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Everything posted by ule

  1. no why did rletto chose one of chance's songs. I'll just have to stan maddie
  2. I just saw rletto's possible song choices for the playoffs, and honestly they made me gag. I hope to god he plays no guidance for the playoffs
  3. Maddie Jade would be a clear front-runner. Serenity could do well with the right song, and if he picks rletto then he can keep flipping pop songs. I just want them to have fun and be bold with their choices even if they get annihilated
  4. i'm so exicted for team chance after hearing chance say that the college dropout was a no skip album. I also hope he lets maddie rap more
  5. I'm just so happy that Chance chose RLETTO, hopefully, we can get more melodic rappers on the show. He represents what so many of us listen to these days and reminds me of a mini Chance.
  6. This is awesome I hope he makes it to the lives. He needs to sing a tyler the creator song
  7. If Rletto or Maddie make it to the lives, I need them to sing either a chance song, a drake song, or a Tyler the creator song if they're feeling naughty
  8. Gabriel foes hoping he goes far
  9. Bring nick joe chance and shakria and kick out the country coaches
  10. Why do Dan and shay want to move the show to Nashville? We just get more country artists and the show would just be another Nashville star
  11. I see Bryce Leatherwood will perform a song called the finger tomorrow and I was wondering if it was any good
  12. Well done to John legend. I see a clear path for you to win with Lila if everybody else vote splits
  13. everybody make sure to vote for tanner and Bias they are so so deserving
  14. If Jacquie is going to be singing a song by a newer female country artist I need her to sing Tennessee Orange by Megan Moroney
  15. Did Deruloo use auto tune during his duet to make Ethan sound more authentic or is it just me
  16. I've heard all the singles and still think that the guys will cancel each other out. Then again Lachie gill won last year so what do I know
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