that part of you is a little happy. Its true 13 Americans died in the bombing but 3800 died in a pointless war before this encouraged by Bush, Obama, and Trump. Those on the right had little to no outrage at that. The war has to end at sometime.


    I'm actually probably less aligned  with Biden than you are with Trump. I philosophically and politically have little in common with mainstream Democrats. Heck, I didnt decide to vote Biden until three days before the election and didnt even vote for Hillary

    • Like 2
  5. I think a lot of conservatives are happy right now and hope to smell blood.


    In reality most average Americans care little about foreign affairs. Most Americans cant even say who the Mexican president is or how their modern political system works. And their our neighbors.

  6. People on the middle and left are a lot less likely to be anti vax though. If you're vaccinated you can still get the virus but you are a lot less likely to get hospitalized and the toll on the health care system is the issue right now.


    Although there's been plenty of virtue signaling and hypocrisy  on both sides of this. Just get vaccinated unless you have a pre- existing condition. Then just live life and if its your time then its your time.


    If you're not going to vaccinate then you better work out every day and only eat organic produce or you're just a fool and I don't take you seriously.

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/15/2021 at 7:35 PM, TeamAudra said:

    I think Biden is going to need to level with the American people, own the situation, and attempt to lay out a plan to get us out of this mess. He has to bite the bullet. There is no other way. 

    So... were you for the pull out when Trump started it? 

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

    Most of the comments are old. The first ones that showed up for me are at least a year old. So, this has been up for a while. 65K Is the best they can do? Did you sign it? 😂 

    No, its silly. It sets a bad precedent. But if this was a year ago with the new covid crisis here I bet there will be more to come

  9. I have a suspicion that the vaccines arent as effective as we like to think. By the same token, all these people up in arms about getting vaccinated. Most of them have no problem shoving McDonalds or similar crap in their mouth so its...interesting

  10. I'm not the most scientifically literate person which is my fault but I got the vaccine because I was led to believe that there was a 90-95 percent I would not catch covid. I thought good because i dont want to pass it to someone more vulnerable. Now they're saying it doesnt stop you from getting it but just lessens the symptoms. I feel like there was no point now. I dont care if I get it, I will probably be fine and if not its my time. My whole point was to stop the spread and it looks like it doesnt do that

  11. 5 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

    He’ll have no trouble raising money for a national campaign. 


    BTW, I predict Trump (whether he runs again or not) will try to sabotage him, for whatever reason. There are already reports of friction. Trump usually eventually turns on his allies, when they are no longer of use to him, and Trump is no longer of use to DeSantis either. He does not need his endorsement, or his help in any way. He should avoid him like the plague. 


    I think Republicans will have to pledge allegiance to Trump for at least as long as Trump lives. Heck I'd venture to say if a Republican criticized Reagan 35 years later they would be in big trouble. 


    Its probably the same with Obama and Democrats too

  12. I gotta say I dont really like the below, specifically this paragraph. If they monitor this what else are they gonna monitor?

    Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages. The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.



  13. 1 hour ago, TeamAudra said:

    Thank you. The “racist” thing drives me up a wall. Are there racists in the Republican Party? Yes. Are there also some in the Democrat Party? Of course there are. Speaking of Biden, do we need to dig up some of the stuff he has said again? People who voted for him tend to ignore that, or it gets written off as just being careless with his words. 

    And there is this, which was ignored here a while back when I posted it. 




    And to be clear, I’m NOT a Republican. I’m just tired of the rhetoric used to demonize people who don’t fall in line. 

    I think both Biden and Trump both say a lot of cringey things. They're men that lived through segregation so their worldview is never going to align with people under 50.


    Although I agree with some of Biden's goals I hate the whole fear mongering about white supremacy. Since he's lived so long he knows the history He knows they have little  power in society anymore.

  14. I still am liberal in terms of better wages, better access to education better healthcare, equal rights, enviornmentalism etc. But I hate the way the Democrats and liberals has been trying to divide by identity increasingly often. Even Joe Biden saying that white supremacy is the largest threat to America today. Like...really?? I know one whole racist person and he's a poor old white man with cancer that lives in a trailer. I live in a mixed neighborhood myself. Minorities are not"hunted in the streets" like the rhetoric says

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Jordan Smith Fan said:

    Everyone is allowed to express their opinions. Adam is one of my all-time favorites and when he lost I was so mad because he was better than all the other competitors of his season by a continent mile. I can say anything I want(If it isn't against the forum rules).

    Facts. Adam is the most talented vocalist the show ever had besides possibly Kelly

    • Like 1
  16. Based on American Idol Runs


    1). David Cook

    2). Candace

    3) Fantasia

    4) Caleb

    5) Kelly- *The first few seasons were karaoke and she wasnt very experienced in performance and artistry. If it were today she'd be at the top

    6) Jordin


    😎 Ruben

    9) Carrie- as a pro she'd be top 5 but she was inexperinced

    10) Taylor

    11) Maddie

    12) Kris

    13) Scotty

    14) Lee


    16) Laine

    17) Philli

    18) Chayce

    19) Sam


  17. I've watched Seasons 13-20 and I think this might be the second weakest final behind Season 16. I kind feel Cam is the only one who showed they deserved to be there and in Season 16 I thought only Maelyn showed she was deserving. At least this time the rest of the cast were not just country singers.

  18. 7 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

    There are some things I’ll probably never understand about contestants who come on this show. 

    a) We all know the poor track record of winners from this show. There may be success stories that develop later, but as of right now, nope. Danielle and Cassadee had marginal success, but they were on earlier seasons, when people still cared a little. That was a LONG time ago. Why does every winner think it’s going to be different for them? Do they do everything in their power to stack the odds in their favor, or do they just wait for things to come to them? Some are more aggressive than others at pursuing their dreams, but I think every single one of them could do more. 

    b) Given that poor track record, why do they keep auditioning for the show? 

    I imagine they get paid a little and its still an oppurtunity to have a little vacation and sing on national tv. If you can afford to leave home for a few weeks, why not?

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