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Posts posted by Dai

  1. 15 minutes ago, FloorWax said:



    The nice comments:


    Of the performances I hadn’t seen yet, I was blown away by “Let Her Go”, “When I Was Your Man”, “A Case Of You”, and “I Put A Spell On You”


    And Jacquie… well now I get why so many call her the best teen vocalist to come on this show.

    I had a feeling you wouldn’t like Jacquie at all :ph34rwave: Guess I was wrong


    Some other great performances that VV didn’t mention:


    Jacquie - Love is Blindness

    Will - At Last

    Kate Robichaud - Sail

    Matthew - Wrecking Ball (I like this even more than Christina’s cover)

  2. 6 minutes ago, Hamza Tufail said:

    Top 10 from s20 onwards:



    1. Cam Anthony - Lay Me Down 8.95

    2. Zae Romeo - Falling 8.85

    3. Zania Alake - Sweet Love 8.66

    4. Victor Solomon - Glory 8.59

    5. Lindsay Joan - Nightmare 8.34

    6. Corey Ward - Dancing On My Own 8.31

    7. Savanna Woods - Zombie 8.24

    8. Dana Monique - Freeway of Love 8.06

    9. Anna Grace - my future 7.83

    10a. Raine Stern - Electric Feel 7.68

    10b. Avery Roberson - If You're Reading This 7.68.       

    I saw this and thought “there was a S20 ratings thread???” and then I remembered it was the one I hosted :dead: #RepressedTrauma

    • Haha 8
  3. Off the top of my head…

    S1: Dia Frampton

    S2: Juliet Simms

    S3: Melanie Martinez

    S4: Sarah Simmons (plenty of good options here)

    S5: Matthew Schuler

    S6: Josh Kaufman

    S7: Taylor Phelan

    S8: Kimberly Nichole

    S9: Amy Vachal

    S10: Moushimi (same as S4)

    S11: Dana? Maybe Brendan?

    S12: Lauren Duski

    S13: Addison Agen (again, so many options)

    S14: Christiana Danielle

    S15: Kameron?

    S16: Maelyn Jarmon

    S17: Myracle Holloway (had a hard time choosing between her, Jake H and Rose)

    S18: Thunderstorm/Zan (can’t choose)

    S19: Payge Turner

    S20: Savanna Woods

    S21: Bekah from GNT

    S22: Devix

    • Like 1
  4. Great write-up. I only have 2 complaints about her run.


    - Nowadays I don’t think a contestant has to “change it up” or switch genres during their run, but in a longer season like S4 it definitely felt necessary. Team Blake didn’t get the memo that year


    - Emotional delivery. I think this is where she struggled the most, the constant smiling during some of her performances was a bit distracting.

    • Like 1
  5. Selfish take:

    It’s a dumb gimmick, and I certainly don’t want it over the save or the 2nd steal, but I don’t think it’s gonna impact me as a viewer. If a personal favorite got the pass I would be annoyed but since that’s not the case I’m “fine” with it.


    (Voted for the second option tho)

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Daillon said:

    I listened to evermore like a year ago or so but I think I put in the background while I was doing some other stuff, so I wasn’t really paying attention (I love champagne problems, that’s all I can tell you lol) I should give it another go.

    Update: just listened to evermore again because I had nothing to do - and yeah it’s really damn good. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Gustavo527 said:

    You don't like evermore?? It's like the same as folklore (but better:ph34rwave:) but somehow it keeps getting ignored by everyone (and The Voice is not the exception😥)

    I listened to evermore like a year ago or so but I think I put in the background while I was doing some other stuff, so I wasn’t really paying attention (I love champagne problems, that’s all I can tell you lol) I should give it another go.

  8. Pretty good!

    1a. Gina vs Kala

    1b. Mannaseh vs Sorelle 

    3. Cait vs Allie 



    4a. Tasha vs EJ

    4b. Jamar vs Mariah



    6. Walker vs Kason - The vocals weren’t terrible but something about this battle really turned me off. It felt like they just phoned it in and called it a day.

  9. 2 hours ago, FloorWax said:


    Interesting, I’m intrigued to see how much I feel like Danielle actually deserved her win. Besides Michelle, who else do you think should’ve been in contention that season? 

    Ftr I wouldn’t say she didn’t deserve her win - she was very consistent and a hell of a singer. It’s more of a “Michelle was better in every way” for me (except vocals maybe, they are probably tied in that department)

    In fact she’s probably the strongest teen vocalist that has ever audition. But S4 was STACKED, and in my completely biased opinion contestants like Amber, Sasha and especially Michelle ticked more boxes than Danielle did.

  10. 17 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

    Since I watched Amanda Brown’s run parallel with Cassadee’s just to make things more enjoyable (I’ll probably do this for every long season from this point onwards), who should I watch in conjunction with Danielle? 

    Who I am kidding, I know its gonna be Michelle.

    I really want to see how you feel about Danielle winning after watching Michelle’s run. People complain about S12 but I always thought Michelle not winning was wayyyyy more questionable :ph34rwave:

    • Like 5
  11. Yeah Cass had a weird run. Her KO was shocking (probably a contender for worst performance from any winner), her low register was non-existent… but like you said she did a full 180º, everything after Hazel Eyes was decent at worst. Definitely not the best winner, but her growth arc was the most impressive out of any of them (this is why we need a longer format TPTB)

    • Like 2
  12. 24 minutes ago, FloorWax said:


    Since I know literally nothing about them, how were Nicholas David and Terry McDermott as contestants?

    They were fine I guess? Good vocalists but I find them very forgettable personally (I would classify Terry as a very good karaoke   singer, and Nicholas… idk, all I can tell you is that he wasn’t my cup of tea at all)


    America made the right choice, imo.

    • Like 4
  13. - I don’t have any nitpicks about Javier’s run on the show but at the same I don’t feel very strongly about any of his performances. Dia would have been my winner, even if he was the superior vocalist.


    - Didn’t remember anything about Jermaine’s journey on The Voice so I had to rewatch his performances, and… wow, I really, REALLY don’t like his voice. He’s definitelt talented but I couldn’t get into anything he did. Again, I would pick the runner-up over the winner (this time without hesitation - Juliet is one of my favorite Voice contestants ever)

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