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Posts posted by Misirlou

  1. I´m one of the few that seems to have enjoyed the hell out of Chris´s journey. Added to the fact that he´s right up my alley (country, blues, great lead guitarrist), I do like how he became the official poster kid for "snowflake killer". That dude came out of nowhere, and it was fun as hell lol.


    I enjoyed Kirk´s pre lives, but his live show performances were pretty rough. And his tone is gorgeous, really love the unconventionality of a voice like that for a country singer. But his run wasn´t it. Even if you don´t like Chris, there´s no denying he was more consistent live.

    • Like 1
  2. I preferred Nini overall, but Mara became an absolute beast live, only exception was her Janis Joplin cover. Probably the most consistent contestant of the season alongside Huntley. 


    She also owned that trio performance, easy MVP.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, FloorWax said:

    RLETTO is so obviously a better vocalist than Ray to me I don't know why this is even a debate :ph34rwave:

    Not even a contest. But people are so fixated on the people RLETTO defeated. In the case of Ray, Noivas is Noivas and Nariyella's KO wasnt well recieved either.


    The ironic thing is that he was chosen over Kala as well. And while I think Alyssa and Val beat RLETTO in both rounds, I think THAT'S the Chance decision I disagree with the most.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Kenneth96 said:

    It makes me wonder what might have been had Reba accepted the offer to be a coach in season 1. She probably would have scored 10 wins or more, and left a better legacy than Blake before leaving.

    I´m not sure about that one. Reba is the perfect replacement, but Blake pretty much got The Voice it´s audience for obvious reasons. Minivan (for the most part) respects Reba. They LOVED Blake.

    • Like 1
  5. The producers had a huge hurdle: Finding out the perfect Blake replacement. They must have really been sweating it out ever since Blake presented his intentions to leave the show.


    They finally did it. They got Reba. I'm sure they are not letting her go for a while. And she seems to be enjoying it, so, might as well.

    • Like 8
  6. I´ll give support to the Rletto defense. He wasn´t even close to bad. I don´t think he deserved to win over his opponents, but I really dug his Stay performance, and even thought a steal would have been justified there.


    But some people were acting like he was pretty much garbage, which isn´t the case. 

  7. 7 hours ago, indii said:

    As much as I think Asher had one of the best pre-lives runs of any recent winner, I also think he had one of the worst lives runs of any winner as well, which makes it hard for me to view him as one of the better winners of this show...I didn't care for his Top 12/Top 9 performances at all & IWALY was not as good as I would've thought he'd do with the song. He's clearly very talented but no performance after his PO really stuck out to me at all

    As someone who thinks Nathan's run was stronger and would have given him the win, I highly disagree.


    I understand Asher's song choices didnt let him shine the way he did in pre-lives, but I don't believe there was a single off note from him throughout the lives. He sounded impecable everytime. A lot of winners struggled throughout lives (Of course, they had to sing more weeks, given this trash format, but still).


    I don't think Asher's overall run makes him one of the best winners of all time, but He's definitely not touching the bottom either. In terms of pure vocals, he was probably the best of the season, I have no qualms with that.


    • Like 7
  8. 7 hours ago, indii said:

    As someone who only started browsing this forum around S15: What was the reaction to Chris Blue & Lauren Duski? Lauren is one of my all time snowflakes so obviously I was upset she didn’t win & thought she deserved it over Chris but I thought he was great too, so it’s not the most egregious win in the world. How did IDF feel about that result & that Final 2’s runs’ overall?

    As far as I know, the shitstorm came later, because the hardcore Chris Blue stans are probably not here anymore. The Lauren Duski stans are still here and very vocal.


    I´m sure the Chris Blue stans were just as annoying. 

  9. Truth is this show wasn´t for Chance. He´s into a specific type of music, he knows what he likes. It just happens to be completely the opposite of what the core demo likes, and he refuses to change that.


    And mostly, what IDF likes as well. I think his decisions were absolutely horrible from my perspective, but they made sense to him, so, eh, I get it in a way.


    Everybody else usually either tries to pander to the demo a bit or has a way of making their artists mix what they do with a bit of what the core demo like. Chance doesn´t.

    • Like 3
  10. Gotta give this one props because IDF had ZERO faith in this season on blinds, but it stepped up massively starting with battles and culminated in an extremely competitive top 5.


    It´s an A. 

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