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Everything posted by Maxwell

  1. Lennon is easily the best of Team Gwen so far. He killed that!
  2. Not perfect, but honestly better than everyone else on Team Gwen so far.
  3. It's the least they could've done after their shameful montage of her.
  4. Whoever is giving her these song choices must hate her.
  5. I don't understand Niall's obssesion with Claudia, Noah 100% deserved that save.
  6. I would pick Noah. He sang with emotion and sincerity.
  7. He was at Capitol Records! They were working on his music, and a tiny snippet is included on slide 4. Super stoked for it! https://www.instagram.com/p/CzhSCmHSTiP/
  8. He did a live earlier today, he said that their episode would air this Monday. It appears that he is still in the west coast. He said that yesterday he had a long recording process, and that he would also be in the studio again today to record. New music is coming very soon. It looks like he also had a reunion with some of the artists from season 23. I believe Kala, Izzy, Cait, Tiana, and ALI were there. They were having a karaoke session. ALI shared some clips to her story. He sang some Bruno Mars, excellent job and killer runs as always! https://www.instagram.com/stories/alicanyouhearme/3233189063343086696/
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