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Everything posted by Saria

  1. I totally forgot about his record deal as I was excited about the song. I'm seriously so happy for him.
  2. Omar comes in at 1:10:49. They introduce him and he performs Don't Stop Believing. At around 2:12:10 they introduce him for the final performance, I've Got The Music In Me. These were so good and so effortless for him!
  3. This is a must see interview with Omar. He talks a lot about his life, The Voice, his son's birth while he was on the show, and teases his original music at the end. I think some of us may recognize the original song because it sounds like a song some of you were trying to find the name of recently.
  4. They were excellent, honestly. Deserved the win imo.
  5. Saria

    As It Was

    Cait can really sing but I suppose the arrangement is just not my cup of tea. I really liked Kique's performance instantly and I like it even more now.
  6. Omg. So he's featured in this one as well and sings part of The Way You Make Me Feel at 5:04.
  7. I'm not sure if this was ever posted here but look what showed up in my YouTube recommendations today!!! Apparently it's from 2011 and it's certainly a gem LOL. Very interesting to see him perform Somebody To Love around the 3:19 mark. Even back then he sounded pretty amazing. The song afterwards was cool too.
  8. Add me please! I like that she's influenced by Regina Spektor.
  9. Add me please. They have a nostalgic vibe for me and they're so much fun.
  10. Very few singers can move or excite me. I haven't been rooting for anyone in particular this season this season but Ryley caught me off guard with that audition. Add me please.
  11. I can't believe I missed this clip before! He looks soo young here (he still looks youthful but still). Really really cool.
  12. I haven't listened to this in a while. It's so nice to see him sing something mellow.
  13. https://www.instagram.com/stories/danisaboysname/3050824173615901997/ this was cool
  14. There's a lot happening here but Omar comes in around 3hr mark.
  15. He can do things that we didn't see on the show. I watched parts of the live stream of his band's concert on NYE and saw him performing the rap verse on Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)- it was incredible and he was having so much fun with it.
  16. I don't particularly care. I find it silly to contemplate at this point.
  17. I feel like 'In The Name of Love' was his most important moment of the season. I remember hoping for him to finally sing something less upbeat (even though I loved all of his previous performances) and it turned out amazing. I'm glad he stuck around to the end to show us different skills like playing piano, dancing etc. He had a great journey and at the very least, no one can say that he wasn't versatile, didn't take risks or was boring.
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